It's soup time! Tra laaa! (The
one good thing about cold weather!
So yesterday I made a bits & pieces of everything I fancied soup, no particular recipe: Lightly sauteed onions, garlic, some chopped flat leaf parsley, a few chili flakes (always!), bay leaves, a fennel bulb, 5 chicken pieces, potatoes, some fast of my fast vanishing tarragon, lots of flat broad beans (they looked beautiful at the market yesterday!), some cubed potatoes, 2 small carrots, a small apple zuccini (sp?) & finally a bunch of a mystery Vietnamese greens (not bok choy, something entirely different. ?). A bit of a mixed bag there, yes? But it tasted very good! And there's enough for many meals when I return home from work & have no energy or inclination for cooking. Into the freezer! Tonight: a 5 minute walk down the street for an Indian meal with a friend.