Quote: I'm about to get very real, and probably offend some people. I apologize in advance. All I have to do is think for ten seconds about the 911 disaster, for example, and that's enough for me. When I think of the last moments of those poor people, some of whom may have been slow roasted to death, others suffocated by poisonous gases and fumes, others crushed to death beneath tons of rubble, others who had to make the agonizing decision whether to be burned to death or jump thousands of feet to their deaths. If I think about it for even ten seconds, it becomes too much for me to bear. My only thought is, if I were a God, and I knew that sentient beings were suffering to that degree, and I had the power to stop it, I wouldn't even think about it for a second. Yet we're to believe that God allows this kind of suffering every second of every day throughout the world, and does nothing, and yet claims to be the very definition of love. We're also to believe that he has specifically created a place where human beings who live according to the nature HE himself created in them, and who are not fortunate enough to find the correct religion, (ie the vast majority of souls who have ever lived) will be slow roasted alive for all eternity, with no relief and no hope for escape; not for purposes of eventual rehabilitation, but for nothing other than sadistic revenge, which can never be satiated. And yet we're to trust that this being is the author of love itself; that our love is nothing compared to His, that he loves us and has our best interests at heart. How can anyone think about that for 5 seconds without their brain exploding? What hope is there for meaningful dialogue, for appeal to reason, with a mind that can entertain such thoughts as this? And not only so, but with such a degree of certainty as to entertain no room for doubt or dissention whatsoever. It almost seems a waste of time.
My mind doesn't entertain such thoughts as this. I don't picture God up there watching numerous views of what's happening on the earth at every single moment, like a security guard with his various screens so that he can watch every entrance and exit and jump in to save the day if necessary. I also don't envision any slow roasting going on after anyone's death (except as is necessary to dispose of the body).
I think how individuals choose to view their particular God says more about the individual than the God. Because it IS a choice.
If someone had presented me the God that you present , and said, 'Here- believe in this,' I'd have had to say, 'Nope, sorry, can't do it.'
Here's an Arabic carol taken from an ecumenical centre in Bethlehem called the Sabeel. Sabeel mean, 'channel' or 'spring'. I heard this on Christmas eve because I went to the church two of my friends attend - both 86 year old bachelors. Sid is the organist and Jack is a congregant and they invited me. It was the most wonderful church service I ever attended - because I heard this:
Quote:On the eve of Christmas
hatred will vanish
the earth will flourish
war will be gone
and love will be born.
When one offers a glass of water to a thirsty person
It is Christmas
When we clothe a naked person with a gown of love
It is Christmas
When we wipe the tears from weeping eyes
It is Christmas
When the spirit of revenge dies within me
It is Christmas
When in my heart I no longer want to stay apart
It is Christmas
When I am buried in the being of God (which is love)
It is Christmas
Okay - now substitute God for Christmas. And then in your mind - substitute Love for God.
That's the God I believe in which informs who I am, how I act and what I believe.
You may say - I don't need God to believe in love. And maybe some people don't. Or maybe they just don't call it God - maybe they think it just sprang from their own hearts and minds unbidden.
I think the best part of me was informed by love - I call that God - and I think if we all worshipped 'love toward one's neighbor' - we wouldn't have to wonder or worry about where events we don't understand come from - we'd know.
And I'm not worried at all about what comes after this life. I just worry about what I'm supposed to be and do now.
Hallelujah! Church has ended - no go out and do good deeds.
What religion would you call that?