Afrikaans is the language spoken by mostly white and coloured people in South africa and Namibia. The white afrikaans speaking people refer to themselves as Afrikaners.( For more info read the book "The Afrikaner " available from
We are actually more german than dutch even though our language is a flat dutch or similar to the german slang of northern Germany (Hartsberg Area).
The our german ancestors went to the Netherlands to find a job, because of a war in there own country. There they was employed by the East Indian Shipping company, which opened a new outpost on the tip of Africa to give fresh supplies to their ships en-route to the East.
The words on the back of the busses are "STAMP RUIT UIT" which means "push window out " directly translated.
In afrikaans the word lekker can be used for anything not just food and you were correct it nice.
Hope you find the info interesting. Please feel free to correct me if you find any errors.