RickJad wrote:
Quote:Would you rather her be with other men and think of you?
She has done that and it made me sick even then.
This stood out to me. Is this before you got together and you were both still seeing other people?
It seems you knew what you were getting into. If it made you sick then, why did you pursue a deeper relationship with her?
I am not blaming you for anything. I do wonder though if this is something that is on your shoulders to resolve (doesn't seem like it to me) or if it is an ingrained pattern with her (which she will only change when she sees a good reason to).
I'm not married. I can say though that in the serious relationships I have been in, I did not feel a need to fantasize about other men during sex. I was too involved in experiencing my partner. Greenwitch said it so beautifully! Truly.
Fantasy is healthy, but within a serious relationship (obviously) the needs and feelings of the other person come first.
Good luck. Wish I had actual advice, but I don't.