A very coincidental bump, as I was wondering about this very subject myself during the past week or so.
Yesterday I read a story in the newspaper in which a family of six- mom, dad, three boys and their new ten week old sister, had traveled to North Wales to introduce the new baby to the mother's extended family. On the way home to Birmingham, they were stopped behind a line of traffic on the motorway and a lorry driver who was doing something on his laptop while driving, plowed into them at full speed, sandwiching their car between his truck and the one in front of them, killing the entire family instantly.
Last week, another story came to my attention in a community nearby in which a seventeen year old boy hung himself. At first, there was no indication as to why, although his teachers had said that he seemed to have fallen off in his studies lately.
The day after he killed himself, his parents found a letter he'd left on his computer. This boy's father, though only in his forties, had had a series of strokes and this boy had been responsible for caring for him after school while his mother worked for the past five years.
His mother had recently told him that he would not be able to go to university next year to study law as he had hoped and planned, as he would be needed at home to continue to help care for his father. He stated in the letter that he couldn't face this.
Both of these stories just filled me with overwhelming sadness and the question: why? Why is life like this for some people and not for others?
It makes it very difficult for me to accept the cared for feeling that I've always had and continue to have and attribute to God, when I read of such things.
Do you have an answer? Why does God permit such suffering?