RaceDriver205 wrote:Wizard, Ill explain to you again why homosexuality is a disorder:
Gays want to screw men. A men screwing another man does not produce ofspring - which is the 'object of the exercise'. Therefore reproductive ability (which is part of being 'healthy) is not possible.
A gay does not choose this, so it must be a fault in himself - a disorder.
Well, aside from the fact that the American Psychological Association agrees that homosexuality is not a disorder and not a mental disorder either, let us look at your little justifcation for calling my sexuality a disorder.
One, does this mean an asexual is disordered? An asexual has no sexual attraction to any gender whatsoever. Is that a disorder?
Furthermore, perhaps the object of sex itself is to reproduce, but the aim of a human being is not necessarily to reproduce. The life goals of a human being are to ensure the propogation of a). their DNA or b). the species. Human beings can do this perfectly well without having to have sex, because:
1. If your relatives are procreating, they can pass on copies of some of your DNA (or all) to the next generation. Therefore, if you help them raise their offspring, you are investing in the survival of your DNA.
2. Those people who adopt are investing in the survival of their species. This is in itself a good thing, because though their adopted child may not have the same DNA, someone out there may have at least one copy of the same DNA.
Quote:This (disorder) is not a convenient label I am using, but has been thought through and 'the boot fits'. As a disorder, it is also treatable, and gays have been cured and gone on to marry and have children.
The APA, experts on this matter, disagree. There are no real studies to show that homosexuality is treated. In many cases, homosexuality is repressed, not treated, in other cases, the homosexuality as merely a phase.
Sexuality also lies within a gradient and those who go on to marry may have heterosexual tendencies as well as homosexual.
There is no cure for homosexuality, because evidence suggests that homosexuality exists on a genetic level. It may not be an actual gene for homosexuality, but may be the expression of a gene or activation or deactivation of a gene through external stimuli.
And yes, disorder is a very poor choice of words. It's like you're saying we're diseased and need to be cured.