cicerone imposter wrote:Debra, Their fallback on Clinton is their only challenge to all the criminal behavior of republicans now charged or being investigated. Funny.
Perhaps if the left wing whackadoodles hadn't spent every last second of the last several years saying Clinton was a saint, he wouldn't be brought into near as many threads. Keep in mind the Lefty whinefest cost them dearly. It's now two elections lost because of the "Let's coronate Billy-Boy" theatrics. Even without the lies and the Monica deal and the failure to follow through on taking down Bin Laden, Clinton was a do-nothing President.
Let's look at the records:
Bush the first...gave us the signature on the A.D.A. (which mostly schlub Democrats are now shredding with their greed as they sue every last place on earth)
Clinton swore he would give us all health care, he sent Hillary out and she presented a disaster, Clinton dropped health care (remember his big televised speech and the plastic health care card he held up and how he said he would do nothing else until a health care bill was passed? As soon as he was told it was a no-go, even by his strongest Democratic allies, he dropped it rather than make any adjustments.
Bush the second...signed in the Medicare Prescription Drug plan. Sure it sucks, and is far from what it should be but at least he got something put through. The Democrats, for all there blubbery talk about caring, never did. Even now the Dems are not doing anything to amend the current drug plan.
The other day a friend says to me that in his run for the Presidency, John Kerry couldn't show the legislation passed during his tenure as a Senator, because so little was passed during those years since they were mostly Republican controlled years. I made clear to him that he could have and should have at the very least shown the bills which he had co-written and/or introduced. My friend conceded that I was right on that point.
This was just a quick snapshot of what the positives are about Bush. Sadly, liberals will never be able to understand all of this...just too unwilling to open their minds to possibilities, thoughts and ideas.