it is hard to tell anything from statements like the one kate hudson made, it could have been a joke. but if it wasn't living with a drug addict is totally straining on your own head than on the addicts. it's like living in a war zone because who knows if because they can't get drugs one day they will take it out on you??
my opinion. this comes from a quote from my grammy "get rid of the bum, cross him off the list"
i grew up in a pretty F**ked up situation and all i can say is if mom got out sooner she wouldn't be disabled today because one of her boyfriends beat the hell out of her.
men (or spouses or women) who beat on their partners need to be rounded up and put in a room with each other so they can duke it out with people who have the same anger problems.

some things in this world would be a lot better if people like that didn't exist
so to make a long story short. living with a druggie is emotional abuse, sometimes emotional abuse is just as abd if not worse than physical abuse at least bruses fade. psychological damage stays forever.
sorry that was kind of deep
that is what happens when i feel strongly about something.