Secret societies... what is the secret?

Sat 28 Jun, 2008 09:26 pm

Here is my latest video

Made it a couple nights ago.

It is from many sources of media.

This video is up for discussion.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Jun, 2008 08:39 am
I am considering reviving this thread. I have suddenly been hit with so many issues relating to secret societies and the occult that I cannot seem to grasp all of the threads at once.

Here is one of my latest thoughts...

I guess you could call this thought, "connect the dots".

We first must assume the picture that emerges from an array of dots is connected as a whole.

For it only takes one errant dot to add horns or a beak and also a single dot to add a lizards tail to the being the picture is representing.

A well placed errant dot can transform one thing into another. Is this not the true intent of alchemy? Can not an added or subtracted dot shift the shape of a hidden image of reality?

An omitted dot can obscure a crucial line severing even the horizon from the viewer's perception.

When people create a dot where there is none they we are imposing a false reality upon the truth.

1Corinthians 13:5
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

Love [agape] thinketh no evil
0 Replies
Mon 30 Jun, 2008 09:07 am
What would be the purpose for omitting a dot?

To omit a dot is to allow people to come to the understanding of the dot on their own.

Omission is not always a bad thing. Omission can be used to emphasize something.

Omission can be used to create a vacuum that unites people with one goal.

Then in light of the darkness we all seek after the same illusive dot. We seek the heart of God. What is hidden becomes the desire.

This reveals the chance for apostasy and misdirection. Then this illusive point may be theoretically drawn from any place within the multi-dimensional sphere of life.

By omitting the dot the true intent that draws a person is visualized.

Tarot, runes, the stars, clouds, serpents etc.. do they guide a person or does the spirit of truth?
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Mon 30 Jun, 2008 04:18 pm
RexRed wrote:
What would be the purpose for omitting a dot?

To omit a dot is to allow people to come to the understanding of the dot on their own.

Omission is not always a bad thing. Omission can be used to emphasize something.

Omission can be used to create a vacuum that unites people with one goal.

Then in light of the darkness we all seek after the same illusive dot. We seek the heart of God. What is hidden becomes the desire.

This reveals the chance for apostasy and misdirection. Then this illusive point may be theoretically drawn from any place within the multi-dimensional sphere of life.

By omitting the dot the true intent that draws a person is visualized.

Tarot, runes, the stars, clouds, serpents etc.. do they guide a person or does the spirit of truth?
put some more water with it rex. Anyone of us can write tripe like this but most of us cant be bothered.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Jun, 2008 04:27 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
RexRed wrote:
What would be the purpose for omitting a dot?

To omit a dot is to allow people to come to the understanding of the dot on their own.

Omission is not always a bad thing. Omission can be used to emphasize something.

Omission can be used to create a vacuum that unites people with one goal.

Then in light of the darkness we all seek after the same illusive dot. We seek the heart of God. What is hidden becomes the desire.

This reveals the chance for apostasy and misdirection. Then this illusive point may be theoretically drawn from any place within the multi-dimensional sphere of life.

By omitting the dot the true intent that draws a person is visualized.

Tarot, runes, the stars, clouds, serpents etc.. do they guide a person or does the spirit of truth?
put some more water with it rex. Anyone of us can write tripe like this but most of us cant be bothered.


0 Replies
Mon 30 Jun, 2008 05:11 pm
Romans 1:23
And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image [tarot, runes etc] made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

Comment: Fourfooted beasts?

2Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image [holy spirit] from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Colossians 12:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

John 16:13
Howbeit when he [it] , the Spirit of truth, is come, he [it] will guide you into all truth: for he [it] shall not speak of himself [itself] but whatsoever he [it] shall hear, that shall he [it] speak: and he [it] will shew you things to come.

Comment: I have supplied the pronouns in hard brackets to give another possible viewpoint.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Jun, 2008 09:37 pm
Tell Me Who Are You

I am the rain
And I am the sea
I am the river
And I'm the stream
I am the sailor
The fisherman too
So tell me
Tell me who are you

I am the mountain
And I am the hill
I am the valley
The rock and the rill
I am the wanderer
The poet of love
So tell me
Tell me who are you

Tell me who are you
What do you do
Are you a dreamer
Is your heart true
Tell me who are you
Let me know some way
Let me know before you run away

I am the forest
And I am the desert
I am the sunshine
The light, I am the light
I am the shadow
A tear in your eye
So tell me
Tell me who are you

Tell me who are you
What do you do
Are you a dreamer
Is your heart true
Tell me who are you
Let me know some way
Let me know before you run away
Let me know, before you run, away...

0 Replies
Mon 30 Jun, 2008 10:18 pm
Stand upon the tide and you will be washed away by it, stand upon your principles and you will be remembered for it. RR
0 Replies
Tue 1 Jul, 2008 09:33 am
There was a time when religion was written into common language. One could not live an entire lifetime and never perceive the spirit. The people desired a life free from everyday common religious words (like the emperor's new clothes). Language then became naked of the spirit and the daily rituals of God. Love of God became a choice rather than a compulsory act dictated by culture. The connection to God became obscured by five senses stimuli. The architecture of the spirit was lost.

Consider that 90% of what Jesus Christ spoke of contains the message of the spirit.

Matthew 10:20
For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
0 Replies
Tue 1 Jul, 2008 04:36 pm
It would seem there is no real way to connect a dot if the dot itself is kept secret or hidden.

The atheist says the dot does not exist, the agnostic says the dot may exist but cannot be known and the secret societalist says the dot is known but only by a few.

An example, the Masons place the word "God" in the center of their compass and carpenter's square.

Were the Masons also connecting the dots?
Thu 3 Jul, 2008 11:16 pm
The whole psychology of the world is flipped around. It seems that as the stream of irrelevant information floods the consciousness of the world that the old knowledge of true spirituality is becoming lost forever. In facing spirituality people do not face damnation but deliverance.

It seems with all the talk of conspiracies and ancient societies that people instead of trying to find out the actual spiritual truth they would rather simply throw spirituality aside.

I can list a multiplicity of compelling reasons why one should not do that.

It seems that once enlightenment has arrived one cannot put it back in a box.

My concern is how many more "enlightened" individuals will there be until the world is left in their glut of information but in total darkness as to what it all means.

It is not fashionable to be enlightened anymore. People rely on the brute and the uncivilized idea "it's so easy a cave man could do it" rather than try to reach up into the lofts of the divine nature hidden within. The individual is boring and crude.

The human race is slowly being replaced by zombies whose only desire is to fight at sports events... Other than that they totally neglect their lives on daily (pie in the sky) gambling scratch ticket mania. They dream of their obsession of a thousand virgins at their local hooters or sports bar. PEOPLE ARE SIMPLY FOLLOWING THE WRONG MATTERS.

I don't mean, sin and condemnation, hell-fire and brimstone but it is so lopsided today. It is not a moderate Christ-like walk down the middle but it is a full tilt swing into decadence. This only inflames the radical right elements of society too.

Why must a loving God be the last choice? Some poor souls never get the chance to even make a discovery with God.

People are so bent on being extreme. How about a "little" belief and a "little" life but no they live like hell and leave faith on a back burner until they are shooting up schools and well I am sure you all know. THIS is what this errant path has brought them to.

It is as if people collectively think they have a higher morality than God.

I have suddenly realized people are not rejecting me but they reject God instead. Whatever notion or idea of God that they had has been dashed to pieces by something they have conceptualized. They have convicted the God of the Bible right out of the womb. Many either sink lower than God or raise themselves above God. Either way the "true" God is left out of the picture.

People take a biblical story where "God" says so and so and that is what God literally is. People are afraid of darkness. So they out of fear of the darkness reject the light. I know, this never made sense to me either. Some read the Bible and use what they read to justify that the God of the Bible is therefore not legit. They are incapable of separating the wheat from the chaff.

What of pagan practices?

Well, we see some very peculiar things that Jesus Christ has done.

Jesus was not just another extension of pagan beliefs. (this is the point of my bringing this whole thread back to our attention)

Christ Jesus seems to signify the end of the pagan age. Though many do not see this because they are too busy counting the reasons how the God (singular) of the Bible is barbaric.

Ideas like, "one sacrifice for all" was RADICALLY NEW!

I will bet that 90% of the people reading this thread never even once considered who Jesus Christ sacrificed his life to? Was it the blood thirsty God of the Bible that many here have shown their distaste for? Actually yes! It was the God of this world… ( there is also the great mystery)

But let's again define the God of the Bible. There are TWO Gods of the Bible
There is the "one true God" and then there is the "god of this world"...

Who temped Adam and Eve? It was the serpent. (a created being)

This serpent tempted Adam and Eve out of the "dominion over the earth". This hijacked dominion made the serpent like a God to them.

Thus when they left the garden they had to PAY this "god" for sparing their physical lives. (it took me years to figure this out) Their spiritual eyes had been closed (sound familiar?) and they were really confused which God was which.

So the "first fruits" of Cain and Abel's "offering" says it went to God but it actually went to the devil to spare humanity.

This blood offering was paid to the evil prince of this world to spare humanity from wrath and judgment.

What need would the true God have for the blood of beasts and the death of his own son?

The God of this world caused Noah's flood trying to wipe the human race off the face of the map so the messiah could not be born . And it was the one true God that gave revelation to Noah to build the ark.

We see Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac… Which God told him to do this? It was the God of this world who tempted him. And it was the one true God that stayed Abraham's hand so that the messiah could be born.

As for the lambs blood on the door posts in Egypt the "angel of death" was the God of this world and the true God provided the miracle of the Passover...

Then we get to law of Moses. It was the devil that pushed the laws onto mankind to captivate us within it's endless interpretations. Many unjustly died by this merciless law… By the blood of Jesus Christ God is able to give holy spirit and revelation. We can live with this spiritual guidance within and we now have his law of liberty instead. This frees us from carrying around this law that was "surrounded by light"… remind you of an angel? Perhaps the angel of light? It is time we separate the wheat from the chaff. Christ Jesus now rules in Lucifer's stead. The darkness of this world is created by those who walk in it.

We read of the devil, Scribes, Pharisees tempting Jesus Christ with "law" then we read of Christ Jesus resurrected from the dead and this old law having no power over us and the "spirit" of the law born within so we can now discern the true God's part in history.

This spirit of the law was this "dominion over the earth". We now have this dominion (reign) within us through the spirit. MANY hundreds of Bible stories now have to be seen in light of the role Lucifer played in the old testament as a "god"… The world was not privy to this information. Spiritual darkness is spiritual darkness… God warned Adam and Eve they would, die "spiritually" when they ate of the fruit.

Now we live spiritually when we are born from the fruit of the tree of life. Yet we still need to discern the love of God and the virtue of God's standards. I do not pretend to know God's ultimate purpose and God's judgments are often beyond my capacity to fully understand, but I trust God.

There is a difference between believing and faith. One must believe to receive faith. Once faith is received it never departs. With this faith we manifest the knowledge and wisdom of God though patience and study of his word. We show grace, for this grace has been shown upon us. This is the heart of the Christian walk.

This takes diligence when handling the Bible.

The earthly life of God's son was paid to the devil for our sprits instead. This was the end of paganism. Though the world is still in darkness and they may never see the love of God, the truth still is.

We know these things because it is the sprit of Christ that enables us to discern the sprits of the love and deliverance of our holy father God. We also know and are affirmed of this because the epistles teach this (when you are looking for it).

Each Bible story needs to now be looked at in light of the god of this world and the part played throughout history. This god was once a lowly snake in the garden but with Adam's dominion stolen from him Adam's sins were much worse than simply eating an apple… he gave God's arc enemy dominion over the earth.

So now, is the true God actually hidden (occult)? Not to those spiritually enlightened.

Peace with God

1Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 04:53 am
Reading all that I actually feel rather sad for you Rex. Put down your bible, leave that bronze age mythology alone.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 08:56 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
Reading all that I actually feel rather sad for you Rex. Put down your bible, leave that bronze age mythology alone.

Your personal put down toward me only shows your spiritual ineptitude and ignorance.

Go ahead, cling to your new age cowardly religion of total God rejection and self worship see what happiness it brings you.

Don't be sad for me, I am not the one lost and oblivious to the truth.

I can see the true God while you see chaos and confusion. So which of us really needs this pity of yours? Who is in spiritual darkness?

The great accuser implicates others in his own misdeeds.

2Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Comment, This is the excellency of the power of God not the sadness and desolation of spiritual failure.

Again, connect the dots... Smile
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 10:01 am
Happy Independence Day...2008!

0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 12:12 pm
RexRed wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Reading all that I actually feel rather sad for you Rex. Put down your bible, leave that bronze age mythology alone.

Your personal put down toward me only shows your spiritual ineptitude and ignorance.

Go ahead, cling to your new age cowardly religion of total God rejection and self worship see what happiness it brings you...
I'm not clinging to any religion. I'm free of it thank God. Smile try it. You'll feel better.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 12:36 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Reading all that I actually feel rather sad for you Rex. Put down your bible, leave that bronze age mythology alone.

Your personal put down toward me only shows your spiritual ineptitude and ignorance.

Go ahead, cling to your new age cowardly religion of total God rejection and self worship see what happiness it brings you...
I'm not clinging to any religion. I'm free of it thank God. Smile try it. You'll feel better.

Worship of self is just another false security. The prince of the power of the air.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Sun 6 Jul, 2008 11:40 am
RexRed wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Reading all that I actually feel rather sad for you Rex. Put down your bible, leave that bronze age mythology alone.

Your personal put down toward me only shows your spiritual ineptitude and ignorance.

Go ahead, cling to your new age cowardly religion of total God rejection and self worship see what happiness it brings you...
I'm not clinging to any religion. I'm free of it thank God. Smile try it. You'll feel better.

Worship of self is just another false security. The prince of the power of the air.
More religo-gibberish. What do you mean? And why cant you express it in terms people can understand?
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2008 07:51 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Reading all that I actually feel rather sad for you Rex. Put down your bible, leave that bronze age mythology alone.

Your personal put down toward me only shows your spiritual ineptitude and ignorance.

Go ahead, cling to your new age cowardly religion of total God rejection and self worship see what happiness it brings you...
I'm not clinging to any religion. I'm free of it thank God. Smile try it. You'll feel better.

Worship of self is just another false security. The prince of the power of the air.
More religo-gibberish. What do you mean? And why cant you express it in terms people can understand?

Have you ever tried to reach out and grab air?
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Mon 7 Jul, 2008 05:51 am
No. The UK government is doing just that however, by investing heavily in wind energy. What's the Bible got to say about wind turbines?
0 Replies
Sun 31 Aug, 2008 12:12 am

An example, the Masons place the word "God" in the center of their compass and carpenter's square.

Not true, they place a letter "G" in the center of the compass and(it's not a carpenters) square.

The "G" doesn't stand for God.

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