Thu 27 Apr, 2006 02:36 pm
All I've got to say about it is that if you think it's thing, you've got another think coming.
Where do you stand on this issue?
Vote damn you!
Dinner is riding on this.
I know it's hard to argue with Judas Priest, but the phrase is what the phrase is.
But if Mr. B. makes dinner, won't you have to bow down and sing hossannahs?
Snotty-nosed little brats (or big brats) announce, "Well I think thus-and-so," and angry Authority Figure replies, "Well, you have another think coming."
I am SO winning!
What should I put on the menu?
I'm not sure, but desert should be humble pie. I'm sure that won't be lost on the loser of your bet.
I vote for "think".
I believe "you've got another thing coming" was from a soft-porn sci-fi flick.
i voted for the 'thing'. i never thought it was otherwise. but then, i'm a darned furriner.
Canajun here.
the thing probably being a slap or something
I don't think I've ever heard anybody say, "You've got another thing coming." In fact, the very possibility of this juxtaposition of letters had never occurred to me until I saw this thread. Who in the world is that illiterate? Enjoy your dinner, Boomer. I suggest lobster.
Humble pie may indeed be on the menu! The "things" are catching up.
Mr. B is a wonderful cook and an even better sport. And he should know better after the whole wheelbarrow vs. wheelbarrel thing.
This type of thing kills me. Of course it's thinG! Isn't it obvious?
There's another one that makes me batty, but I can't recall it now....
You should have gone for the "appeal to authority."
...although I think you may have already arrived at batty...
oy, that is a dizzying list!
That's a list of "common" errors?! Wow, we don't even know our own language.
Please. It's patently obvious that it's think. And if you don't think so, you've got another think coming, so there!