Slobodan Milosevic found dead in his cell

Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 07:28 am

As ex-Security Chief testifies he was tortured to Lie -
Milosevic "Trial" blows up in Hague Prosecutor's Face!
By Jared Israel & Nico Varkevisser (at The Hague)
(The authors are Vice-chairpersons, ICDSM)
[Posted 27 July 2002]

* Note, 9 May 2002: For a guide to many Emperor's Clothes articles on Yugoslavia, go to

* Have you seen the 'JUDGMENT!' Video?
It *proves* the Western media lied about the Bosnian Serbs to justify war. Find out more at


Today, as we prepared to post an article about the utter hypocrisy of The Hague "tribunal's" concern for Slobodan Milosevic's health, this "trial of the century" exploded and died.

Now the question is, will it linger in death?

The "tribunal" passed away during the testimony of Rade Markovic, former head of the Department of State Security of the Serbian Ministry of the Interior (the Serbian Secret Service). Markovic (pronounced MARK-oh-vich) was cross-examined today, 26 July, by Slobodan Milosevic.

Mind you, the prosecution called Mr. Markovic to testify. He was "their" witness. That is, for some reason they expected him to testify in their favor. And yet, he testified against them...

1) Mr. Markovic testified that the Milosevic government did *not* try to drive ethnic Albanians out of Kosovo during the NATO bombing. Quite the contrary:

"'I told (local officials) that presidential orders are that the flow of refugees must be stopped,' Markovic said during cross-examination by Milosevic..." (AP, 26 July 2002)

2) Mr. Markovic testified that Milosevic came down hard on anti-Albanian hate crime:

"'More than 200 criminal charges were filed against members of the police, and I think a similar figure stands for the army,' said Markovic..." (AP, Ibid)

Some news wire services reported the above points while trying to downplay their significance.

Earlier, Mr. Markovic had testified that starting in 1997 Mr. Milosevic did not exercise direct, daily control of security police. This testimony was misreported in the press. We shall clarify that when we publish the transcripts of Mr. Markovic's testimony, which will be soon.

But no wire service reported the most shocking revelation.

Prior to being brought to The Hague, Rade Markovic was held in a Belgrade jail for the past 17 months.

Today at The Hague, Mr. Markovic testified that he was tortured in that jail to force him to agree to give false testimony against Slobodan Milosevic.

He also testified that the current Belgrade security police, who work in closest cooperation with "tribunal" prosecutors, offered him and his family a change of identity and a comfortable new life in a foreign land if he would lie against Slobodan Milosevic.

Mr. Markovic said that, at one point, pro-NATO Serbian Interior Minister Mihailovic and his Secret Police chief, Goran Petrovic, showed up at the jail with a squad of secret police. Mr. Markovic said they removed him from the facility - itself a violation of Serbian law - and took him to a private dinner where they made him the offer of a new identity with a luxury life - and no more torture - in exchange for false testimony.

The torture and the bribes would explain why the Prosecution had reason to believe Mr. Markovic was "their" witness.

Stunned to see Markovic defy him, Prosecutor Jeffrey Nice (sic!) asked so-called judge Richard May to do something to stop it. And May did try, interrupting the cross-examination to argue that since "We are talking about Kosovo," the issue of Markovic being tortured to give false testimony (about Milosevic's role in Kosovo) was irrelevant.

As of this writing, not one English-language wire service has reported Markovic's shattering accusations or the amazing response of "judge" May.

Why not?

Could it be because there is no way for them to spin these charges in favor of the "tribunal" ...And thus the charges can't be mentioned.

Doesn't this support our own charge, that the Western media has been the agent of a massive anti-Yugoslav disinformation campaign? Is there any other way to explain their not mentioning that the head of Milosevic's secret service was called to testify against Milosevic and instead testified that he had been tortured to lie?


What we find in the wire services is negative spin about Markovic, a blackout regarding his torture, and lies.

Dick Dicker from Human Rights Watch - which, from our direct observation at The Hague, virtually runs the "tribunal" - told Agence France Presse that Markovic's testimony "lacked credibility."

Ahh, is that so, Mr. Dicker?

If Rade Markovic so lacks credibility, why did your "tribunal" call him as a prosecution witness? Indeed, why did they call him as the last prosecution witness before the summer break?

Didn't your side call him because they thought he was theirs? Now, why would they think such a thing, Mr. Dicker?

Rade Markovic was never Slobodan Milosevic's political opponent.

So why was your "tribunal" so confident? Why was Mr. Nice so surprised?

Why would the "court" expect Rade Markovic to cooperate? Perhaps they were thinking that he'd had certain experiences in jail and therefore knew what was in store for him if he defied them. Perhaps the flunkies in Belgrade exaggerated the extent of their success persuading Markovic to cooperate. Flunkies will do that to impress the home office.

Is that why your associates trusted him to cooperate? And is that why you and they were stunned when he didn't, so now you must sputter about Markovic not being credible - and him your own witness!

Speaking of credibility, why wasn't Rade Markovic's stunning charge broadcast on TV in the West?

Why doesn't the media report that Rade Markovic named the two US/West European agents - Mihailovic and Petrovic - who oversaw his torture?

Why doesn't the media broadcast the news - the scoop! - that instead of ordering an immediate investigation and putting Mr. Markovic under protection, instead of taking these minimal steps in accord with most basic justice, instead "judge" May told Markovic to stop wasting time with irrelevancies?

Doesn't "judge" May's reaction testify eloquently to the credibility of what Rade Markovic said?

And as for your own credibility, Mr. Dicker, why don't you demand an investigation of this charge of torture in this "trial of the century"? Aren't you Human *Rights* Watch? And if you don't demand an investigation because you *know* he's lying, why don't you share with the rest of us how it is that you know?

In the same dispatch as Dicker's "non-credible" remark, Agence France Presse reported that:

"Markovic has been temporarily released from prison in Serbia in order to testify at the trial." (AFP, 16 July 2002)

This is called lying by half-truth. AFP left out the fact that Mr. Markovic is now being held in Scheveningen, where the Nazis tortured leading members of the Dutch Resistance during World War Two.

So tonight Rade Markovic is at the mercy of those whom he defied.

As we shall document in a forthcoming article about the unbelievable "suicide" of Slavko Dokmanovic, Serbian leaders have died under suspicious circumstances while incarcerated at The Hague. In giving this testimony, Rade Markovic has risked torture and death. [Note: the Dokmanovic article can now be read at http://emperors-clothes.com/gilwhite/d1.htm ]

And what did Rade Markovic gain? A nice job with Milosevic? Good treatment for his family in a Belgrade now controlled by NATO and the Western secret services? Rade Markovic had nothing whatsoever to gain in making these charges and he had everything to lose.

His action today went beyond mere credibility. It was magnificent.


But what of the New World Order?

On 28 June 2001, Slobodan Milosevic was kidnapped from Belgrade.

The Yugoslav Constitutional Court had forbidden his extradition: it would violate the Yugoslav constitution. Nevertheless the "tribunal" and its Belgrade stooges kidnapped him. National constitutions don't count under the New Order. (1)

Mr. Milosevic has been abused in the former Nazi jail at Scheveningen. At times he has had lights on him, 24 hours a day. He has been denied the basic right to meet advisers of his choice.

One of the authors of this article, Nico Varkevisser, was denied permission to see President Milosevic just this month, despite being the Dutch coordinator for Mr. Milosevic's defense.

Chris Black, head of Milosevic's legal defense group, was banned from visiting Mr. Milosevic by the "tribunal", one of whose officials suggested at a press conference last year that the criterion for deciding whether a lawyer could see Mr. Milosevic was whether the "tribunal" believed he or she would have a "good effect" on the prisoner.

President Milosevic is forbidden access to the Internet or a library. His research tool is a pay telephone near his cell.

For five months we have seen an endless parade of blatantly disreputable "witnesses." Some are officials of NATO governments or organizations associated with NATO. It was NATO that bombed Yugoslavia including Kosovo. And NATO spokesperson, Jamie Shea, once boasted that NATO runs the "tribunal." (2)

Other "witnesses" have been Kosovo Liberation Army terrorists, or members of their front groups. That's whom the Milosevic government was fighting on the ground while NATO bombed from the air...

And now we have this case, the abuse of Rade Markovic.

Really, is there a greater disgrace, morally or professionally, than to be part of this "tribunal" or to defend it in the media or through some phony human rights group that fawns and scurries to serve the gangster bullies?

Slobodan Milosevic and Rade Markovic are imprisoned in Scheveningen. On a stone in that former Nazi prison a member of the Dutch Resistance engraved the following words:

"In deze bajes zit geen gajes, maar Hollands glorie, potjandorie."

which means:

"In this prison there are no criminals, but only the glory of Holland."

Let the NATO masters be careful how they treat Slobodan Milosevic and Rade Markovic.

- Jared Israel & Nico Varkevisser, Vice Chairpersons, International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic


Further Reading

Note, 9 May 2003: For a partial guide to Emperor's Clothes articles related to Yugoslavia, go to http://www.emperors-clothes.com/#yugo

To read follow-ups on Rade Markovic, see
"Slobodan Milosevic Cross-Examines Rade Markovic, July 26, Part 1 of 2," which has actual transcripts, at http://emperors-clothes.com/milo/july26.htm
"Jared Israel Interviewed on BBC" at

To read and/or listen to Jared Israel discuss the Markovic torture issue with Hague Tribunal prosecutor Blewitt, go to

1) On the kidnapping of Mr. Milosevic, please see "THE TREASON OF VOJISLAV KOSTUNICA," at

2) For the press conference in which Jamie Shea indicated that NATO controls the "tribunal," see "Official Statements Prove Hague 'Tribunal' Belongs to NATO" at
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 07:30 am
gungasnake wrote:
These cretins in the Hague have a lot of **** to hide.

To name them:

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

UN international tribunal
Fausto Pocar (Italy)

Kevin Parker (Australia)

Presiding Judges:
Patrick Lipton Robinson (Jamaica)
Carmel A. Agius (Malta)
Alphonsus Martinus Maria Orie (Netherlands)

Mohamed Shahabuddeen (Guyana)
Mehmet Güney (Turkey)
Liu Daqun (China)
Andresia Vaz (Senegal)
Theodor Meron (United States of America)
Wolfgang Schomburg (Germany)
O-Gon Kwon (South Korea)
Jean-Claude Antonetti (France)
Iain Bonomy (United Kingdom)
Christine Van Den Wyngaert (Belgium)
Bakone Justice Moloto (South Africa)

Ad Litem Judges:
Joaquín Martín Canivell (Spain)
Vonimbolana Rasoazanany (Madagascar)
Bert Swart (Netherlands)
Krister Thelin (Sweden)
Albin Eser (Germany)
Hans Henrik Brydensholt (Denmark)
Claude Hanoteau (France)
Janet M. Nosworthy (Jamaica)
Frank Hoepfel (Austria)


Chief Prosecutor: Carla Del Ponte (Switzerland), since 15 September 1999.
Deputy Prosecutor: David Tolbert (United States of America), since 30 August 2004
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 09:52 am

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic feared he was being poisoned in his detention cell in The Hague, his lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic said on Saturday hours after the tribunal announced Milosevic's death.

"Today, I have filed an official request to the tribunal to have the autopsy carried out in Moscow, having in mind his claims yesterday that he was being poisoned in the jail," Tomanovic told reporters in The Hague.

Acting on a request from Milosevic, Tomanovic said he had made a request for protection for his client to the Russian embassy in The Netherlands and to the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow.

"I demanded protection for Slobodan Milosevic over his claims that he was being poisoned. I still haven't received any reply and that's all I have to say at this time," the lawyer said.

Milosevic conducted his own defense at the war crimes trial. Tomanovic acted as his legal representative in other matters as well as helping him prepare his defense.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 09:57 am
I really could imagine that some international arrest warrants are issued against gungasnake as well.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 10:16 am
Doesn't sound like the dutch are gonna take the chance of having an autopsy performed in Moscow:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 10:21 am
One assumes that the Dutch are practicing to try themselves for ethnic cleansing and genocide, since they themselves are now beginning to expell muslims from their own country:


also for sort of conduct for which Milosevic rescinded the autonomy of Kosovo:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 10:35 am
Serbian doctors have access to Milosevic's body and they will be performing autopsy. You'll find that in most newspaper articles, gunga.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 10:46 am
do you even read the stuff you post, gunga?

The "german report" on non-existing genocide was quite funny, actually.

Excerpts from the these official documents were obtained by IALANA
(International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms) which sent
them to various media. The texts used here were published in the German
daily junge welt on April 24, 1999.

I never heard of IALANA, but that doesn't really matter. I can take snippets out of context from various government documents and build a case that government is secretly trying to build a colony on Mars, or force all schoolkids to wear pink uniforms at schools....and then give it a blanket headline. What amazes me is that there are people who fall for this every single time. Funny, really.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 11:38 am
Carla is talking in contradictions because she is talking about a suicide but his intention was not to die but to proove the West's Corruption.

I don't feel an inch of Regret for Slobodan because he ruined my country and my people.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 11:41 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
gungasnake wrote:
These cretins in the Hague have a lot of **** to hide.

To name them:

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

UN international tribunal
Fausto Pocar (Italy)

Kevin Parker (Australia)

Presiding Judges:
Patrick Lipton Robinson (Jamaica)
Carmel A. Agius (Malta)
Alphonsus Martinus Maria Orie (Netherlands)

Mohamed Shahabuddeen (Guyana)
Mehmet Güney (Turkey)
Liu Daqun (China)
Andresia Vaz (Senegal)
Theodor Meron (United States of America)
Wolfgang Schomburg (Germany)
O-Gon Kwon (South Korea)
Jean-Claude Antonetti (France)
Iain Bonomy (United Kingdom)
Christine Van Den Wyngaert (Belgium)
Bakone Justice Moloto (South Africa)

Ad Litem Judges:
Joaquín Martín Canivell (Spain)
Vonimbolana Rasoazanany (Madagascar)
Bert Swart (Netherlands)
Krister Thelin (Sweden)
Albin Eser (Germany)
Hans Henrik Brydensholt (Denmark)
Claude Hanoteau (France)
Janet M. Nosworthy (Jamaica)
Frank Hoepfel (Austria)


Chief Prosecutor: Carla Del Ponte (Switzerland), since 15 September 1999.
Deputy Prosecutor: David Tolbert (United States of America), since 30 August 2004

0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 11:42 am
Kosmos, what are the reactions within Serbia? How did the media report it, and what are people saying, in general?

I would also love to hear about what you and others think about the talks about the future of Kosovo. The meetings of Foreign Ministers is taking place right now, I believe, and there have been a few mishaps already.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 12:01 pm
Hague war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte Sunday defended the over four year long trial of Slobodan Milosevic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, saying that although his sudden death in jail Saturday "deprives the victims of the justice they need and deserve" and it was "a great pity ... that the trial will not be completed", the proceeding had nonetheless put critical evidence on the record.
"During the prosecution case," she said in in a statement delivered at the start of a news conference [recorded video], "295 witnesses testified and 5000 exhibits were presented to the court. This represents a wealth of evidence...".
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 12:02 pm
Responding to criticism that the trial might have been too long, she later observed:
Of course it is possible to say let's accuse him only for the most important crimes -- those where we can faster obtain a verdict...But my view is that it is not only a question of convictions and sentencing, it is also a question of truth -- of facts and truth. It is important for the victims particularly that they have full knowledge of what happened.

Milosevic had, she noted, been "accused of 66 counts of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo between 1991 and 1999. These crimes affected hundreds of thousands of victims throughout the former Yugoslavia."

In her statement del Ponte also emphasized that despite its length, the trial had almost reached its conclusion when Milosevic died: "There were in total 466 hearing days. 4 hours per day. Only 40 hours were left in the Defense case, and the trial was likely to be completed by the end of the spring."

Reuters: Del Ponte defends scope of 4-year Milosevic trial
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 12:03 pm
Asked by reporters about whether Milosevic might have committed suicide, she said that of course that was possible, but she awaited initial autopsy results expected Sunday or Monday, with toxicology reports - potentially addressing the possibility of drugging or poisoning raised by Milosevic lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic based on recent Milosevic statements and a letter disclosed Sunday - to follow later.

Reuters: Milosevic might have committed suicide
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 12:03 pm
In a separate statement Sunday, ICTY President Judge Fausto Pocar said it was "extremely unfortunate that the victims and their families will not have a final answer in this case on the criminal responsibility of the accused". He also explained the state of the autopsy proceedings:
According to the Tribunal's Rules of Detention, the authorities of the host state of the Netherlands, are conducting an inquest, pursuant to their law. A Dutch forensic team, including coroners carried out an examination of Slobodan Milosevic and his cell yesterday. Because the Dutch coroners who examined Slobodan Milosevic were unable to establish a cause of death, an autopsy was ordered without delay, as required under Dutch law. The autopsy will take place in the course of today. The Registrar has requested that a full report of the Dutch authorities' investigation be forwarded to the Tribunal as quickly as possible.

Pursuant to a request from the authorities of Serbia and Montenegro, and in concurrence with the Dutch authorities conducting the investigation, the Registrar agreed to have senior pathologists selected by the government of Serbia and Montenegro observe the autopsy.

Full text of Pocar's statement
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 12:09 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Hague war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte Sunday defended the over four year long trial of Slobodan Milosevic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, saying that although his sudden death in jail Saturday "deprives the victims of the justice they need and deserve.... .

Real trials don't take four ****ing years. It wouldn't have taken anybody four years to try Hitler and the Nurenburg tribunals did not go on for four years.

Think really hard....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 12:28 pm
I really hate to say this...

It seems obvious enough to me that they've killed this guy (Milosevic) for the same basic reason they killed Christ: his continued existence was bad for business.

Same thing happened to Jim McDougal and that other little guy they found out there at Fort Marcy Park, Vince Foster. Foster if you recall had made several trips back and forth to Switzerland in the last year of his life, the final one involving $1500 in air tickets and every bit of three hours in Switzerland before flying back (can you say "bag man"), and clearly died of pressure on the brain (knowing too much).

Not that anybody would compare any of those guys with Christ mind you, but the cause of death was basically the same.

In the old south stories like that used to be called "Sherrif of Birmingham jokes", like the story about the colored gentleman they found hanging from a tree with seventy some bullet holes and a dozen or knives still stuck in him, and the sherrif of Birmingham says "Damned if that ain't the worst case of suicide I ever did see!!"

Another such was the case of the colored gentleman they found at the bottom of the lake with 200 yards of chains wrapped around him and the sherrif of Birmingham says "Damned dumb n***** tried to steal more chains than he could swim with..."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 12:33 pm
yes, after they dumped millions on the trial, they killed him. makes much sense. it was bad for their busines....why exactly?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 12:34 pm
Wow, only Gunga could spin a yarn in which Vince Foster and Milosevic were all part of the same victimhood...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Mar, 2006 12:35 pm
they killed him just like Jesus...

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