I'm cooking a dish called SEE YO GAI (red cooked chicken), similar to a Vietnamese steeped chicken dish I cooked a while ago.
This one is a bit different: a small free range chicken, 1 1/2 cups dark soy sauce, 1/4 cup Chinese cooking wine, I tablespoon thinly sliced fresh ginger, a garlic clove (of course I've used two!

), a whole star anise & 1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar.
Put the whole lot into as small a lidded pot as possible (so as much of the chicken as possible is covered with the liquid.) Bring to the boil. Turn heat to low & simmer with a lid on the pot (with the breast side of the chicken facing down) for 5 minutes.
Then turn the chicken over & continue cooking for another 20 minutes, basting the breast every 5 minutes.
Then remove from the heat & leave covered in the pot till it cools.
Then brush with sesame oil, carve & serve at room temperature.
Serve with the liquid as dipping sauce.
I hope this works!
(the liquid solution/sauce can be used again, or can be frozen for future use. Just as well. That's a lot of soy sauce! )