@real life,
Quote:Why do you assume that God permits suffering? Just because something 'is', does that mean God permitted it?
With great power comes great responsibility. In the case of God, His power is infinite, as is his knowledge. Therefore, his responsibility is infinite as well. HE must take responsibility for EVERYTHING that happens everywhere in the universe. Unlike human beings, God can claim neither ignorance nor inability to affect any outcome.
Because God's power and knowledge are infinite, nothing can happen anywhere in the universe unless HE knows about it, and allows it to happen. If anything happens without God knowing about it or allowing it, then God's power is limited. You can't have it both ways, no matter how fancily you dance around it.
Incidentally, I find it rather odd that God, who is a being of infinite power, nevertheless passes off responsibility for every bad thing in the universe onto his flawed creations, while at the same time taking no responsibility for the flaws he built into them.
I also find it rather odd that an infinite being could be injured, offended or inconvenienced in the slightest degree by any action of an infinitely inferior being.