Sofia wrote: Following a timeline of attacks may seem simplistic, but to me is the only accurate way of seeing who is offensive and who is retaliatory.
I posit that is is quite simplistic. Retaliatory indicates retaliation against involved individuals. When "retaliation" hits a 50 year old housewife (not used for argumentum ad misericordiam) it's hard to see as retaliation.
Most of the time the "retaliation" is at a target Israel wants to hit and they use the Palestinian terrorism to avoid really bad PR fallout.
Sofia wrote:
Craven-- You say Israel's response to the terrorist attacks were pre-planned.
1) Where do you get your information?
Daniel Seaman the director of Isreal's government press office.
Sofia wrote:
2) Do you mean pre-planned, as in the list of targets Israel keeps as proposed actions in the face of terrorist attacks?
Sorta. This was a special case. Seaman said that "Isreal's leaders" (on quotes because I do not know exactly who he is talking about) gave the military permission to assasinate both Rantisi and Yassin several weeks ago. But they held off because of the Aqaba summit and because Abu Mazen was trying to negotiate a ceasefire.
But their restraint ended and Seaman said:
"But we saw several things in the past week (speaking of the Hamas walkout and defiance of the ceasefire call)".
"Then they murdered 5 Israelis. We did not target anyone and they murdered 5 Israelis. So we acted".
Sofia wrote:
It is hard for me to understand how you can blame Israel for taking steps toward the peace process, as if it is somehow bait for the Palestinians....?
What on eath are you talking about? I blame Israel for their poor timing in an assasination attempt. I blame them for saying that they will dismantle settlements then taking down empty towers.
Sofia wrote:
That is like blaming the attractive woman for her rape.
Again. Huh???
Sofia wrote: Many Palestinians were furious that the borders kept them from being able to work and visit relatives. I cannot see how anyone, in good conscience, can blame Sharon for opening the borders, yet I remember you alluding to that position somewhere on these Israel/Pal threads.
Ahh now I'm starting to get you.
No I do not "blame" him for this. I think it was not a smart move.
Palestinians need the border to be open but they have no right to it. It also opens up Israel for attacks and each attack by either side severely reduces the chances for peace (at the moment I am very doubtful that peace will be acheived in this attempt).
I think it was a bad move. He should do things to rectify situations in which Isreal is in legal violation. The settlements on land that is not their own is commonly recognized as an act of war. He is making a big show about the settlements but he is razing few occupied settlements and has not indicated any intent to dismantle the settlements that had Israeli sanction (yet that are still illegal and still part of what the US demanded they dismantle).
Sofia wrote:
Anyone-- What the Hell is Sharon to do after a terrorist attack? What would you, as an Israeli citizen demand of him?
I would demand that they use common sense. The US administration said that their attack did not help their security goals at all. The US is not inclined to be biased against Israel.
In this case I think the Isrealis helped make peace more distant.
But ok, I'll bite.
What to do:
Unilaterally withdraw from the Palestinian territories.
That includes ALL settlements on territory that is not their own (for the sake of simplicity I assume that we both agree that they have settled plenty of land that is not theirs, if you think it is theirs then we are wasting time).
Fence off the border (without trying to extend it).
Do not let ANYONE in and out until the negotiations are completed.