gems em! nasus si sumac?
on, on, nasus si camus.
That's 'tow', Deb, not 'wot.'
I got the first one - but, well...........blush...
Mad as hatters, the lot of ye . . . i just spoke with ol' Al-bear Camus, an' he ain't amused . . .
No, and he never does.
What's the movie that asks the question, "Why does the existential dilemma have to be so bleak? Yes, I mean, we're all going to die, but is that a bad thing?"
Something tells me it's a bad movie I never should have watched in the first place (since I would have been out, you know, inoculating orphans if I hadn't been watching subpar cinema)...
Subpar Cinema? Did you make that up? Hope it's not copywrit 'cause I'm borrowing it.
I think the movie sounds like Woody Allen. may be his script, but i'm pretty sure he doesn't say it...
Ahh, here we go: it's from the remake of "Bedazzled," which I have to cop to seeing more than once. (It's been on the tube during multiple Sunday morning hangovers.)
Are you watching the original British one with Dudley Moore? Or the Brendan Fraser fiasco?
nay, the remake. watched the original once, as well. odd piece of fluff, solidly grounded in its time. thank god it's the wonder boys that is on over and over again on weekend mornings now. but i utterly fail to digress...
Well, I guess Dudley knows - now - if it is, or is not, so bad......
You're kidding??? Who did this and when did this happen? Shoot, I never keep up with entertainment personalities. Well, too bad, RIP, ol' Dud. We hardly knew ye.
We did - long before Hollywood Dud and Peter Cook, also dead, were shining lights in "New" British comedy - satirical, wacky, bitingly clever - used to watch 'em as a wittle kid.....
There was a Dudley Moore children's show? Oh joy. Did he play the piano?
No - it was very much an adult show - but not so adult as their famous Derek and Clive characters: "laugh, I nearly shat - I have not laughed so much since grandma died or since Aunt mabel caught her left tit in the mangle....."
<trying to express shock while laughing uproariously> Why, I had a Grandma Mabel!! And she had huge.....
(ahem) I will check out the links presently.
you say her left tit in the mangle, eh?
could it be she is left handed
there is the expression
tit for tat
But who is it that died?