Mr STILLWATER, an A2K mover-and-shaker since.... oooooh... 2002, I guess.
>Great Dad to Jennifer, Emily & Sarah
>Good at the Library game, excellent cataloguing skills
>Loves reading
>I can make the best fucking pancakes from scratch!! For real!
>Lover of fine wines (and very forgiving of bad wines!)
>I can iron my clothes
>I love jazz
Failures :
>Rotten husband to whats-her-name
>Even worse son-in-law
>Hopeless employee (I am looking for my... like 17th job)
>Vegetarian for 25+ years (this is not a failure, but some folks like to find fault with this)
>Drunk since 1995 (actually, this should go into my successes)
>I snore
>I like punk
Sat 27 Feb, 2010 09:34 pm - Margo and Philbis kindly added me to a new feature.. famous posters?
I don't really fall into that category. But you are all legends in my mind! (view)
Sun 17 May, 2009 05:39 am - The cool, cool river
Sweeps the wild, white ocean
Yes Boss. The government handshake
Yes Boss. The crusher of language
Yes Boss. Mr. Stillwater,
The face at the edge of the banquet... (view)
Sun 17 May, 2009 05:34 am - bi-polar bear.. get A FUCKING AVATAR.. what is it? Like 2 years?
ehbeth & littleK.. (Mrs Stillwater V.2) We'll always have Paris.. no, heck it was Vegas..
Walter!! Wie gehts Freunde!... (view)
Sun 17 May, 2009 05:23 am - dlowan (I have always loved you Deb. How do you do it? Always suck me back in here)
margo (you have such good heart)
Craven/Robert (I salute you.. you magnificant bastid!)
msolga (rug up...... (view)
Sat 14 Feb, 2009 03:51 pm - It's a damn funny thing, but I just happen to have a copy right next to me. I 'borrowed' it from a colleague at work who is off on sick-leave big time. A good quality publication... (view)
Sat 14 Feb, 2009 03:39 pm - We are very uncomfortable with ourselves as 'physical' beings that urinate, defecate, vomit, ejectulate, menstrate, salivate, etc. Whenever possible (at least in the West) we do as much... (view)
Sat 14 Feb, 2009 03:28 pm - [img][/img]
[quote]Tooth and Nail: The Story of the Rabbit in Australia, by Brian Coman; Text, 1999, $24.95.
THERE SHOULD BE more books... (view)
Sat 14 Feb, 2009 03:18 pm - [quote]Anything by Crichton is a good read.[/quote]
Got one word for you; [u]Prey[/u]. Never, read it. But, someone once pointed out to me - when you go into OpShops ('thrift' shops in... (view)