Tell you what... if it turns out to be wrong, I will certainly take back my comment. Now that that's clear, let me help you understand something about
You say he is "much-maligned." Yes, that is true. It's also
well deserved. He's
earned the disrespect of so many people here. Why?
1. He consistently tries to derail threads. Obviously, the point to
this particular thread is that Rush (after all his talk) still hasn't been able to deal with his drug problems. Does this lead to a conversation about him in particular? Or how his status, weath, fame, or possibly race keeps him in a sweet deal while just about any other person would be in jail? Or about the hypocracy of his followers or political party? No.
MysteryMan (who I'm sure just loves seeing his name in bold in replies). Takes us all on a pointless adventure of whether a
particular word was used in the news.
THEN, when someone FINDS information that proves him 100% wrong and brings it to HIS attention, he doesn't have the "testicular fortitude" to apologize for his own bullshit. What does he do? He further obfuscates by trying to argue even more semantics ("Um... I was talking about THOSE THREE PARTICULAR articles! I'm still right!").
I've seen him try to pass off articles written by other people as his own work ("My immigration laws") and when people call him on it, he tries to make it seem as something less than it actually was...plagerism.
I've seen him regularly argue strawmen, use false comparisons, and try harder than anyone I've ever seen to distract, distort, and derail threads, doing his best to make us adress his insane rantings, as opposed to talking about the real issues.
He is viewed as a joke for good reason. Unfortunately, time wasted addressing his nonsense takes us away from actual, informative conversation.
So now what? Lets go back to arguing his pointless posts, as though somehow, in some way, a person is allowed more respect just because they put up a comment in a forum. Meanwhile, if we were to hear someone say the things he types in the street, we'd roll
our eyes and ever so politely turn our backs to him and continue with the "grown up" conversation amongst ourselves.
Mysteryman, congratulations. Your playing us all for fools and sucessfully ruined another thread.