I am a member of gardenweb, yet couldn't locate it.
Please post a link, as I am curious as to size of their ponds.
Boy, do I feel dumb. Here's the link I thought I posted:
You'll have to go back through the questions, jeanbean. Haven't been on it for a while (I'm out of my gardening mood now) so I'm not sure how far back it was that they were talking about their ponds.
That's where I found out you can 'plant' pond plants in gravel only (or kitty litter though it's apparently a bit messier). Saves a bundle over buying aquatic soil and works great since the plants are getting their nutrients from the water/fish anyway.
A little late to the party as usual....
Hi everybody
Hi littlek!
ehBeth, I'd hoped to not have to weed, but the nightshade (sozlet likes to pick things, especially berries) and ragweed (hubby's got asthma) wouldn't do. Do you have any recommendations on how to make that less of an issue next year? Tried to get them out before they went to seed.
Hi there little k! Last person to the party has to bring snacks you know!
uuuuhhhmmm, snax? hmm.. here's some home grown tomatoes and basil on toast with a drizzle of olive oil.
Phoenix, your avatar is wonderful and so seemingly at odds with the title "black thumb".
hey, l'k!
can i have some roasted garlic on my toast?
soz - i'll be back later with some ideas for ya!
Of course, Beth, silly I didn't mention the garlic.....
psssssssst, l'k - aren't you getting a bit cold?
what...? No, I HAVE a col--- oh, the coconuts.
(Waiting patiently for Bethie's advice and handing Li'l K a nice pashmina -- hey, they're over, but they're warm and soft and CHEAP!

(Realizing that I'd better not call the person I want to get advice from "Bethie" -- wondering if "Her exaltedness, ehBeth" will work...)
thanks for the shawl, soz. I think what you're doing in your wild-flower garden is just right.
water gardening
Having been a Fenway gardener for over 10 years before moving to Hawaii I would suggest a trip out to the Fenway and look at some of the ponds there the gardeners have built - (They are very competitive) so you will see some pretty amazing gardens, ponds et al. There is a wonderful nursery past Scituate going towards Marshfield that carries all the supplies, accessories and water plants you would need. It's called Kennedys. It's tops in my book, worth the trip.
sozobe - what were we doing with your garden? must read <<<
went back and read - gotcha on the safety (nightshade) and health (ragweed) issues. Too bad you can't find a way to corral off the nightshade - it really is a gorgeous plant in the autumn.
Pulling everything up by the deepest roots before the plant starts to go to seed is definitely the best route to go for those. One thing you can look at, is picking something invasive in your area that you like and planting it to control some of the plants you don't want to keep (just be sure to put in good subterranean barriers to keep it from spreading even further). Bishop's gout and periwinkle are two of the better candidates in our sort of mutual zone. Mint is good in areas you'll be walking on - not dangerous for the Sozlet, and the effect can be fun.
Hi folks!
I hadn't noticed this thread before today. Looks like we've got some nice gardens among the A2K'ers.
I thought I'd share my enthusiasm for hollies. They make great decorative shrubs. The color, shape and texture of the leaves
look nice in the garden year round. I have two which prune back annually to keep them in their allotted spaces.
The bonus with hollies of course are the beautiful red berries.
I'm going to cut off several sprays to share with relatives for
holiday door decorations.