Well, I have just spent the last few hours at a cat show....cuddling and burying my nose in Devon and Cornish Rexes...and a couple of Sphynxes!!!!
I have been wondering if, when Miranda goes, I would be able to have one of these minimally shedding breeds....but, as I am allergic to most cats, except Siamese, I have been unsure if allergies would forbid this.
So....heard about a Rex cat show that was on today, and the breeders were kind enough to let me (and a colleague from work, who is trying to find out the same) cuddle their cats, and bury our noses in them.
So far, so good.
At $1,500 the Sphynxes are out, though, methinks. They have minimal coats...feel like softest suede....and wer emuch less alien looking as adults than the kitten shots you often see.
I love the Devons AND the Cornishes......oh dear.
Miranda is sniffing me with great enthusiasm....and some shock.