Life: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 05:24 pm
Izzie wrote:
Lash wrote:
Captain's Log 6/7/08:

We broke up (if you can call it that) three times since my last post here. He is patient and hurt each time: I am obviously a nutjob.

This seems to me like Advanced Iraqs. I really think I am so subconciously horrified at the prospect of being sincerely emotionally invested and then dumped, that I am doing this stuff at every succeeding juncture of a deepening of my feelings for him.

(Translation: when I realize I care more about him than before, I break up with him.)

Well maybe - maybe not. Why do you think you care more about him than before?
Does something happen to make you think that - translation: do you break up with him and then realise you do want to be with him OR do you realise you care about enough to commit to him and then break up with him?
This, I am certain of. I begin thinking that I am fonder of him, that I like having him around more, I realize I am starting to rely on his companionship---and THEN, I get ultra sensitive about everything he says...questioning "what did you mean when you said that?"...and then I close off on him.

You said "care more about him than before……… before what????
It's an intensification of my feelings for him. I should have said when I get closer...to feeling a committment might work?
Do you ever consider he may not be the right person for you?
Do you want him to be the right person for you?
I'd like to know if he is...I SURELY don't want to fool myself into thinking he is.
Do you push him away/break up to "test" the boundaries to see if he will keep coming back to you - therefore, then knowing that what you are "emotionally investing" is worth it. (do you see what I mean there?)
Hell yes. I'm thinking this is what's going on subconsciously.
If he sticks around - you can take the chance. If he doesn't - then subconsciously/consciously you have already started to get over it because you didn't allow yourself to "invest" in it.
...and we have a winner, I think...

K - speaking as someone who knows absolutely nothing about you or your situation or your fella…
You did pretty good.

Lash wrote:

We survived the last spate of break-ups and moved out of the ghetto, and into a really sweet apartment. It has little vestiges of the home I used to dream of when I was a girl. Nestled beneath a shady canopy of towering trees, a cool oasis,...covered in ivy and (shakes head even now, disbelieving) there is a sweet footpath alongside the house, leading to the back yard--a jungle of ivy, spread out thickly all over the yard, climbing the trees, stretching across powerlines.. In the center of the backyard, there is a sunny spot, just the right size for sunbathing, but what I love most is the deep cool of the shade that surrounds that sunny place. It's dreamy. The apartment is mostly dark and cool. Beyond our little patch of yard is the thickest jungle of trees and ivy and kudzu. The fireflies are dazzling at night.

K - are you a romanticist (is that the right word)
Again, she hits it.-
well, that's how it appears to me - and I am talking as the Chief Romanticist In The Whole Wide Ideal Little FairyTale World I would like to be living in Rolling Eyes - so laughing - if only things were that simple. :wink: You sound as tho you have your little dream…. as we do…. yet, it's not the perfect "relationship" - if it was, you wouldn't question it.
Jesus, this is what he says..."Why do you question it?"
But, there is NO perfect relationship. It's like, there's a little bit missing somewhere - it's not all fitting together quite the way it should - if it was - then you would be moving forward without the spate of break-ups every so often. Again, that kinda leads me back to thinking - is it a conscious thing to break-up to "see if it's for real" - to see if the relationship is real enough to commit too.
Lash wrote:

Anyway, my pattern of Iraqs seems to be out of control. I am sabotaging this relationship, and I seem powerless to stop myself. We don't argue. We're very nice to each other almost always.

Oh hunni - that's all lovely, but is it "real" - not everyone has to argue, but to be nice most of the time I think often takes more work than just saying what's really going on. Maybe if you spoke to him about your feelings of what you consider "sabotaging" before it got to the break-up (which must be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster in itself) - maybe your insecurities of that emotional investment would be easier to deal with. I dunno. I'm off on a ramble here (as I do) and may be completely wrong.
No, I know I'm a mess...and I think you're completely right.
Lash wrote:
But, then I sleep on the couch--because it's cooler in the den... (I couldn't honestly tell you why I'm doing it, but that I feel uncomfortable in the bed with him. I do know it's nothing he's doing. It's something with me. Maybe as simple as wanting to sleep alone--being used to it--or some lurking intimacy problem. I am having intimacy problems.

See, to me, that sounds as if things just aren't right at this very moment (gosh, aren't I the most unhelpful person here a?)
- to me, it sounds as tho you are just not comfortable with being with him - no matter how nice and kind and loving he is…. Maybe it's just not right for you. As I said before, it's all about compromise being in a relationship. He sounds like he is prepared to listen to you, prepared to wait around for you to "know" if it's going to work or not - he sounds as tho he really does want this to work - now you have to figure out what it is you want.
Nail on the head, I think.
I don't know the other people on this thread either, don't know your history - so, this is coming from a complete outsider with a different perspective, which may or may not be useful to you. Meant with good intention tho. Honestly.

If he truly loves you - he will wait and he will try and help you through this and he will be patient. You see - that's where you and I are polar opposites - coz I can relate to him there.

Lash - when you are used to just being "with you" - it's hard to let someone in - when you are ready to do that - you will and with open arms - maybe right now you need to be with "just you" - not saying move out or break up or anything like that - what I mean is - don't look too far into the future - don't look as this as "forever" right now - just take each day, as it happens and see what happens - don't try to predict the future or getting hurt - your defences for whatever reasons are up - they are there to protect you, only you can take them down, and when you are ready to do that, one by one they'll come down. It may take a while - it may take a long time - if you and he are gonna be together - then his patience will let you take down, build up, take down, build up….. I do believe in the ideal "if it's meant to be, it will"…. So, apologies if this is all a load of gumph, but thatsme!
Oh sweety. How wise you are. Of course, you're right. I'm also if it's meant to be person. I just don't want to frazzle his last nerve. I may end up running him off accidentally. But, you are right--my defences ARE up... Thank you so much for your sweet consideration. I appreciate you.
Lash wrote:

(laughing at myself for analyzing me all the time)

HA - "Analysers R Us" - no worries.

Lash wrote:

Don't worry, this can't go on much longer. I'm beginning to make myself want to puke over it. haha

Sick bag available - but you'll be fine…. Steady as she goes and just don't think too far into the future. Don't try and predict the future .... you can't hun.

Lash wrote:

I am going to learn to relax.
I am going to learn to relax.
I am going to learn to relax.
I am going to learn to relax.

And breathe……………..

Lash wrote:

I may need strong drugs for this. Laughing

So, I am (tears in eyes) really liking him much more than before. He's a sweet, good man. Reliable, caring, honest, tender. And, I am very afraid. I'm thinking I should blame this on my mother. Laughing

See what happens - don't try to force anything - talk to him about how you feel. Try not to be afraid - fear can crush something that could be good. Keep those defences for self-preservation, but hey, he could be a liferaft too - could be the kiss of life.

There's no rush.... you can take your time ...

Just my thoughts to you. Take care.

(oh - I don't engage brain brilliantly right now - but hey - I'm happy!)

Oh…. one other thing….. and this is probably more about me than you - but you say he's reliable, caring, honest, tender, you're nice to each other almost always, and you are "liking" him more …… hunni - do you need passion? Do you maybe need a little more than "nice"…. If you are anything like me (oh, I hope not for your sake), but… passion is something quite big… not the kinda rose in the mouth, bended knee, (sick bag - ugh) and then…. on the kitchen table thing…. - but passion in words, thoughts and how you talk to one another, how you write, what you feel. Do you know what I mean? (mind you - thinking about it - on the kitchen table sounds quite good right now Razz - oh dear, apologies to those with sensibilities - got on one of those moods on tonite!!!!!!)

(laughing) Oh dear, we have the passion thing nailed down... LOL. It's the relationship thing--the day in day out he's always there he never leaves this is it forever for as long as you live thing that's freaking me out...

I should be happy about that. But, yeah, no hurry. I'll see what transpires...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 07:43 pm
I am planning to put him in a woodchipper.
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Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 07:47 pm
Oy Lash, he's Italian! Give him at least a cement block Laughing
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Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 07:49 pm
Considering CJ's insightful comment, tonight, he sleeps wid da fishes...
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Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 07:51 pm
You do that, Lash, and then you call the guy in NY. What ever happened to him? I hope you're still on talking terms...
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Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2008 08:06 am
CalamityJane wrote:
You do that, Lash, and then you call the guy in NY. What ever happened to him? I hope you're still on talking terms...

Hilarious! Actually, we talk a lot. His daughter calls once in a while. We've stayed close, but as the friendship has progressed--we've sort of settled into a brother/sister type thing that I don't think can be re-heated...

Once I get out of this current situation, I think "romance" can take a temporary powder.

(But, it's funny you mentioned him. I do like him.)

Hey....how's YOUR love life?? Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2008 11:23 am
yeah, the woodchipper

the city tree people have been in the neighbourhood recently

I was considering the size of the truck ... and chipper


Things are better today ... but Tuesday ...
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Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2008 12:15 pm
Lash wrote:
Hey....how's YOUR love life?? Very Happy

I have no complaints whatsoever. I guess I hit the jackpot Laughing
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Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2008 12:50 pm
Lash wrote:
Once I get out of this current situation, I think "romance" can take a temporary powder.

okaaaaaaaaaay.... what does that mean girlie???? Very Happy

have you been making big decisions Lash a?a?a?

Well, I hope you are OK. I am wishing heaps of PASSION for you..... that romance thing can get over there for a little while... so, here's wishing you some passion and maybe something unexpected, unpredictable, uncomplicated, different, something for you to have a real good laugh about and have a little bit of FUN. Something for you to get yer teeth into! :wink: No mundane, no big thought process..... just ....

(well, you know what I mean hopefully)! Razz
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2008 02:27 pm
well lash, I understand your ambivalence but as much as you want me, and I understand that, I'm taken.
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 01:58 pm
dyslexia wrote:
well lash, I understand your ambivalence but as much as you want me, and I understand that, I'm taken.

For Bob's sake, please stop taunting me with your smoldering sensuality!!! How much can a Bohemian chicka withstand???
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2008 12:49 pm
Lash - was dying to answer your pm, but recently got my privileges suspended Embarrassed .

Is there a way you can tell me what you were going to say by email?

(I know its taking a chance, but maybe it'll be okay...)

[email protected]
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2008 01:15 pm
I hope our non-A2K attempt at correspondence goes better than that last one...hahaha. (Not because of content, but not being able to get through filters...)

You should have mail. I have to go to work...will be back tomorrow.

I should get your phone number!
(the crowd is immediately silent)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2008 01:53 pm
Lash wrote:
I want to earn a doctorate (if I think I'm capable after the Master's.)

I want to be published -- and I want to be proud of what I write.

Wed Mar 08, 2006


Still a go on the first one? second one's checked off on your list?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Jul, 2008 03:20 am
Lash wrote:
I hope our non-A2K attempt at correspondence goes better than that last one...hahaha. (Not because of content, but not being able to get through filters...)

You should have mail. I have to go to work...will be back tomorrow.

I should get your phone number!
(the crowd is immediately silent)

I dint get nuttin
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Reply Thu 3 Jul, 2008 08:23 am
Good grief.

OK, I'll send the email through PM.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Jul, 2008 10:12 am
ehBeth wrote:
Lash wrote:
I want to earn a doctorate (if I think I'm capable after the Master's.)

I want to be published -- and I want to be proud of what I write.

Wed Mar 08, 2006


Still a go on the first one? second one's checked off on your list?

A wrap-up:

Barring some cataclysmic injustice, I'll graduate in December with my A.B. in English. I've passed a couple of tests required of teachers (the general Praxis and the English GACE--it appears that this poses problems for many teachers, because school system representatives I speak to perk up considerably when I mention it).

Since I decided to go for English content rather than the education program (boo hiss), I remain uncertified to teach--but that was my plan, because I wanted to get my M.A.T. (master's/teaching)

I'm accepted to begin my M.A.T. next June. (I could start in Jan, but they use the cohort method and start ONCE a year. [(How I hate them!! (haha)] I'm hired to substitute teach next year in the Athens-Clarke and Gwinnett counties.

I'm also mulling teaching pre-certification through an apprentice teaching program--and get the Master's later. I was popular with the teachers in Clarke last year--and I think I can parlay the sub gig into one of these coveted pre-certification teaching positions. I need health insurance---and my children are both in school and could use some financial help. It's a sacrifice (I wanted to start with my education completed), but my children's needs are certainly paramount--and I'm sick of not being help to them.

Depending on how well (and WHEN) I dispatch my master's, I do hope to pursue a doctorate--but I may not be up to it. Right now, I'm mostly interested in Ed Psy--but I've only had a few courses...and that interest can shift as I get new information. Anyway, we'll see where interest leads and how my brain holds out.

As for the second one, ehBeth. No, I don't consider that one checked off at all.
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Reply Thu 3 Jul, 2008 10:14 am
So, if I'm being graded on how smoothly I melded from undergrad to grad....I totally failed.

I did it with a 3.4, though. hahaha woooo hoooo!!!
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Reply Thu 3 Jul, 2008 11:00 am
OK, ethical question:

Your boyfriend has crossed the country, given up everything to be with you. You have run into rather serious problems---and discussed them in depth a few times over the past four months.

It's just not going to work, and now instead of feeling guilty and sad about it--and sorry for him--you are just increasingly uncomfortable in your own home--existing in a mode of near revulsion for him--and guilt free confronting the knowledge that the two of you will not be together permanently.

Facts to chunk in your hopper:

If I move out now, I leave him saddled with a lease he may not be able to manage.

Even though my name isn't on the lease, I feel morally responsible to help him through the year lease.

There is no way in hell I can afford to move out, maintain an apt and help him with the lease.

He knows no one here but me (and the assembly of clods at his work).

He's about to get a significant raise. (Does this release me from my moral responsibility to help him with his lease?) I don't think so....I'm thinking about making arrangments to move when he gets his raise, but I'll think I've done something shitty that people will be justified in saying what a **** I am. In other words, I will, in fact, be a ****.

He's making me insane. He is the cheapest man I've ever known. (There...I SAID it.) I am raked over the coals when I turn on the air conditioner in 90 degree weather. He criticises my daughter. (OMG, if I'd had flatware with me last night when he said that, I'd've shived him.) He has absolutely criticised and whined away all my tenderness toward him. Oy Jeez, he's so negative!! I sit uptown reading for hours to avoid going home. I slept in the floor last night to avoid touching (or perhaps murdering) him. <--kidding for those who think I really AM insane. I just can't stand to be around him. He has me infuriated. I guess if anyone spoke critically of my children in any other situation, I'd never speak to them again. I'd just cross them out of existence in my life---but when the guy is LIVING with you...

But, a part of me (the old Baptist part?) thinks a year with this guy is what I deserve for my hasty, selfish decision to do this in the first place...and a year in Purgatory may be cleansing....I could use the time to improve my horrible interpersonal skills, while saving money (he and I sharing rent/utilities IS cost effective...)

My other friends and the children want me out NOW. They act as though considering staying is a very bad idea.

My ethical code demands that I pay my portion of rent and utilities for the year no matter what his/my/our situation. I'm afraid the only way I can do that is to live with him---and frankly, I'm worried that our relationship may spiral into something worse during a year of undefined limbo roles...

Re: my ethical code. NY says (in his gentle way) that it is screwing up my life. It has led me through some ill-advised plot twists and made me hang on through other miserable situations.

I wonder if we could be "roommates" for a year... Does that sound like a rational solution?...or even more nutty than the decision to move in in the first place?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Jul, 2008 11:21 am
So, I'm bringing a bunch of crap here to commemorate my disaster.

The Art of Intimacy

3 Red Flags That You're Headed for a Breakup
Posted Thu, Jun 26, 2008, 3:55 pm PDT
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When it comes to breaking up, hindsight is 20/20. But wouldn't it be nice if you could tell that you and your partner were headed for a falling out before it happened?

Fortunately, you can predict a break up. And with just a little bit of tweaking, you can get back on track and rescue your relationship before it hits the rocks.

Red Flag #1: Tuning Out
One of the most common reasons relationships fail is because one or both partners is tuning out. It might sound minor, but in actuality, few things are more hurtful than being ignored by your loved one, whether that is accompanied by emotional neglect or physical distance.
I'm tuned out, but why doesn't she talk about the LOVELY PRECIPITATING FACTORS of the tune out.
The Cure: Take Down the Wall
Tuning back in is easy. All you have to do is agree to listen to your partner's feedback and dedicate time and emotion to the relationship again. Start taking down the emotional wall, brick by brick. Look at your partner in the eye when he or she speaks (even if it is not what you want to hear), make physical contact daily (even if it is just holding hands), and re-commit to the relationship.
Uh-huh. Listening to what he was saying is what got us INTO THIS MESS...
Red Flag #2: Fighting Fire with Fire
Couples who fight fire with fire can expect a relationship that is constantly up in flames. Name-calling, sarcasm, criticism, and violence (from throwing things, slamming doors, to actual physical abuse) result in emotional wounds that are hard to heal and relationships that are hard to rescue.
This is what bothered me the most, and made me know I needed to just give up. It may be hard to believe because I'm such a meany-pants here sometimes, but I can't stand tension and rudeness, and I like to be a peacenik, sort of in harmony...(Ok, just visualize a hippie chick twirling in a flow-y skirt doing commune-y Geisha hand motions)...so, now, I'm matching him criticism for criticism--meant to show him how it feels and how it sounds and how stupidly arbitrary it is--but he doesn't get it--and now, I just seem as much of an asshole as he is.

I am not having it.

The Cure: Pour Water on the Flames
The next time you feel anger guiding you to say, or do, things you might regret, take time to cool off. If that's not possible, try framing your complaints as requests. For instance instead of, "Why did you forget our date?," you could say, "I feel sad that you forgot our date. How can we make sure this doesn't happen again?" If your partner is the one who is fanning the flames, don't engage in the vicious cycle of insults and tantrums. You can't fight fire with fire if the other person won't engage in the flame-throwing.
I did that **** for months. Should have rolled up the newspaper.
Red Flag #3: Refusing to Own Up
No one is perfect, so why is it that some of us refuse to take responsibility in our most important relationships? Passing the buck and playing the victim are surefire ways to put a relationship in jeopardy.
Oh my Jeebus cripes---here we are!
He says, "What's wrong?"
Me: "That's the third criticism since you've been home. I'm tired of it."
Him: "I didn't criticise you."

Me: (Warding off aneurysm) "When you point out what you think I've done wrong, what I didn't do right, or what you don't like about something I've done---it is a criticism."

Him: "No, it's not."

I was getting about ten criticisms a day. Now that I avoid him like the plague, he only gets in about three. He NEVER admits to ANY faults. He must really think he's perfect.

The Cure: Take Responsibility for Your Actions
The next time you forget an anniversary, or say something hurtful to your spouse, don't try to pass the buck and refuse to take responsibility. Instead, admit where you went wrong and try harder next time. Sounds simple... but it can save your relationship.
Unless it should be euthanized.
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