Steve wrote:I'd never heard of the People of Fatra before. Where did that expression come from? Did Mohammed mention it?
Yes. There are
Ahadiths (Sayings of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him) which prove what I wrote in my previous post about the people of
Steve wrote:The problem for me with Islam is that once you pronounce it perfect, you have to invent ever more convoluted ideas and solutions to get around the obvious questions that people (like me) might ask.
Islam is indeed perfect and valid anywhere anytime. Now, if I do not give a convincing explanation about an Islamic issue, this means that I made an error, that I have a problem (may Allah forgive me), it doesn't mean Islam is false. Islam is Perfect, we are not. I am not a scholar of Islam, but I try my best to present the Perfect way of life designed by God, and that is Islam.
Steve wrote:And before you say Steve42oo is obviously a false prophet, how the heck would you know for sure?
Anyone can pretend to be a messenger, not only Steve42oo but even Steve43oo. However, would this person be able to prove himself a true messenger of God? For a person to claim that he receives revelation from Almighty God, he has to prove that he's indeed a Messenger of God, he has to bring and perform
miracles. Do Steve44oo or Steve45oo have miracles for me to believe they're Prophets?
Look for example at Jesus (Peace be upon him), he had done several miracles: he could heal the blind by God's permission, he could bring the dead to life with God's permission, he received a Holy Book, the Injil (the original true Bible). All those miracles testify that Jesus (Peace be upon him) was a Messenger to his people. Similarly, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) had a great deal of miracles (night journey to the heavens, splitting of the moon...), and the miracle of miracles is indeed the Holy Qur'an, a Perfect Book, without the slightest error, a Book which guides many people to the truth every day, a Book totally memorized (by heart) today by millions of Muslims, including non-Arabs who do not understand a single Arabic word (btw, is there any Christian on earth who memorizes the whole of today's Bible?)
Steve wrote:God gave us brains and sensibility to understand the world. We have used our intelligence and ingenuity to learn about the awesome Universe in which we live.
I am glad your recognize God as the Creator of brains and sensibility, and that's absolutely true. I agree with you that God gave us brains and sensibility to understand the world, but that's not all. God gave us - human beings - intelligence so that we can rule the world according to His commands, according to what is beneficial for us and for the world. We have also to thank God because He uplifted and favored us over other creatures.
Steve wrote:What we know is quite incompatible with the simple ideas of Islam.
For example?
Steve wrote:One last question. If man's natural state is muslim how can People of Fatra exist?
Every person is indeed born muslim. But, even if they are born muslims, they may (in the absence of a Messenger's guidance) follow their own concept of divinity and thus deviate from the truth.
If human beings could stay on their natural state (born muslims) without the teachings of Messengers, then God wouldn't have sent them. God, in His infinite wisdom, knows that revelations (and therefore Messengers) are necessary for the guidance of humanity.
And Allah knows best.
(*) Fatra is an Arabic word that literally means "period".