Limbaugh arrested

Reply Mon 1 May, 2006 05:21 pm
Then again perhaps MM is just adapting to the Bush doctrine (known of WMD evidence fame), when it comes to getting things wrong and whether you're supposed to acknowledge it.

The doctrine in question, of course, is that, if in the info you bothered to check and read at the time, there was nothing (or nothing literal, in any case) about the thing in question you glaringly oversaw, then there's nothing you're supposed to acknowledge having done wrong. After all, the notion that one's responsibility would have included simply looking at the other sources that would have told you about it, is eh ... one of those devious liberal inventions thats only meant to set traps for you and is best ignored.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 May, 2006 07:37 pm
nimh wrote:
Then again perhaps MM is just adapting to the Bush doctrine (known of WMD evidence fame), when it comes to getting things wrong and whether you're supposed to acknowledge it.

Like refusing to acknowledge and minimalizing the shame of having your Bubba idol being one of only two presidents ever impeached?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 May, 2006 08:01 pm

Anyone here recently denied that Clinton was being impeached, that you know of?

Cause I dont.

Whereas MM had denied that Limbaugh was arrested (and then refused to acknowledge his mistake)..

Its not my Bubba idol, btw, either -- so thats a double "huh" -- altho he looks better, in hindsight, the longer GWB is in power, I was noo fan.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 May, 2006 08:16 pm
Its not my Bubba idol, btw, either -- so thats a double "huh" -- altho he looks better, in hindsight, the longer GWB is in power, I was noo fan.

No kidding.

I saw Clinton talking on CNN yesterday; it was refreshing to remember that at one point, we had a president who actually understood the policy objectives he put forth.


I heard Clinton
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 May, 2006 10:26 pm
snood wrote:
Poor MM:

What am I denying?
Please show me in any of the links I posted where it says he was arrested?
I even included CNN,the lefts favorite site.
Please show me where the word "arrested" was used,even once.

Rush Limbaugh arrestedarrested Friday on prescription drug charges, law enforcement officials said.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested

April 28, 2006
Rush Limbaugh Arrested

Conservative radio talk show host RUSH LIMBAUGH was arrested on prescription drug charges in Florida today.

Oh man, you got....


Seriously, MM, your ability to focus your attention so meticulously to pointless semantics while missing the main point is almost spectacular to watch at times.

I'm almost starting to think you have to be pulling our leg. No one could be so self delusional.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 1 May, 2006 10:57 pm
From NewsMax:

Rush Limbaugh 'Arrest' Reports Were Bogus

Breaking From NewsMax.com

All weekend long news broadcasts were filled with reports that talk radio host Rush Limbaugh had been "arrested" on charges of doctor shopping as part of a plea bargain worked out with his lawyer.

But - as even the liberal newsmagazine, Newsweek, admitted - the "arrest" reports were bogus.

"LIMBAUGH ARRESTED was the immediate headline on the wires and on TV," the magazine said in Monday's edition. "But the word 'arrest' was misleading."

"In fact, Limbaugh had pleaded not guilty, and his lawyer had worked out a deal that would cause the single charge to be dropped after 18 months as long as Limbaugh stayed out of trouble and continued to see a doctor who has helped him with an addiction to painkillers."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 May, 2006 11:54 pm
nimh wrote:

Anyone here recently denied that Clinton was being impeached, that you know of?

Cause I dont.

Whereas MM had denied that Limbaugh was arrested (and then refused to acknowledge his mistake)..

Its not my Bubba idol, btw, either -- so thats a double "huh" -- altho he looks better, in hindsight, the longer GWB is in power, I was noo fan.

My goodness, yes, remember when the US had a president with actual thinking processes?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 03:12 am
You can idolize & rationalize all you like but the most telling factor is that the American electorate rejected Gore in the midst of very good economic times due to his association with Clinton. Gore desparately tried to distance himself from the moral vacuum of the Clinton marital circus, but the voters couldn't forget Bubba's quivering lip (which quivered on cue, btw) as he peered into the camera with Hillary at his side and LIED to her, to his daughter, and to the nation.

It is also very telling that the electorate preferred the ignoramus Bush over East coast elitism in the '04 election. How could that be?

Actually, the '04 election would still be a tossup if it were held today despite Iraq, Katrina, Abramoff, etc. which should have the Dems doing some serious soul searching as to why they are such political eunuchs.

Perhaps the American electorate should aspire to the dizzying heights of elitist intellectualism shown hereabouts?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 03:22 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
From NewsMax:

Rush Limbaugh 'Arrest' Reports Were Bogus

Breaking From NewsMax.com

All weekend long news broadcasts were filled with reports that talk radio host Rush Limbaugh had been "arrested" on charges of doctor shopping as part of a plea bargain worked out with his lawyer.

But - as even the liberal newsmagazine, Newsweek, admitted - the "arrest" reports were bogus.

"LIMBAUGH ARRESTED was the immediate headline on the wires and on TV," the magazine said in Monday's edition. "But the word 'arrest' was misleading."

"In fact, Limbaugh had pleaded not guilty, and his lawyer had worked out a deal that would cause the single charge to be dropped after 18 months as long as Limbaugh stayed out of trouble and continued to see a doctor who has helped him with an addiction to painkillers."

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

If CI's link is true, I shall patiently wait to see if the usual crowd hereabouts will have the testicular/ovarian fortitude to apologize to Mysteryman as he most graciously refrains from asking you to kiss his much-maligned ass.

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 05:23 am
WhoodaThunk wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
From NewsMax:

Rush Limbaugh 'Arrest' Reports Were Bogus

Breaking From NewsMax.com

All weekend long news broadcasts were filled with reports that talk radio host Rush Limbaugh had been "arrested" on charges of doctor shopping as part of a plea bargain worked out with his lawyer.

But - as even the liberal newsmagazine, Newsweek, admitted - the "arrest" reports were bogus.

"LIMBAUGH ARRESTED was the immediate headline on the wires and on TV," the magazine said in Monday's edition. "But the word 'arrest' was misleading."

"In fact, Limbaugh had pleaded not guilty, and his lawyer had worked out a deal that would cause the single charge to be dropped after 18 months as long as Limbaugh stayed out of trouble and continued to see a doctor who has helped him with an addiction to painkillers."

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

If CI's link is true, I shall patiently wait to see if the usual crowd hereabouts will have the testicular/ovarian fortitude to apologize to Mysteryman as he most graciously refrains from asking you to kiss his much-maligned ass.

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Here is a link to the Newsweek article that is mentioned...

I wont ask for,nor will I expect,any of the usual suspects that blasted me to admit they were wrong.
None of them are big enough to admit they were.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 06:59 am
WhoodaThunk wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
From NewsMax:

Rush Limbaugh 'Arrest' Reports Were Bogus

Breaking From NewsMax.com
...as even the liberal newsmagazine, Newsweek, admitted - the "arrest" reports were bogus.

"LIMBAUGH ARRESTED was the immediate headline on the wires and on TV," the magazine said in Monday's edition. "But the word 'arrest' was misleading."

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

If CI's link is true, I shall patiently wait to see if the usual crowd hereabouts will have the testicular/ovarian fortitude to apologize to Mysteryman as he most graciously refrains from asking you to kiss his much-maligned ass.

Tell you what... if it turns out to be wrong, I will certainly take back my comment. Now that that's clear, let me help you understand something about Mysteryman.

You say he is "much-maligned." Yes, that is true. It's also well deserved. He's earned the disrespect of so many people here. Why?

1. He consistently tries to derail threads. Obviously, the point to this particular thread is that Rush (after all his talk) still hasn't been able to deal with his drug problems. Does this lead to a conversation about him in particular? Or how his status, weath, fame, or possibly race keeps him in a sweet deal while just about any other person would be in jail? Or about the hypocracy of his followers or political party? No. MysteryMan (who I'm sure just loves seeing his name in bold in replies). Takes us all on a pointless adventure of whether a particular word was used in the news.

THEN, when someone FINDS information that proves him 100% wrong and brings it to HIS attention, he doesn't have the "testicular fortitude" to apologize for his own bullshit. What does he do? He further obfuscates by trying to argue even more semantics ("Um... I was talking about THOSE THREE PARTICULAR articles! I'm still right!"). Rolling Eyes

I've seen him try to pass off articles written by other people as his own work ("My immigration laws") and when people call him on it, he tries to make it seem as something less than it actually was...plagerism.

I've seen him regularly argue strawmen, use false comparisons, and try harder than anyone I've ever seen to distract, distort, and derail threads, doing his best to make us adress his insane rantings, as opposed to talking about the real issues.

He is viewed as a joke for good reason. Unfortunately, time wasted addressing his nonsense takes us away from actual, informative conversation.

So now what? Lets go back to arguing his pointless posts, as though somehow, in some way, a person is allowed more respect just because they put up a comment in a forum. Meanwhile, if we were to hear someone say the things he types in the street, we'd roll our eyes and ever so politely turn our backs to him and continue with the "grown up" conversation amongst ourselves.

Mysteryman, congratulations. Your playing us all for fools and sucessfully ruined another thread.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 07:14 am
Oh yeah. Newsmax... that's a reliable source..

Lets see.. Photographed, fingerprinted, booked......

Tell us HOW someone can be photographed, fingerprinted and booked WITHOUT being arrested?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 07:21 am
This isn't a publicity shot. It's Rush's mugshot

I really want to know what Newsmax thinks the warrant was for if not for Rush's arrest. Maybe it they think it was a (body cavity) search warrant.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 07:37 am
Newsmax is just playing word games. Limbaugh was arrested all right; he just 'went in on his own,' a courtesy provided to him due to his status as a celebrity.

From that same article:

Soon after he stepped away from the mike last Friday after his usual noon to 3 p.m. broadcast, the radio icon climbed into a black Cadillac Escalade with his lawyer, Roy Black, and drove over to the Palm Beach County jail. There he surrendered to authorities on a charge that he had fraudulently obtained prescription drugs. He was fingerprinted and released an hour later on $3,000 bail.

People who aren't arrested don't get fingerprinted and pay bail.

The article also states that the only reason Rush could cut a deal is that the judge on the case ruled that his doctors didn't have to testify about the fact that he got 2,000 prescription pills in a 6-month period, and was shopping around for more when he got caught.

Whooda and MM, you should realize that the ACLU fought to keep Rush's records private; think about that next time you bash them.

I don't suppose you will apologize, Whoodathunk, for telling us that we were all wrong about this? Nah, that's cool.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 08:17 am
WhoodaThunk wrote:
...which should have the Dems doing some serious soul searching as to why they are such political eunuchs.

That one's easy. The Dems don't have souls. Smile
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 08:33 am
The republicans on the other hand are overrun with souls......


0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 08:43 am
JustanObserver wrote:
WhoodaThunk wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
From NewsMax:

Rush Limbaugh 'Arrest' Reports Were Bogus

Breaking From NewsMax.com
...as even the liberal newsmagazine, Newsweek, admitted - the "arrest" reports were bogus.

"LIMBAUGH ARRESTED was the immediate headline on the wires and on TV," the magazine said in Monday's edition. "But the word 'arrest' was misleading."

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

If CI's link is true, I shall patiently wait to see if the usual crowd hereabouts will have the testicular/ovarian fortitude to apologize to Mysteryman as he most graciously refrains from asking you to kiss his much-maligned ass.

Tell you what... if it turns out to be wrong, I will certainly take back my comment. Now that that's clear, let me help you understand something about Mysteryman.

You say he is "much-maligned." Yes, that is true. It's also well deserved. He's earned the disrespect of so many people here. Why?

1. He consistently tries to derail threads. Obviously, the point to this particular thread is that Rush (after all his talk) still hasn't been able to deal with his drug problems. Does this lead to a conversation about him in particular? Or how his status, weath, fame, or possibly race keeps him in a sweet deal while just about any other person would be in jail? Or about the hypocracy of his followers or political party? No. MysteryMan (who I'm sure just loves seeing his name in bold in replies). Takes us all on a pointless adventure of whether a particular word was used in the news.

THEN, when someone FINDS information that proves him 100% wrong and brings it to HIS attention, he doesn't have the "testicular fortitude" to apologize for his own bullshit. What does he do? He further obfuscates by trying to argue even more semantics ("Um... I was talking about THOSE THREE PARTICULAR articles! I'm still right!"). Rolling Eyes

I've seen him try to pass off articles written by other people as his own work ("My immigration laws") and when people call him on it, he tries to make it seem as something less than it actually was...plagerism.

I've seen him regularly argue strawmen, use false comparisons, and try harder than anyone I've ever seen to distract, distort, and derail threads, doing his best to make us adress his insane rantings, as opposed to talking about the real issues.

He is viewed as a joke for good reason. Unfortunately, time wasted addressing his nonsense takes us away from actual, informative conversation.

So now what? Lets go back to arguing his pointless posts, as though somehow, in some way, a person is allowed more respect just because they put up a comment in a forum. Meanwhile, if we were to hear someone say the things he types in the street, we'd roll our eyes and ever so politely turn our backs to him and continue with the "grown up" conversation amongst ourselves.

Mysteryman, congratulations. Your playing us all for fools and sucessfully ruined another thread.

Well, Just an Observer you need to change your handle to "Just an Astute Observer" You are so "right on" on Misery Man. What always gets me about these forums is that people who would be derided in real life (and probably are) for their stupid POVs are supposed to be respected here.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 09:25 am
I'm the last one that has any respect for mm, but I thought it only fair to post the article I found from NewsMax. I can't confirm the truth about the article, but it would be unethical of me not to post something that seems to contradict what most are saying - including me. That was all.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 09:30 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
I'm the last one that has any respect for mm, but I thought it only fair to post the article I found from NewsMax. I can't confirm the truth about the article, but it would be unethical of me not to post something that seems to contradict what most are saying - including me. That was all.

Except that Newsmax is not a legitimate news source.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 May, 2006 09:32 am
I don't know that.
0 Replies

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