Quote:So why has he waited four years to say anything?
I can think of a couple of reasons - there are probably more.
1. He was a career Marine. I'm sure he expressed his thoughts among his peers and friends, but once an order is given and a policy is made, his duty was to carry out his orders to the best of his ability. Apparently, the direction he saw this country and the military taking in aggressively pursuing an unnecessary war was enough to get him to retire. Sounds like a stand-up guy and a good Marine to me.
2. If he spoke out too loudly while still in the Marines, he would have been too vulnerable to the retaliatory attacks this administration is known for (a la Wilson and Plame).
Of course, even now - retired from the military and a private citizen - Newbold is no more safe from attack than anyone else speaking out against the war (ah - flashback to the '60s) ... the Pentagon spies on anti-war demonstrators, the NSA eavesdrops on whatever conversations and emails they would like (no oversight, so why not?), etc., etc.
"The cost of flawed leadership continues to be paid in blood." - Newbold.