All of that of who really grew up on a farm is just down right silly. The point is that conservatives don't have a market on God, country and freedom.
I was once told a joke when I was younger, it goes something like this:
Quote:A Church of Christ preacher dies and goes to Heaven. Peter is showing him the different rooms.
They come to one room where people are jumping up and down, praising God. The COC preacher asks Peter, “What room is this?” Peter answers, “This is the Pentecostal Room.”
They go to another room where a non-stop collection is taking place. Millions and millions of dollars are being collected. The COC preacher asks, “Which room is this?” Peter answers, “This is the Baptist Room.”
They go to another room where everyone is quiet and reverant. Again, the COC preachers asks, “What is this room.” Peter answers, “Shhh!!! This is the COC Room. They think they’re the only ones here.”
(I have went to a COC all my life, still do and my dad was a COC preacher and when told the joke he laughed but if this joke offends anyone sorry)
My point is that republicans and conservatives think they are the ones religious (or country) and believe in our country and it is not true.