One thing I notice about a$$holes, bullies, and villlains and evil people in general is that they all seem to excell at accusing others of the kinds of bad conduct and evil-doing whiich they themselves most habitually engage in.
It probably works on the same sort of level as the thing Hitler spoke of when he noted that ordinary people lie in small matters and hence assume others do as well, but also assume others would not tell grandiose lies since they themselves generally do not. In other words, evildoers and villains assume others would do the sorts of things they do.
Thus for instance we observe muslims forever accusing others of disrespecting their religion and their pedophile "prophet" Muhammed (MHBH), and thus also do we see de-moker-rats accusing George W. Bush of "lying us into a war".
Lying the country into a war is something dems excell at.
Kosovo might have been the ultimate democrat war in fact. That one was billed as an epic struggle to save the poor, long suffering Albanian Kosovars from "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide".
Nonetheless, German government studies indicate that nothing resembling persecution or ethnic cleansing was going on in Kosovo at the time:
and there is a Stratfor anaylsis indicating that nothing resembling genocide had ever taken place in Kosovo:
Stratfor is a corporation which provides political information to corporations conducting business in foreign countries.
There were a baker's half dozen or so realpolitik kinds of reasons for wanting to do Kosovo and, together, they did not add up to a case; the pentagon advised Slick not to do it. The deciding factor was the need to take chinagate and the Juanita Broaddrick rape allegations off of the front pages of American newspapers.