Wed 7 May, 2003 05:30 am
I found this new Onion article hilarious:
All jokes aside, thought it might provoke discussion and/or memories of first dates, the good, the bad and the truly ugly.
Cav, onion is banned from my netwrok as a "tasteless site" !! Could u post the article for me ?? Considering that I am just abt to go on a "first date" with someone, I would be really interested in seeing this !!!

Horror stories of first dates are very few....
A couple of times I have forgotten the name of the guy I was dating during the first date. But what took the cake was when I invited two men at the same time to the same place on a first date !!!
Heh heh, a definite no no...
Gautam - what were you thinking!?!?! aND, WHEN'S THE FIRST DATE WITH THE UNMENTIONED-INITIAL-GUY? Sorry about the caps.....
I don't really consider this a "date," but last summer my step-brother's girlfriend wanted to set me up with her friend. So I met them at a bar before a comedy show we had tickets to. We were all talking for about 3 minutes, when I noticed her face dropped, and she said "OH MY GOD, MY EX-BOYFRIEND JUST WALKED IN WITH A GIRL!" then ran in the bathroom. Then she went outside and sat on the curb and cried. Found out it really wasn't an "ex-boyfriend," but some guy she dated for about 3 weeks, a couple months before. I had to laugh...the girl was pretty pathetic! My step-brother was shaking his head saying "that girl's such a head case, I don't know what Toni was thinking." So we went to the comedy show, had good time, and went home.
Other than that, I've never had a "real" first date go bad so far, that I can remember.
Yep Slappy, it is for nights like that that beer was invented...
Yikes. What an ass. But being yourself is still the best advice for a first date. Or anywhere, huh? Exposing it all on the first night was the stupid part. That's where people like this make the mistake. I'll bet that if he wasn't so self-involved, monopolizing their entire time together talking about himself, that Billy Joel T-shirt would have come across as cute and a sign of something more to the tax lawyer than just boring taxes.
huh. never went on proper "dates" much as a single guy. usually ended up drunk at somebody's house; maybe went to breakfast the next morning. (hey, that doesn't sound so charming now, looking back on it.)
there was a first date of sorts with the gf. she had to go to an a.a. meeting, and i wanted to see an a.a. meeting, so we went together. went straight to a bar afterward -- but not the bar where we usually saw each other -- in fact, one that only sold beer, so the meeting must have had a profound effect.
'course, that i woke up the morning of the meeting in her bed probably disqualifies it from "date" status. i feel like i've missed out on so much.
Um, eoe....that article is a satire, it's not real.
But looking at it realistically, I'd have to say a Billy Joel t-shirt probably IS a sign that reads "Don't ever fu*k me."
Pdog - I was never much of a dater either until the last year or two. I had the same style. I'd end up having a crush on a friend of a friend and eventually end up in bed with him. No dates, just hanging around the same people.
Q. What do u call a man who wants to sleep with you on the second date ?
A. patient
lil'k - the intial is "R"
Good to have something more consice(sp?) to use.
Slappy, I know it's satire. And it probably occurs at least 50 percent of the time on first dates. Lots to be learned in that little tale.
You know how many people love Billy Joel? Not me in particular but you can't count out the millions of records he's sold.
That's true, there's tons of Billy Joel fans out there...but if you REALLY want to impress the lady, an "A-Team" t-shirt is in order.
My first date with my husband was scary
I was working at a walmart at the time, I was fresh out of highschool. He came over to take me out to "dinner" on my one hour break. Well we went about 2 blocks away and while we were eating a blizzard came up. It was so blinding it was frightening. And worse.. his windshield wipers on his early 80's Maxima was't working. (his grandfather gave him the car...) So we both had to stick our heads out the window to see where we were going.
When we got back to walmart he high centered the car on an island (the concrete curbs out in the parking lot that usually has the shrubbery growing in them) because the snow was 18 inches deep and he couldn't see where the road was. So I had to walk in to to the store from the far end of the lot. I was wearing a skirt and flats, and I was late. I had to page for some one with a truck to nudge him off his island and then work over to make up for my lateness, since I was 45 minutes late.
Cav quickly hides his BA Baracus doll (it's an action figure!)
That's the great thing about The Onion...laugh while you learn.
Q: What does a lesbian do on a first date?
A: Moves in the furniture.
Q: What does a lesbian drive on a second date?
A: A U-Haul.
Q: What does a gay man drive on a second date?
A: What second date?