Doktor S wrote:Phoenix32890 wrote:Quote:Hum.
If you haven't had a sexual experience, how can you be absolutely sure of your sexual orientation?
Doctor S.- I don't know about you, but I can remember being attracted to boys when I was in the 1st grade, where sex was not even an issue yet.
You don't have to have sex, for a person to know to whom he is attracted!!!
Sure sure, but can you be sure that wasn't a result of external influence, rather than internal drive? We do a lot of things because we feel we are supposed to, and I see no reason why that couldn't extend as deep as to influence preference. In fact, that you felt 'attracted' before your hormones would have been telling you to sort of supports this.
I used to think it would be really cool to be in an 'open' relationship. I was absolutely sure it was for me. That is, of course, until I tried it.
Experience is the ultimate teacher.
This is not a matter of preference Doktor S just lack of common sense, the open relationship bit I mean. If you had examined your character before you got into said relationship you would have realized it wouldn't work for you. It's that simple mate, not thinking things through beforehand it's not an excuse. :wink:
It baffles me how people can confuse orientation with preference. I am gay, that's pretty much set in stone. (Or would you like to try your hand at aversion therapy?) On the other hand I choose not to be involved with either closeted boys or drunk, straight guys. That's choice.