@cicerone imposter,
I like thin crusts (Rome and so on) but they must be good ones.
Our local place, great for years with tasty thin crust, burned it our last time there, and Diane and I complained in unison. I figured it was a new chef, but no. They ended up politely just charging for wine, but it was clearly all business and we were the nutso customers. Not me, I know from pizza, at least as much as they do. I was pleasant too, but we haven't been back for a few months, not in retribution, but we like another two restaurants - all of them too damned far, don't get us started re what is on westside Albuquerque - better.
Plus, like so many places, they have jangle music on the speakers, which pretty much invalidates the rest of the pretty good atmosphere of the place. Diane and I are both hard of hearing, as they say, me worse. It's like human induced restaurant tinnitus.
I'd rather occasional real music.