Kate Hudson recently made a strange statement regarding hubby Chris Robinson (of Black Crowes semi-fame): "I don't worry about him [cheating on me] when he is on the road because he is way more into drugs than groupies."
Call me crazy, but isn't this the sort of skewed justifications made by abused people? I do hope it was a joke. Apparently, Chris is "off drugs" now.
Joe Rogan has a comedy bit he does about women who are addicted to dating a--holes. Basically the dialogue is between the abused friend and her girlfriend: "I can't believe you got back together, I thought you were through with him."
"He apologized...he said he wouldn't hit me in the FACE anymore....just the thigh, and not full strength."

I was almost too shocked to laugh, to be honest, but potent issues are often well expressed in comedy. Rogan's feelings against abusive men were well presented in the bit.
Let's discuss...