I don't think anyone has the answers. I think everyone is searching and looking for something on some level. The idea of a God brings comfort to some and to others it does not. We are all fallible in some way shape or form. Whether that be our words, actions, beliefs, it doesn't matter. The idea that there is a infallible God is not a bad one... but it cannot be proven to the satisfaction of many simply because it requires one simple thing.... Faith. An almost impossible feat to one who has never known such a thing. Who is faced with the reality of the world we live in day by day by day.
Does that make a God any less real? No. Not to the ones who believe in him because in their mind "He is." Whether that be a reality to anyone else but them. The mind is a powerful force that is hard to defeat once it gets locked onto an ideal. Whatever that ideal may be. I can tell you this much though. Whether christians want to admit it or not their beliefs are fear based. They say their fear is good because they "fear God" and not men. Yet they often use their beliefs to try to scare others into believing it too all under the guise of concern for their eternal soul.
They are not afraid because in their minds they are not the ones going to hell. I am... You are... If we don't "believe". So what if I don't "believe"? What if I believe this hell the bible talks about is right here... right now...? What if I believe I can be god? Would this all loving creator send me the one he created with my own mind, thoughts, ideals, goals, dreams, aspirations to hell? Hum. Maybe. I'm sure if I murdered someone our government would send me to prison, but our government has never overbearingly tried to control how I live.
What I believe. Who I hang out with. What I drink. Eat. See. Feel. Wear. Nope. No one has the answers except each individual. I have my answers. those are good enough for me, just as yours are good enough for you. Suffering happens because people suck. They do stupid stuff and hurt others. Not because a God isn't looking or caring. Not because the government is having a hard time controlling crime. Suffering exists simply because we exist.