Thu 1 May, 2003 12:58 am
An interesting theory on the nature of mathematical genius:
Quote:They were certainly geniuses, but did Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton also have autism? According to autism expert Simon Baron-Cohen, they might both have shown many signs of Asperger syndrome, a form of the condition that does not cause learning difficulties
New Scientist article
I have a nephew who suffers from Asperger syndrome and based on my observations of him and what I know of Einstine and Newton I'd say Newton possibly and Einstien probably not. My nephew is also so very bright, academically, and a disaster socially. The latter can be attributed to Asperger's but I doubt the former can. Both sides of his family are acomplished in academia and other areas.
Einstein flunked algebra in school. So, did he have a learning disability or what?
@New Haven,
I have Aspergers and I know what its like in school. I do not believe he had learning disabilities. I've flunked math. And I've dropped out of high school three times. I know that the social aspect of it has a lot to do with it. If I didn't get along or feel comfortable with the teacher teaching a certain subject, my grades would suffer horribly.
I kind of hope you can get a discussion. Most of us know so little about it.