cicerone imposter wrote:McG did say:
Bush isn't making people spend more money then they have, Bush is not making people take jobs that do not provide healthcare, Bush is not responsible for the decisions that people make that place them in debt.
Point 1: "Bush isn't making people spend more money then they have, ..."
Nobody is making people spend more money than they have; if they had it to spend. The problem lies in many variables including a) salaries not keeping up with inflation, b) people paying more for health insurance, and c) family debt at an all time high.
None of which Involves Bush.
Quote:Point 2: "Bush is not making people take jobs that do not provide healthcare,..."
You have not been keeping up with the realities of world economic competition. More companies in the US are cutting benefits for our workers or going out of business, because we do not have universal health care like most developed countries. Ever hear of the airlines and auto industries in the US going bankrupt? Probably not.
Sure I have heard about them C.I., What does Bush have to do with any of it though? Is he responsible for outrageous CEO salaries? Is he responsible for every company trying to stay competitive? Last time I checked, the US was a capitalist country where successful business thrived and unsuccessful businesses failed. Hardly the fault of the President.
Quote:Point 3: "Bush is not responsible for the decisions that people make that place them in debt..."
No, but Bush has also taken away or increased the cost for college loans, underfunded our schools while mandating No Child Left Behind standards, and increased the national debt to unsustainable levels to exacerbate inflation. People must feed, educate, and clothes their family, while tax breaks are given to the very wealthy.
Colleges increase the tuition, not the President. Bush has increased funding for public education tremendously. For you to say otherwise is just a lie and you know it.
Bush has not used his veto power on spending certainly, but look no further then your own representative if you want to find out the reason for huge deficits.
Wealthy people already carry the lions share of the tax burden in the US. It's time for people to look to their own finances and quit envying their neighbors.
So to reiterate, Bush does force people to spend more then they make, Bush does not create or take away jobs and Bush is not reponsible for people's healthcare insurance.