Quote:I do know it is no lie that the family had a son that got caught in the baler, so don't try to manufacture some reason why it can't happen, parados. And if your parents had you out there baling hay before the age of 12, I think it was pretty irresponsible. Farmers I grew up with had their kids working, but they weren't stupid.
I didn't manufacture reasons why it couldn't happen okie. I only pointed that your manufactured reasons how it happened weren't likely. What you think is irresponsible is immaterial okie. I am only pointing out that MOST farm kids in my area did that. Most of them didn't die from doing it. In fact I can't think of anyone that died from a baler. Being run over by a tractor happened on more than one occasion but never killed by a baler.
Quote:And for you to assert that a cowbarn cannot be used for horses, or a horsebarn not used for cows, is utter nonsense. My grandfather built the barn on our farm, and he had horses in it, but we used it later for cows as well. It had a hayloft in it.
You weren't a working dairy farm okie. I pointed that out to you. Working dairy farms do NOT put 4 cows in a horse barn. It makes no money for them. They put 100 cows in a COW barn. A barn that if it was built in the last 30 years would have no second story. Your grandfather didn't build the barn in the last 30 years. You don't seem to understand a simple statement okie.
I said, no cow barn built in the last 30 years would have a second story.
You argue that I am wrong because HORSE barns can be built with a second story.
You also argue I am wrong because you grandfather built a barn 75 years ago with a second story.
I can only assume you are a complete idiot okie because you don't understand the difference between cows and horses nor do you understand a working COW barn is NOT a horse barn, nor do you understand that your grandfather didn't build a barn in the last 30 years.