Hey Soz and Snood
My boys keep me smiling!
Yep, new camera (whizzy singing dancing camera) and some whizzy software - processed the pics in CS5, sharpened, added contrast, saturated and then faded saturate...
Murphy's eyes (my black and white fella) are absolutely stunning, sometimes they look like turquoise marbles - they are almost luminous - his colouring makes his eyes stand out so much - and my black boy - well, he has the biggest greenest eyes ever - in the dark - well, he's truly magnificent - like a black panther.
Have toned Murphy's down a bit but it looks to me as if they've pixelated now - tho it's hard to see the variations on this really crahpy monitor I'm using (school one which is THAT old!) and the display is pants...
However, took some video of Murphy today and will try and figure out how to upload it when I get my laptop back and then you can see him in the kitty flesh, so to speak.
They are both so handsome...
talking of which Snood - my oh my, your avatar pic is wow gorgeous!!!!!!