THE NEW CAT ROOM! (or the Cat Room #2)

Reply Tue 21 Mar, 2006 03:39 pm
Hi Olga,

I managed to find my way here (from the old thread) just to see how things were going with the new cat. I'm relieved that she's emerged. It sounds like she'll be wonderful. She just needs some time.

Have you decided on a name? If I were to have a female cat, I would name her Emily (maybe). I've found that cat names come to me once the cat is around awhile. The name must fit.

When Mikey the Monster was new and unnamed, I looked at him a long time. He reminded me of a kid in a breakfast food commercial here in the States many years ago. "Let Mikey try it." If that kid was a cat, he'd be Mikey, and vice versa.

I don't seem to be having the problems with a2k in general and this thread in particular that have plagued me recently. I hope I'm back.
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Reply Tue 21 Mar, 2006 03:41 pm
You were having problems?

Ones like this:?

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Reply Tue 21 Mar, 2006 04:28 pm
Hi Roberta! Long time no see! How is Mikey? Still biting you?

Msolga: The reporter on the news was reporting on the storm FROM Melbourne...that is why I was confused! Of course this silly American knows where Queensland is, but dumb me, I just heard the tail end and thought Melobourne was hit too. Pretty big storm that would have to be! Laughing

I also have to be with an animal before giving them a name. It has to fit. It will strike you, I am sure.

Tequila is eating and drinking and doing the other basics today! Smile And taking his medication without clawing me! Very Happy

Good luck with the new puss.
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Reply Tue 21 Mar, 2006 04:39 pm
Oh my goodness, I missed the new cat, congratulations, msolga.

She reminds me very much of my cat Jasmine, whose name fit her to a T and you're welcome to if strikes your fancy. She was a sort of a tuxedo calico -- mostly tuxedo markings, with a few peach smudges. Very dramatic looking, gorgeous green eyes. A true beauty. She was also quite skittish, but sweetness incarnate with a person she felt comfortable with -- I'm sure yours will get there.

Sounds like talking up a storm may interest her. Maybe you can read aloud for a while, or something.

Again, congrats!

And glad that Tequila is looking up, too.

Ooh, another cat-name idea, msolga, how about Lata? ;-)
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Reply Tue 21 Mar, 2006 04:58 pm
Soz, you gave me an idea!

msolga, if she is playing hard to get and a bit of a tease...perhaps....Lola? Laughing
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 02:48 am
She sounds an absolute delight msolga Very Happy

I think it'll be no time at all now until she's totally at home. It's so nice that she's a snuggly cat and wants to interact.

We need some photos once she's comfortable enough

I wish you could hear Rosie's bad language! when you pick her up and she doesn't want it she rumbles on and on with this growling miaow that goes up and down in volume, there's quite a vocabulary there! and looks at you with big black eyes - she's not above gripping you with her teeth to reinforce it if she's really cross! We put a stop to the actual biting a long time back by getting very cross with her - when she was tiny she's sink her teeth into you if she was cross, little monster.

funnily she never misbehaves at the vet even though she's terrified - it's just when I'm misbehaving that she does this!
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 03:09 am
I just saw a flying cat. Well it was trying to fly, did quite well in comparison to a brick. 80ft downwards, not the best of landings.
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 04:02 am
Hiya Deb, I was having two kinds of problems, but not the ones you describe. For no apparent reason, a string of strange screens would appear. I would delete; they'd come back. I delete; they come back. I exit a2k; the f'ing screens still come back. The only way I could get the screens to disappera was to go offline. The second problem was simpler. I would enter a2k and my computer would freeze. I had to control, alt, delete and start over. I got fed up. If Olga hadn't gotten a new cat and left me in the dark about where it was, I might never have come back.

Vietnamnurse, Of course Mikey is still biting me. I long ago gave up on the idea that he would stop. I figure it's a good day if he doesn't draw blood.

The only time he didn't bite me was this past summer. I was undergoing medical treatment. I think it made me smell different. Maybe he wasn't sure who I was. The only two people he bites are me and the male vet. (There's a woman vet who's never been bitten. Go figure.)

He also smacked a cute little female cat who lives down the hall. I don't think he intended any harm. Just swatting at a fly. She left the ground and flew across the hallway. Her owner won't let the two of them play anymore. I don't call him the monster cat for nothing.

Vivien, You speak cat? Not sure I want a translation.

Olga, You'll let us know when you decide on a name.
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 05:54 am
cyphercat wrote:
Rufus was a stray when I adopted him and for the first few days he just hid under my bed, only coming out for a few minutes in the late evening if I sat beside the bed and just quietly waited long enough. Then he'd roll all over my lap luxuriating in being petted, but he'd hide again afterward and not come out for the whole next day.

He repeated that process for a day or two and then came out like he owned the place, once he was ready. Sounds like your little tuxedo girl is doing something similar.

Yes, it sounds a very similar situation, cypher. But there's a little more progress to report today: last night she slept on the couch, not under it. Then she greated me at my bedroom door this morning: "Where's my breakfast?" THEN, later still, she ran up the (shut) flywire door at the back of the house, which leads to the outside world! Shocked A stern "NO!!!!" from msolga!
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 06:05 am
Roberta wrote:
Hi Olga,

I managed to find my way here (from the old thread) just to see how things were going with the new cat. I'm relieved that she's emerged. It sounds like she'll be wonderful. She just needs some time.

Hooray! Roberta's here! Very Happy

Roberta wrote:
Have you decided on a name? If I were to have a female cat, I would name her Emily (maybe). I've found that cat names come to me once the cat is around awhile. The name must fit
Roberta wrote:

Yes, the name must fit, Roberta! I have tried out quite a few & none have stuck yet. Today's name was Maggie/Mags .... Hmmmmm, nah, don't think so!

Roberta wrote:
When Mikey the Monster was new and unnamed, I looked at him a long time. He reminded me of a kid in a breakfast food commercial here in the States many years ago. "Let Mikey try it." If that kid was a cat, he'd be Mikey, and vice versa.

Laughing Nice!

Roberta wrote:
I don't seem to be having the problems with a2k in general and this thread in particular that have plagued me recently. I hope I'm back.

I hope the perplexing A2K hex has somehow finally fixed itself , Roberta. We all really missed you & the Monster cat around here! Welcome back! Very Happy
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 06:19 am
Vietnamnurse wrote:
Msolga: The reporter on the news was reporting on the storm FROM Melbourne...that is why I was confused! Of course this silly American knows where Queensland is, but dumb me, I just heard the tail end and thought Melobourne was hit too. Pretty big storm that would have to be! Laughing

Laughing That would have to be a humongous storm! I once took an express bus (!) from Melbourne to Cairns. (Don't ask why. I think I must have been quite mad in my youth!) & it took three whole days to get there, VN! Shows you how far away it is! Oz it BIG!

Vietnamnurse wrote:
Tequila is eating and drinking and doing the other basics today! Smile And taking his medication without clawing me! Very Happy

Oh phew! That's great! I'm really pleased to hear it! Let's hope he stays well!Very Happy
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 06:22 am

What is her name?????

Sounds like she is gradually settling....

I am so happy...I do hope she works out well.

Sleeping tucked up with you sounds great!
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 06:28 am
sozobe wrote:
Oh my goodness, I missed the new cat, congratulations, msolga.

She reminds me very much of my cat Jasmine, whose name fit her to a T and you're welcome to if strikes your fancy. She was a sort of a tuxedo calico -- mostly tuxedo markings, with a few peach smudges. Very dramatic looking, gorgeous green eyes. A true beauty. She was also quite skittish, but sweetness incarnate with a person she felt comfortable with -- I'm sure yours will get there.

Sounds like talking up a storm may interest her. Maybe you can read aloud for a while, or something.

Again, congrats!

And glad that Tequila is looking up, too.

Ooh, another cat-name idea, msolga, how about Lata? ;-)

Thank you, soz. This is certainly an adventure! Never adapted a mature cat before!
Your Jasmine sounds like she was a stunner!
All these potential names! ... Jasmine, Lola, Mags .....?
Lata! Idea That could be it, soz! We'll try that one out tomorrow! (And I could read that great tome of a book to her, too! Laughing )
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 06:39 am
Vivien wrote:
She sounds an absolute delight msolga Very Happy

I think it'll be no time at all now until she's totally at home. It's so nice that she's a snuggly cat and wants to interact.

We need some photos once she's comfortable enough

I wish you could hear Rosie's bad language! when you pick her up and she doesn't want it she rumbles on and on with this growling miaow that goes up and down in volume, there's quite a vocabulary there! and looks at you with big black eyes - she's not above gripping you with her teeth to reinforce it if she's really cross! We put a stop to the actual biting a long time back by getting very cross with her - when she was tiny she's sink her teeth into you if she was cross, little monster.

funnily she never misbehaves at the vet even though she's terrified - it's just when I'm misbehaving that she does this!

Let's hope you're right about Ms Tuxedo settling in, Vivien. I worry that I'll accidentally leave a door open & she'll bolt!

So Rosie saves her bad temper solely for you? I suppose she's as nice as pie with Himself, too? :wink: Isn't that strange? That that tiny little kitten you rescued should develop such confidence & determination? By "getting very cross" with her you mean the stern, grim "NO!" command? I'm working on that one!
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 06:47 am
dlowan wrote:

What is her name?????

Yes, a three year old, tuxedo, Deb.

And as for the name, that's still in the pipeline!

I do like soz's suggestion of Lata, though!

Or Maggie, maybe?

Funny, a friend and I worked our way through heaps of names the other day & none suited. Margo's Eartha (Kit!) was a little too smouldering, though tempting ... We even considered all those silly, girly names Bob Geldoff called his daughters: Trixiebell, Fifi, Tigerlilly, etc, etc .... Razz
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 06:48 am
Whoops! .... soz I meant to say I've never adopted a mature cat before, not that I've never adapted one!
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 08:27 am

congratulation to your new cat.
I hope she will soon settle in comfortably.

Naming a cat -
The naming of cats is a difficult matter
It isn't just one of your holiday games
You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter
When I tell you a cat must have three different names

First of all, there's the name that the family use daily
Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James
Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey
All of them sensible, everyday names

There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter
Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames
Such as Plato, Admetas, Electra, Demeter
But all of them sensible everyday names

But I tell you a cat needs a name that's particular
A name that's peculiar, and more dignified
Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular
Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride?

Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum
Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo or Coricopat
Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum
Names that never belong to more than one cat

But above and beyond there's still one name left over
And that is the name that you never will guess
The name that no human research can discover
But the at himself knows, and will never confess

When you notice a cat in profound meditation
The reason, I tell you, is always the same:
His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation
Of the thought
Of the thought
Of the thought
Of his name

His ineffable effable effanineffable
Deep and inscrutable singular name

Lyrics from the musical Cats.
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 08:30 am
Delightful, ul! Very Happy
A very serious business, indeed!
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 01:52 pm
did no one else see the flying cat?
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2006 07:44 pm

She sounds to be settling in nicely - and the name will come! One day it'll seem so obvious.

Possum was due to be called Tim the Timid when he arrived - but it didn't feel quite right - and of course, that's because his proper / real name was Possum, and that hadn't become clear. He prefers to be addressed and treated as Lord! or maybe King!
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