Msolga - How is she doing? gaining confidence? a name yet?
I'm sure she'd come back to you if she did get out now, you are the one secure place for her. It would worry me just the same though.
(I liked the poem - I like TS Eliot)
Rosie swears at himself as well

but he picks her up less and she never snuggles up with him. The trouble is she loves her cuddles but has this weird thing of not jumping up onto your knee to ask for one - she sits looking at me with round eyes and I have to pick her up - and often she runs off and I am expected to chase her first! weird cat. Once I pick her up she sighs happily, stretches and snuggles into me, burying her nose into my neck. It's when
I want a cuddle and
she doesn't that we get the nagging telling off - there's no malice in it and the second she's put down she's fine again but it sounds terrible! and sometimes she changes her mind, starts off growling and moaning and then suddenly thinks she'll stay and snuggles up mid-moan!!
Paddy copies her but has a very very weedy little miaow for such a little swashbuckler and he just looks you in the eye and miaows pathetically - he HATES being picked up whereas Rosie doesn't mind if she's feeling cuddly. He has
no hesitation in jumping up when he wants stroking or talking to. What he wants he asks for and is master of the tail up, looking over his shoulder and blinking slowly and leading you to the door, food dishes or whatever!