Black Death:
For one I'm glad your interested in this I can not. myself, stand history. But in school I seem to pass with flying colors so everyone thinks I like it (okay its not that bad). Black death was also known as the bubonic plague. Yes, I think a new plague could arise, Ebola has been spreading like wild fire. I've seen multiple news articles comparing the two.
Overview of Black Plague:
During the early 1330's a nasty plague appeared in China. Mostly, the black death affects rats and rodents but can be transmitted to humans through fleas. The bubonic plague is very contagious and causes swelling in lymph nodes and red dots may appear and later, turn black (THUS!).
Since China is one of the worlds largest trading industries, it didn't take long for the plague to spread. Author Boccaccio said ' ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise'.
Doctors would wear strange masks (body suits?) personally, they remind me of those guys from the 5th element. When winter rolled around, the death seemed as if it disappeared but this was simply because the fleas were dormant. When spring would roll around, the plague would hit once more. In only 5 years, 25 million people had died because of the death. Some were left in houses and on the streets because no one was there to bury them nor would they want to.
Today, the bubonic plague can still be caught BUT can be treated with modern antibiotics. Today mortality of the plague is small compared to all those years ago.