Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........thee moight have the roight of it thar, matey.
Ai weiwei and his cats -
link for further info - serious to read if you don't yet know about him
I opened the back sliding door the other morning to put some laundry out to dry.
There on the mat was a big, dead RAT!!!
I don't usually open this door through the week - so I don't know how long it had been there - but it was rather on the nose.
I've lived here for over 12 years and I've never seen as much as a mouse, let alone a rat. I just can't imagine old, tired, arthritic Possum catching and killing it. I suggested to a friend that Poss had been shopping at a laboratory supplies shop - but, as far as I know, Possum doesn't have any money (well - he never pays board or contributes to the cost of running the household!).
It was his christmas present!
Quote:Possum doesn't have any money
Are you insinuating Possum ordered a hit?
dlowan wrote:
It was his christmas present!
I've suddenly become Islamic Jewish!
hingehead wrote:
Quote:Possum doesn't have any money
Are you insinuating Possum ordered a hit?
Anything's possible. He was almost hit by returning breakfast on the day!
margo wrote:
... but, as far as I know, Possum doesn't have any money (well - he never pays board or contributes to the cost of running the household!).
Margo, clearly that's backrent plus interest. I'm proud of Possum for trying to catch up with her debts and flying right.
Update from 13 Wistful Vista:
Here's Miss Hilda having a personal moment.
The rangefinder strobe caused her to look away
just before I clicked the shutter.
I took the food and threw it and am anon agricultural dried food alleged to EVO and Fancy Feast, the same protein peak. The vet told me that even admitting branch is declining slightly, these bodies need protein! I am by the Science of Diets for all my animals, including my dog.
msolga wrote:
I took quite a fancy to this little guy on the Kyle site.
But I'm wondering .... why are they no happy kittens on this site?
The all look .... kinda
Perhaps they're tired of all the geeks a gawkin' at 'em
A hearty Christmas wish from the Nomads.
Good day, msolga; I'm the house security cat. You think I'm asleep, don't you?
Take a closer look at my enlarged photo.
click here
Miss Holda sees all.
Ha! Looks like karma to me!
So cute

A 10-week-old hearing-impaired kitten called Buzz attends a cat obedience class at the Prahran Vet Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. The youngster needs to learn hand commands because he is unlikely to ever respond to vocal commands. Australian vet Nicole Hoskin said: "He's been dumped and is going to be harder to re-home so I've had to teach him to pay attention to me. Already he's sitting on command and high-fiving with one paw and he can high-10 with both paws over his head."
Picture: David Caird/Newspix / Rex Features
A 10-week-old hearing-impaired kitten called Buzz attends a
cat obedience class. . . Hahahahahaha!