Limbaugh arrested

Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 04:58 pm
Why do you keep referring to Rush as a 'big game trophy?' Compared to DeLay, Frist, Duke Cunningham, Cheney&Libby, Governor Ryan, and other elected Republican officials, Limbaugh is pretty small potatoes.

Funny, tho!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 05:02 pm
WhoodaThunk wrote:
If would be interesting to have a truly impartial 3rd party read this thread and act as an armchair psychiatrist. Is the right nitpicking by questioning the negative connotations of an actual cuff & stuff arrest? Does the left feel cheated by being deprived of its big game trophy due to his plea bargaining? Which side engages in namecalling first? Most frequently? Which side relies most heavily on invective and perjoratives?


This "left" doesn't feel deprived of anything. Addicts are best treated not imprisoned and persecuted.

The only thing that makes this worth a pinch of **** is Limbaugh's appalling hypocrisy in denouncing addicts and calling for harsh punishment.

Does the right deny that this is wrong behaviour, to assert in an influential public position that people should be treated harshly, while doing what you condemn them for? This idiot presumably had some sort of influence over his listeners.....has he used this justly in this case?

Presumably, if the man had any ethical backbone he ought to be insisting on harsh punishment for himself...

The usual "clinton was bad" crap is not even relevant...unless you have evidence that clinton railed against extra marital sex and/or oral sex,
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 05:11 pm
I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say old Slick Willy never condemned oral sex a day in his life . . .
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 05:20 pm
Whooda, You seem to ignore the simple fact that this was a discussion on "arrest" only. The other side of this coin is his position on people addicted to drugs and homosexuals that he is famous for denigrating. What he says as a popular radio host contradicts his own problems/sexual orientation. That he is a drug addict is another topic.

Drug addition is a disease like cancer or diabetes, and should not be a matter of criticism - whether it involves Limbaugh or anybody else - IMHO.
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Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 05:31 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Drug addition is a disease like cancer or diabetes, and should not be a matter of criticism - whether it involves Limbaugh or anybody else - IMHO.

You know people who chose to have cancer/diabetes?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 05:33 pm
No, but do you know of anyone that chose to become a drug addict?
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Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 05:38 pm
WhoodaThunk wrote:
You can idolize & rationalize all you like but the most telling factor is that the American electorate rejected Gore in the midst of very good economic times due to his association with Clinton. Gore desparately tried to distance himself from the moral vacuum of the Clinton marital circus, but the voters couldn't forget Bubba's quivering lip (which quivered on cue, btw) as he peered into the camera

Wow, thats a staggering rewrite of history.

If anything, Gore was defeated because he was not Clinton. He lost that one all on his own, squandering the opportunity he had to score an open goal.

Let us refresh your memory on this one, Whoodathunk:

Code:Job approval rating

Clinton/Nov-Dec 2000 Bush/April 2005

CBS 68% 33%
NBC/WSJ 66% 36%
CNN/USAT/Gallup 66% 34%
Fox 62% 33%

Yes, you read that correctly; at the time of the 2000 elections, two out of three Americans approved of the job Bill Clinton had been doing -- and that's twice as many Americans as the number of those who now think Bush is doing a good job.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 05:51 pm
And those that continue to support Bush thinks everybody else are liberals and commies.
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Debra Law
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 05:51 pm
WhoodaThunk wrote:
If would be interesting to have a truly impartial 3rd party read this thread and act as an armchair psychiatrist. Is the right nitpicking by questioning the negative connotations of an actual cuff & stuff arrest? Does the left feel cheated by being deprived of its big game trophy due to his plea bargaining? Which side engages in namecalling first? Most frequently? Which side relies most heavily on invective and perjoratives?

Once in a great while, it would be extraordinarily refreshing if truth was practiced rather than obfuscation.

A law was passed to criminalize conduct that would otherwise allow drug pushers (sellers) and drug addicts (users) to get their hands on vast quantities of controlled substances through doctor shopping. This is exactly the type of legislative enactment that Rush Limbaugh preached to the masses that we needed. He demanded tough drug laws. He demanded stiff penalties. He chastised "liberal" judges for letting drug offenders off with little slaps on their wrists.

We know, however, that over a period of a short time, Rush Limbaugh engaged the services of four doctors with each of them prescribing large amounts of controlled substances for Limbaugh's use. Limbaugh confessed that he was addicted to prescription drugs after his employee tattled to the tabloids.

Suddenly, the preacher's sermons didn't apply to the preacher. Forgive me--I'm a prescription drug addict--but I don't deserve to be subjected to tough drug laws--I don't deserve a stiff penalty--I want some liberal judge to give me a slap on the wrist. I want for myself what I claim others are not entitled to have.

Limbaugh got exactly what he wanted. He got leniency. His attorney worked out a PRETRIAL DIVERSION AGREEMENT that allowed Limbaugh to escape the harsh reality of a criminal trial if he complies with all the terms of the agreement. However, the criminal CASE is NOT CLOSED. There was NO plea bargain. The criminal charge is still pending. Limbaugh MUST abide by all the terms of his agreement for a period of 18 months. IF he does so, THEN the criminal complaint against him will be dismissed. IF he does not, THEN the state can still force him to stand trial on the pending criminal charge of prescription drug fraud. In the meantime, Limbaugh is free on bail.

So . . . why can't Limbaugh be honest? Why can't he admit, YES . . . I was arrested. Why can't he tell us the truth and say the following: I voluntarily surrendered myself into police custody--that, "my friends" is an arrest. I was booked, I was fingerprinted, my mug shot was taken. I am free on bail. In accordance with the pretrial diversion agreement worked out between the states attorney and my attorney, I must pay restitution to the state in the amount of $30,000 to cover the cost of the investigation and comply with other terms of the agreement including random drug testing and treatment for my addiction. If I comply as agreed, at the end of 18 months, THEN the criminal complaint will be dismissed. Then--and ONLY then--will the charges finally be dropped and the criminal case against me closed.

But he wasn't honest. He wasn't truthful. He was dishonest. He was deceitful. He lied. Review his lies for yourself:

Rush Limbaugh: Press Reports Bogus, Drug Case Closed

Bogus? Case Closed? He's a lying sack of **** who panders to the terminally stupid. He's a hypocrit. That's why his ARREST made the news.
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Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:07 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
True Set. He uses hot button topics to inflame his audience, which is probably no different than any other talk radio host does, be they liberal or conservative. I wonder if the outrage directed at him is because he has done it so well and become so successful at it.

Wrong, lots of radio hosts do not pander, inflame and lie like druggie does. Not by a longshot, maybe other righties do, but liberal hosts don't.

I just love how when you have no other defense, you resort to the "everybody does it" canard. Really, it gets old.

So,are you saying that Al Franken is no longer on air America?
He is a proven liar also,just like Rush is...


Read the research yourself.
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Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:14 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
True Set. He uses hot button topics to inflame his audience, which is probably no different than any other talk radio host does, be they liberal or conservative. I wonder if the outrage directed at him is because he has done it so well and become so successful at it.

Wrong, lots of radio hosts do not pander, inflame and lie like druggie does. Not by a longshot, maybe other righties do, but liberal hosts don't.

I just love how when you have no other defense, you resort to the "everybody does it" canard. Really, it gets old.

So,are you saying that Al Franken is no longer on air America?
He is a proven liar also,just like Rush is...


Read the research yourself.

He is not a proven liar. I didn't see any proof that he lied about anything. Sorry. And he certainly doesn't try to infalme his audience. In fact, most liberals beef with Franken is, is that he is too moderate. So he doesn't pander, he doesn't lie and doesn't inflame. Of course, facts mean nothing to misery man.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:18 pm
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Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:19 pm
Nimh, I noted the interesting nature of the totals:

CBS 68% 33% Total = 101%
NBC/WSJ 66% 36% Total = 102%
CNN/USAT/Gallup 66% 34% Total = 100%
Fox 62% 33% Total = 95%

This is the real message that Conservatives need to see; that there is about 1/3 of the country who agree with them strongly. The only people left who approve are Bush, are those who disapproved of Clinton at the end of his term.

This whole 'will of the electorate' BS is ridiculous. The die-hards who hated Clinton, love Bush.

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Joe Nation
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:22 pm
I am so glad you have the courage to say:
He is a proven liar also,just like Rush is...

Keep following the lies.

Joe(you know where they lead)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:27 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
True Set. He uses hot button topics to inflame his audience, which is probably no different than any other talk radio host does, be they liberal or conservative. I wonder if the outrage directed at him is because he has done it so well and become so successful at it.

Wrong, lots of radio hosts do not pander, inflame and lie like druggie does. Not by a longshot, maybe other righties do, but liberal hosts don't.

I just love how when you have no other defense, you resort to the "everybody does it" canard. Really, it gets old.

So,are you saying that Al Franken is no longer on air America?
He is a proven liar also,just like Rush is...


Read the research yourself.

He is not a proven liar. I didn't see any proof that he lied about anything. Sorry. And he certainly doesn't try to infalme his audience. In fact, most liberals beef with Franken is, is that he is too moderate. So he doesn't pander, he doesn't lie and doesn't inflame. Of course, facts mean nothing to misery man.

BTW this moron who authors the frankenlies websites refers to obvious jokes as lies. Franken is a comedian, a lot of what he says are JOKES! Like he refers to his game show "Wait, wait, don't lie to me" as having won a Peabody award. Only a real moron would not know he is kidding about that. Of course, BOR claimed he won a Peabody but was 100% serious. And that is the joke. But how do you explain this to ill-informed morons who think Fox News and Newsmax are really fair and balanced.
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Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:33 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
True Set. He uses hot button topics to inflame his audience, which is probably no different than any other talk radio host does, be they liberal or conservative. I wonder if the outrage directed at him is because he has done it so well and become so successful at it.

Wrong, lots of radio hosts do not pander, inflame and lie like druggie does. Not by a longshot, maybe other righties do, but liberal hosts don't.

I just love how when you have no other defense, you resort to the "everybody does it" canard. Really, it gets old.

So,are you saying that Al Franken is no longer on air America?
He is a proven liar also,just like Rush is...


Read the research yourself.

He is not a proven liar. I didn't see any proof that he lied about anything. Sorry. And he certainly doesn't try to infalme his audience. In fact, most liberals beef with Franken is, is that he is too moderate. So he doesn't pander, he doesn't lie and doesn't inflame. Of course, facts mean nothing to misery man.

Since you apparently didnt read the link I posted,I will provide you with one example...

#1: Al Franken's Own WMD

Let's start with an easy one.

On page 225 of Truth, in writing about the lead-up to the Iraq war, Franken asserts that in 1998 (emphasis mine),

"[President Clinton] launched a series of bomb strikes, which, as Bush's handpicked weapons inspectors would later confirm in the Duelfer Report, knocked out all that remained of Saddam's atrophied WMD capacity. The threat to America was obliterated once and for all, even though Saddam was still in place."

The truth? The Duelfer Report says no such thing.1 There's not even a hint of anything like Franken's claim in the report. Franken's assertion is simply baseless and false.

The entire Duelfer Report is over one thousand pages long. Apparently, Franken was hoping that readers wouldn't actually take the time to study it for themselves and find out the truth on their own.2

[ADDENDUM: Franken repeated this bogus claim on the December 7, 2005, episode of Scarborough Country on MSNBC (link).]



1 "Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD," Volume 1 of 3, p. 11. http://www.foia.cia.gov/duelfer/Iraqs_WMD_Vol1.pdf

In fact, the Duelfer Report says this about Clinton's bombings (emphasis mine):

"UNSCOM and IAEA inspectors departed Iraq just before the bombing and never returned. The Iraqis were satisfied with the outcome. They said, given a choice of sanctions with inspections or sanctions without inspections, they would prefer without."

Later (emphasis mine), with the inspectors gone,

"By 2000, the erosion of sanctions accelerated ... Prohibited goods and weapons were being shipped into Iraq with virtually no problem ... Major items had no trouble getting across the border ... Indeed, Iraq was designing missile systems with the assumption that sanctioned material would be readily available."

2 President Clinton's weak strikes on Iraq in December 1998 were called Desert Fox. "Where the WMDs Went" is a must-read article in which Bill Tierney is interviewed. Among his numerous credentials, Tierney was a United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) inspector (1996-1998) for overseeing the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles in Iraq. Here's what he says about Clinton's Desert Fox strikes (emphasis mine):

"Operation Desert Fox was a perfect example of the uselessness of strike operations. Iraqis have told me that the WMD destruction and movement started just after Operation Desert Fox, since after all, who would be so stupid as to start a bombing campaign and just stop.

"It was only after Saddam realized that President Clinton lacked the nerve for anything more than a temper-tantrum demonstration that he knew the doors were wide open for him to continue his weapons program. We didn't break his will, we didn't destroy his weapons making capability (The Iraqis simply moved most of the precision machinery out prior to the strikes, then rebuilt the buildings), but we did kill some Iraqi bystanders, just so President Clinton could say 'something must be done, so I did something'."

#6: The Aircraft Carrier

In a chapter on President Bush and the Iraq war, on page 50, Franken writes (emphasis added),

"[O]n the day when Bush landed on that aircraft carrier dressed in a flight suit ... he declared the war over."

Franken's line has become a common deceit from the left. After the completion of major combat operations, President Bush addressed the nation from the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003.

What did the President really say that day? Here's your answer (emphasis mine):

"We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We're bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous. We're pursuing and finding leaders of the old regime, who will be held to account for their crimes ...

"The transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time, but it is worth every effort. Our coalition will stay until our work is done. Then we will leave, and we will leave behind a free Iraq."1

So did the President declare "the war over"? Quite simply: No.

There are other PROVEN lies and misstatements by Al Franken,and he is a radio talk show host and a liberal.

You said...
Wrong, lots of radio hosts do not pander, inflame and lie like druggie does. Not by a longshot, maybe other righties do, but liberal hosts don't.

I have just proven you to be wrong,but of course you wont admit it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:41 pm
Not a single proven lie there, sparky. Sorry.

It is really unbelievable how gullible you are, bunky.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:46 pm
And it is the author of the website author is the real liar by taking Franken's words out of context, even inserting ellipses in mid-sentence. Only a real moron, or perhaps an ignorant rube, would fall for such obvious deception.
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Joe Nation
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:48 pm
But FIRST he said:

President George W. Bush
USS Abraham Lincoln
At Sea Off the Coast of San Diego, California
May 1, 2003

Thank you all very much. Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country.

Here's the whole pathetic speech


Nah, that didn't sound like he meant the war was over. Nah. At the time he was prancing around the deck in his flightsuit 140 US Soldiers were dead, what's the number now, MM?

Joe(Oh, if you look further in the speech, he links the attack on Iraq directly to Al Queda as if the two were related.)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:51 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
And it is the author of the website author is the real liar by taking Franken's words out of context, even inserting ellipses in mid-sentence. Only a real moron, or perhaps an ignorant rube, would fall for such obvious deception.

Go ahead and backpedal and spin.
You seem to be real good at that.
Of course,there are other examples of liberals lying,if you want to see them.

But,since you will try to spin your way out,go ahead.
0 Replies

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