Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 09:03 pm
BDV wrote:

I don't think and responsible Islamic Cleric would tell someone to suicide bomb, while promising 20 virgins in the after life.

Perhaps you can explain Abu Bakar Bashir ?


0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 03:26 am
Clutching at straws there, I did say "Responsible", or did you miss that part ? Do you want me to start asking you to explain the acts of non-muslim leaders and what they said ? I doubt it, open your eyes the majority of muslim people have good hearts, and would condone acts of evil.

Eorl wrote:
BDV wrote:

I don't think and responsible Islamic Cleric would tell someone to suicide bomb, while promising 20 virgins in the after life.

Perhaps you can explain Abu Bakar Bashir ?


0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 06:15 am
Wilso wrote:
Shinobi, muslims have a different philosiphy. Kill those who don't agree and kill those who try to leave. Any time there's more than two muslims together there's violence. A rather normal trend amongst wild animals.

Utmost generalization and lack of any will to understand different cultures.
Then you could say: If the Capitalist culture can't get you to join, it either blasts you to pieces with rockets (so not to get blood on their shirts) or buys off all the means for life, making you de facto a slave..

Or for example, football games? How do you then explain the vandalism and violence there? Is it not a part of civilized culture?

Can someone explain what happened to the American natives when the colonists came? Weren't these colonists "civilized"?

Capital punishment? Isn't that a form of institutionalized murder, with the responsibility for life passed allong in a "mob-jury"?

Hiroshima, Nagasaki? What were those? Ways to perserve life of soldiers?

Did any muslim state invade a western state in the last century for oil or any resource?

Do not get me wrong, I'm neither a muslim, christian, or anything other. I keep myself clear of any ethicets.

Would you please define what makes the West more "civilized", and please define the meaning of "civilized"?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 06:19 am
My tolerance for muslims and islam is GONE. I'm not going through all my reasons again for every new member.
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 06:20 am
Have read through some of muslim1's previous posts. You'll see her clear support of death for apostates.
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 06:32 am
muslim1 is what one would call an extremist, he is someone laking in love (maybe his mum dropped him as a child) or intelligence, but he doesn't represent any muslim i know, violence breeds violence, its just the west can do it alot better.

I have read a few times where the people of afghanistan and iraq have turned on these so called foreign "Jihadi's", they think they are heroes, but truth is they are disliked by everyone but themselves and if muslim1 lives in any western country then i am quite sure he will be behind bars very soon. The world or islam doesn't need his type (I am sure the devil himself will welcome him with open arms)
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 06:34 am
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 06:57 am
Well unlike the society that she obviously hates, let her go join her comrades and live as a 2nd class citizen, its a wonder she has a computer, unless she is secretly living in the west....

[4.34] Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 08:15 am
Wilso wrote:
Have read through some of muslim1's previous posts. You'll see her clear support of death for apostates.

That's his/her oppinion, and I truly don't care of her/his oppinions.

If muslim1 supports the Jihad in Iraq and anything else, I can not blame her/him. For one, no one can for sure tell who started it.

And, it seems to me that most westerners are demanding understanding from those people, but giving little or none in return.

I believe that generalizing about muslims is wrong, as it is wrong to generalize about anyone.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 10:37 am
Shinobi wrote:
And, it seems to me that most westerners are demanding understanding from those people, but giving little or none in return.
Its nothing personal we have against muslims. Its just a fact that they tend to get in the way of our extraction of middle eastern oil and gas.
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 05:37 pm
Shinobi wrote:
Wilso wrote:
Shinobi, muslims have a different philosiphy. Kill those who don't agree and kill those who try to leave. Any time there's more than two muslims together there's violence. A rather normal trend amongst wild animals.

Utmost generalization and lack of any will to understand different cultures.
Then you could say: If the Capitalist culture can't get you to join, it either blasts you to pieces with rockets (so not to get blood on their shirts) or buys off all the means for life, making you de facto a slave..

Or for example, football games? How do you then explain the vandalism and violence there? Is it not a part of civilized culture?

Can someone explain what happened to the American natives when the colonists came? Weren't these colonists "civilized"?

Capital punishment? Isn't that a form of institutionalized murder, with the responsibility for life passed allong in a "mob-jury"?

Hiroshima, Nagasaki? What were those? Ways to perserve life of soldiers?

Did any muslim state invade a western state in the last century for oil or any resource?

Do not get me wrong, I'm neither a muslim, christian, or anything other. I keep myself clear of any ethicets.

Would you please define what makes the West more "civilized", and please define the meaning of "civilized"?

Shinobi, you seem to think of the west as Christian. Some of us, indeed many of us, in the "west" would like to see all forms of religion wiped from the face of the earth by the clear light of science and reason. Islam is one of most dangerous religions in the world right now, and I don't see why you are defending it. Hiroshima was indeed an appauling act of brutality on innocents, but Hiroshima in New York is the ultimate dream of many MANY muslims all over the world.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 05:53 pm
Eorl wrote:
Hiroshima was indeed an appauling act of brutality on innocents, but Hiroshima in New York is the ultimate dream of many MANY muslims all over the world.

and Hiroshima in all islamic states, russia, china plus north korea the dream of many americans (Once they get the oil out of course)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Jun, 2006 03:58 am
Eorl wrote:

Shinobi, you seem to think of the west as Christian. Some of us, indeed many of us, in the "west" would like to see all forms of religion wiped from the face of the earth by the clear light of science and reason. Islam is one of most dangerous religions in the world right now, and I don't see why you are defending it. Hiroshima was indeed an appauling act of brutality on innocents, but Hiroshima in New York is the ultimate dream of many MANY muslims all over the world.

I do not think of the west as Christian, but as "born" from Christianity. The western culture and it's basic values have in it's core evolved from christianity and from forms of anti-christianity.

I would too like ot see the world in the hands of Science and Philosophy, but most of humanity is part of some religion (not that majority means truth). And by accepting democracy you must accept other religions and cultures.

I'm not "defending" Islam to any degree more than I would defend Christians. I don't "like" any of them, but I still dislike when a religion is attacked without any attempts to understand it. A religiuos life is a choice made by a human, and as such needs to be respected by people living in and accepting a democracy.

Accept and assimilate differences, do not destroy them as many try to destroy Islam/Christianity/..., and vice versa.

BDV wrote:

and Hiroshima in all islamic states, russia, china plus north korea the dream of many americans (Once they get the oil out of course)

"And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. "
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 06:12 pm
Shinobi, I understand quite a bit about various religions, and before I understood anything about Islam I was very open-minded and accepting....but the more I know about the LESS I accept it.

The most damage to my view of Islam has been done by Muslims themselves. I'm yet to speak with one who thinks I should be permitted to live. The Koran is quite specific in making sure everyone knows that their god expects them to kill me.

Islam is extreme, even when it's "moderate". I'm yet to see a good reason why I should not do my best to destroy it. Can you give me one?
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 06:15 pm
I know many muslims who expect all of us to live, and to live in harmony. Where do you live ? Guantanamo Bay!!
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 06:27 pm
Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them, capture and besiege them and prepare for them every kind of ambush. (9:5)

Perhaps your local Muslims have a different Kuran. Perhaps they interpret "kill" differently?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jun, 2006 05:25 am
Perhaps they don't follow their religion to the letter, but use common sense instead, any muslim witha tiny bit of sense realises that a war with the christian world would only end in disaster for themselves.

Islam does speak against anyone non-muslim, and does say go to war with them, but the old testament preaches quite abit of revenge and war also.

Muslims are taught that the Koran existed eternally in heaven, and that God ordered Gabriel to recite it to the illiterate Mohammad in Mecca in the 570's AD. Divine inspiration apparently makes up for Mohammad's illiteracy - he later dictated the Koran to others who wrote it down.

the Koran was compiled shortly after Mohammad's death in 632

Islam has the same problem as christianity and judaism, the koran was not complete on Mohammads death, and there is also no surviving versions older than 200 years, so god knows how many edits/add-ons/mistranslations it has went through, and who is to say that the person who wrote it down did not add bits here and there, sure mohammed could not read.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 23 Jun, 2006 06:42 am
BDV wrote:
Perhaps they don't follow their religion to the letter, but use common sense instead, any muslim witha tiny bit of sense realises that a war with the christian world would only end in disaster for themselves.

Islam does speak against anyone non-muslim, and does say go to war with them, but the old testament preaches quite abit of revenge and war also.

Muslims are taught that the Koran existed eternally in heaven, and that God ordered Gabriel to recite it to the illiterate Mohammad in Mecca in the 570's AD. Divine inspiration apparently makes up for Mohammad's illiteracy - he later dictated the Koran to others who wrote it down.

the Koran was compiled shortly after Mohammad's death in 632

Islam has the same problem as christianity and judaism, the koran was not complete on Mohammads death, and there is also no surviving versions older than 200 years, so god knows how many edits/add-ons/mistranslations it has went through, and who is to say that the person who wrote it down did not add bits here and there, sure mohammed could not read.

What makes the Muslim claim that the Koran was delivered via Mohammed complete and perfect totally preposterous is their own insistance that Mohammed was illiterate. The story goes that he was surrounded at all times by scribes who wrote down every thing he said and did. They would use pieces of bone, parchment vellum etc anything that came to hand to write it all down. And it was a lot. Yet NOTHING survives. Not one scrap of parchment or bone or anything with the ORIGINAL words written thereon. Now how unlikely is that? Muslims only have to see the word Allah in 1/2 an aubergene these days to venerate it. So how likely is that they lost or even worse threw away the actual and original words spoken by God through Mohammed? Muslims are brainwashed into thinking the Koran is perfect and unchanged. Its is not. The very earliest text from the Koran were found in the roof space at the Great Mosque at Sana'a in Yemen when it was being renovated. The text differs from that used today. Moreover there is evidence of changes made to the text. All this is known to Islamic authorities who continue to propagate the myth of Koranic infallibility.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jun, 2006 07:00 am
Have we ever had a reasonable explanation of why we should put any credence in the contention that an illiterate ne'er-do-well who battened on a succession of widows and matrimonially raped a nine-year-old girl was the conduit of god's wisdom?
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 23 Jun, 2006 07:21 am
Setanta wrote:
Have we ever had a reasonable explanation of why we should put any credence in the contention that an illiterate ne'er-do-well who battened on a succession of widows and matrimonially raped a nine-year-old girl was the conduit of god's wisdom?
Every time this topic comes up I have to keep refering to work by Prof ** and ** at the London School of Oriental and African Studies as far back as the 1970s.

It is easy to see why the work of the "new historians" cause such offence in some Muslim circles, and there is no doubt that much of what they say is deeply provocative. In 1987, two years befor Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa condemning Salman Rushdie to death for blashphemy, ** then based at Oxford wrot the following words about Allah and Mohammad, his earthly messenger: "Mohammed's God endorsed a polcy of conquest, instructing his believers to fight against unbelievers wherever they might be fournd. In short, Mohammed had to conquer, his followers liked to conquer, and his deity told him to conquer.

In Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam * argued that the early Muslim converts turned to Islam because it promised an Arab state based on conquest, rape and pillage. "God could scarcely have been more explicit. He told the Arabs that they had a right to despoil others of their women, children and land, or indeed that they had a duty to do so: holy war consisted of obeying"

Sadly I feel important not to give names, although they are well known.
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