Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2006 01:59 pm
dalahow2 wrote:
ISLAM is against the following: (WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR HATE IT)

Terrorism, killing, murder, kidnapping, torturing, denying women rights, torturing women, adultery, nudity and stripping, illegal sex, swinging, wife swapping, group sex and threesomes, alcohol and wines, gambling and clubbing and host of other activities.

And I thought Arabs are masters in these arts

Islam is for the following (LIKE IT OR HATE IT)

Peace, freindliness, submission to God only, rights for women and men, Liberation for women and men, one God, kindness, paying of alms for the poor, is for the voiceless, families, spouses and couples, the general public and for God himself.

Are you day dreaming?

I mean no personal offense to you dalahow2, but why dont we see anything like this in an average Musilm person? I live in a country having more number of muslims than anywhere in the world. Thats India. I do not find these mentioned "qualities" in most of the muslim indians here.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2006 03:16 pm
And I assume you forgot the Cursaders who slaughtered all the women and children in Jerusalem during the time of Saladin - so much death infact the blood reached the peoples' ankles.

Of course you are all biased against Islam.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2006 03:35 pm
yes, christians are the other death cult and only started behaving themselves since the end of WW2.

again, how does that get islam off the hook??
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2006 06:38 am
say something
vinsan wrote:
dalahow2 wrote:
ISLAM is against the following: (WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR HATE IT)

Terrorism, killing, murder, kidnapping, torturing, denying women rights, torturing women, adultery, nudity and stripping, illegal sex, swinging, wife swapping, group sex and threesomes, alcohol and wines, gambling and clubbing and host of other activities.

Islam is for the following (LIKE IT OR HATE IT)

Peace, freindliness, submission to God only, rights for women and men, Liberation for women and men, one God, kindness, paying of alms for the poor, is for the voiceless, families, spouses and couples, the general public and for God himself.

Are you day dreaming?

I mean no personal offense to you dalahow2, but why dont we see anything like this in an average Musilm person? I live in a country having more number of muslims than anywhere in the world. Thats India. I do not find these mentioned "qualities" in most of the muslim indians here.

It is ok Winsan,

You can criticize me the way you want, I said anyone doing anything against those PARAMETERS ^^ whether in MECCA or in India is not a muslim or may claim to be a muslim but not a true muslim..Muslims must surely go back to the way REAL ISLAM is supposed to be.Everyone has added some bits of his culture to the way of Life of ISLAM..

It's rather good to separate ISLAM and various CULTURES..whereas ISLAM is for all humanity(MEN/WOMEN) +ANIMALS/PLANTS) and almost covers every aspect, those with their own tribal ideas should not treat it like ISLAM.

But I ask,

Islam under scrutiny

when will you ever know the real ISLAM?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2006 09:33 am
we already know it thanks and it sucks ass and spills blood.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Mar, 2006 04:02 am
in the name of allah

brahmin wrote:
we already know it thanks and it sucks ass and spills blood.

i challenge you friend brahmin and the friends to prove each pretend about islam from quran or sunnah.

you know NOTHING about islam guys and i think you don't even check the links that the brothers give you, and even if you check, your minds are already filled with false things.

And i ask allah guidance for everyone.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Mar, 2006 09:11 am
mehdi wrote:
in the name of allah

brahmin wrote:
we already know it thanks and it sucks ass and spills blood.

i challenge you friend brahmin and the friends to prove each pretend about islam from quran or sunnah.

you know NOTHING about islam guys and i think you don't even check the links that the brothers give you, and even if you check, your minds are already filled with false things.

And i ask allah guidance for everyone.

Hey medhi,
How's that whole redemption thing goin' for ya anyway? Eh?
How's about this challenge instead?
Why don't you get together with all of your buddies and simply declare that fascist death cult jihad is an abomination?
It's soooo easy...
Here's a statement for you:
"I renounce violence.
There is No Excuse for Murder or Terror in my religion or philosophy.
I renounce all acts of Terror and pledge never to let anyone blow themselves up ever again.
The Jews are have as much right to live anywhere on Earth, including Israel, Jerusalem, all Palestinian territories, and in all other nations, including Arab or Islamic nations, as does any Arab, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or any other person on Earth.
Israel is a legitimate nation and all of Islam seeks to coexist with the State of Israel in a mutually beneficial Peace."

There ya go. Peace Be Upon You!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Mar, 2006 12:27 pm
mehdi wrote:
in the name of allah

brahmin wrote:
we already know it thanks and it sucks ass and spills blood.

i challenge you friend brahmin and the friends to prove each pretend about islam from quran or sunnah.

you know NOTHING about islam guys and i think you don't even check the links that the brothers give you, and even if you check, your minds are already filled with false things.

And i ask allah guidance for everyone.

i challenge you first to learn a thing or two about english grammar before the next islamic suicide bomb goes off. and then try posting again in a manner that everyone can understand.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Mar, 2006 01:04 pm
brahmin wrote:
mehdi wrote:
in the name of allah

brahmin wrote:
we already know it thanks and it sucks ass and spills blood.

i challenge you friend brahmin and the friends to prove each pretend about islam from quran or sunnah.

you know NOTHING about islam guys and i think you don't even check the links that the brothers give you, and even if you check, your minds are already filled with false things.

And i ask allah guidance for everyone.

i challenge you first to learn a thing or two about english grammar before the next islamic suicide bomb goes off. and then try posting again in a manner that everyone can understand.

Hey. That's not fair brahmin - five minutes is really not enough time to even begin to learn about grammar....
:wink: Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Mar, 2006 04:06 am
in the name of allah

brahmin wrote:
i challenge you first to learn a thing or two about english grammar before the next islamic suicide bomb goes off. and then try posting again in a manner that everyone can understand.

ah maybe you don't understand clean english, maybe i have to say something like this so that you can understand me :

brahmin wrote:
it sucks ass

learn how to be polite first, look how the hindu people ask their questions politely and kindly to muslim scholars :

download the flvPlayer to view it :

now :

Moishe3rd wrote:
Why don't you get together with all of your buddies and simply declare that fascist death cult jihad is an abomination?

i challenged you to give me some references from our book that say what you pretend, now i challenge you to give me a reference of what is jihad in islam from the quran, or do you have to learn arabic grammar first Mr language :wink:

ah, i forgot to say that my name is mehdi not medhi Mr language :wink:, learn how to read first friend :wink:

Peace be upon all the messengers of allah, and i ask guidance for everyone, amin
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Mar, 2006 04:16 am
in the name of allah

And hey friend kanawha :

if you want to know about islam in videos, check this out :

the people who search the truth are the people that i'm speacking with
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Mar, 2006 06:21 am
mehdi wrote:

learn how to be polite first,

i am polite enough... not to defenders of murderous suicide bombers though.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Mar, 2006 06:26 am
mehdi wrote:
in the name of allah

brahmin wrote:
i challenge you first to learn a thing or two about english grammar before the next islamic suicide bomb goes off. and then try posting again in a manner that everyone can understand.

ah maybe you don't understand clean english, maybe i have to say something like this so that you can understand me :

brahmin wrote:
it sucks ass

learn how to be polite first, look how the hindu people ask their questions politely and kindly to muslim scholars :

download the flvPlayer to view it :

now :

Moishe3rd wrote:
Why don't you get together with all of your buddies and simply declare that fascist death cult jihad is an abomination?

i challenged you to give me some references from our book that say what you pretend, now i challenge you to give me a reference of what is jihad in islam from the quran, or do you have to learn arabic grammar first Mr language :wink:

ah, i forgot to say that my name is mehdi not medhi Mr language :wink:, learn how to read first friend :wink:

Peace be upon all the messengers of allah, and i ask guidance for everyone, amin

Hey sweetcakes; O rose of Muhammad, all I'm askin' for is a simple declaration.
I guess that's a no go, huh?
As Nefitiri once said to Pharoah, "You couldn't even kill him," so I say to you - you can't even say that cutting people's heads off is an abomination.
C'est la mort.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Mar, 2006 09:35 am
in the name of allah

Moishe3rd wrote:
Hey sweetcakes; O rose of Muhammad, all I'm askin' for is a simple declaration.

and all i'm asking for is that you give me one reference from the quran of what you pretend.... sweetcake, still you have to learn arabic grammar right ?

Oh i see that you speak french, ok maybe you want to speak french too so check this out rose of usa :

Je vais te prouver qui est le terroriste en realité, si tu connais un peu d'histoire :

- qui ont été les premiers habitants de palestine hein, et qui est arrivé après.
- toi qui prétend qu'on ne laisse personne vivre avec nous, étudies un peu d'histoire et regarde comment les non musulmans n'ont jamais connu de paix qu'avec les musulmans.
- en palestine, qui a commencé la guerre en premier, les juifs ou les musulmans ou peut être tu vas me réciter ce que vos médias vous apprennent dans la télévision, c'est normal, vous ne savez qu'avaler ce que dis la télé et de cracher aux gens ce que vous avez avalé.
- toi qui prétend que les musulmans sont des terroristes, qu'est ce qu'a fais les états unis en afghanistan sous le pretexte que ben laden et pourquoi il ont laissé l'afghanistan sans aide après l'avoir quitté hein.
- qui est en train de mourir en iraq sous les mains des états unis sous le pretexte qu'il y a des armes de destruction massive.
- et après tout ça tu appelle les gens qui ne font que se défendre des terroristes.
- j'aurai aimer te voir a leur place en train de voir toute ta famille mourir devant tes yeux alors que tu ne peut rien faire.
- ah oui j'ai oublié, et qui condamne à la chaise électrique, les terroristes peut-être.
- si j'étais à ta place j'aurai honte de mettre le drapeau des états unis comme avatar mon petit gateau.

Now go translate to your mates what i told you....... or you still have to learn french grammar rose of usa, or you're going to quote some part of my text and try to convince peopole that THIS IS A BIG MISTAKE like all of your mates do, you don't even know how to face questions, but you still have to learn grammar to answer them :wink: rose of USA

What's the matter with you, learn how to read, how to speak, how to think, how to be polite at least with the people that are polite with you, and then come and post your messages......... friends :wink:

P.S : i repeat to everyone who search for the truth, don't see what people do in the name of islam, go and learn what is islam, that's about what you will be asked the day of the judgment, you will never be asked about what other people did.

for more clarifications, thanks to view my messages on this topic :

And i ask allah guidance for friend Brahmin and friend Moishe3rd.
Sans rancunes j'espère :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Mar, 2006 11:25 am
mehdi wrote:
in the name of allah

Moishe3rd wrote:
Hey sweetcakes; O rose of Muhammad, all I'm askin' for is a simple declaration.

and all i'm asking for is that you give me one reference from the quran of what you pretend.... sweetcake, still you have to learn arabic grammar right ?

Oh i see that you speak french, ok maybe you want to speak french too so check this out rose of usa :

Je vais te prouver qui est le terroriste en realité, si tu connais un peu d'histoire :

- qui ont été les premiers habitants de palestine hein, et qui est arrivé après.

I've always favored the Bog People. But, the Tribes of the Dispersal, later called Canaanites on the whole, eventually ate them and drove them out.
How odd. They also worshipped Death.
Hmmmm. I believe that G-d commanded His People to wipe out the Death Worshippers.
Of course, those that renounced cutting people's heads off, were spared...
- toi qui prétend qu'on ne laisse personne vivre avec nous, étudies un peu d'histoire et regarde comment les non musulmans n'ont jamais connu de paix qu'avec les musulmans.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
Yes. It is simply amazing how peaceful the Syrians are with the Muslims. Of course, they play by Hama rules.
But those peaceful Jordanians have always had a peaceful thing going, eh? Well, except for that little Black September thing, where Arafat the Rotting tried to murder the entire country...
Egypt? Now there's a hell of a peaceful country. I just love what they've done with their peaceful Muslim Brotherhood.
Lebanon? Oh, yeah... That little civil war that destroyed the country... well, they'll recover someday.
Iraq. Oho. Dontcha wish that sweetheart, Saddam was still hanging?
Iran? They love their people. Not.
Turkey? Hey, how 'bout them Turks? Think they'll eventually get to slaughter their apostate government?
Oh, but Saudi Arabia - al Saud are so damn friendly to their Shiite population. They may even be allowed to live... eventually.
Libya? Algeria? Sudan? Nigeria? Indonesia? Pakistan? These people are all just a bunch of chuckles.
What are you smoking? Speaking in tongues is a Christian thing, you know.

- en palestine, qui a commencé la guerre en premier, les juifs ou les musulmans ou peut être tu vas me réciter ce que vos médias vous apprennent dans la télévision, c'est normal, vous ne savez qu'avaler ce que dis la télé et de cracher aux gens ce que vous avez avalé.

Haj Amin al-Husseini was appointed Mufti of Jerusalem by the British in 1921, Haj Amin al-Husseini was the most prominent Arab figure in Palestine during the Mandatory period. Al-Husseini was born in Jerusalem in 1893, and went on to serve in the Ottoman Army during World War I. Anti-British and anti-Jewish, the mufti was the key nationalist figure among Muslims in Palestine. Fearful that increased Jewish immigration to Palestine would damage Arab standing in the area, the mufti engineered the bloody riots against Jewish settlement in 1929 and 1936.

Al-Husseini's appointment as mufti was itself the subject of much controversy. The decision to grant al-Husseini the position was made by Herbert Samuel, the first high commissioner of Palestine. It was odd that Samuel, a British Jew, would appoint a man who would be responsible for so much unrest within the Mandatory area. Al-Husseini in fact had been sentenced to ten years in prison by the British for inciting riots in 1920. None of that sentence was served, as al-Husseini had fled to Transjordan, and was soon after amnestied by Samuel himself.

For his part, al-Husseini had used his influence to quiet additional disturbances in 1921. He assured Samuel that he would continue to maintain order, and it was with this understanding that the high commissioner granted him the position of mufti. In the following year, he was also appointed to lead the Supreme Muslim Council, expanding his already significant powers. Known later as the Grand Mufti, al-Husseini was able to establish himself as the preeminent Arab power in Palestine.

One of the mufti's most successful projects was the restoration of the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa mosque. With funds collected from India and various Arab states, the Dome was plated in gold. The impressive looks of the Dome greatly enhanced the status of Jerusalem in the eyes of Muslims throughout the world. Similarly, al-Husseini's own status as Mufti of Jerusalem increased his standing as an influential Arab leader.

The mufti was dismissed from his position following the riots of 1936. No longer able to stay in Palestine, he continued his extremist activities from abroad. During World War II, the mufti was involved in the mobilization of support for Germany among Muslims. In November 1941 the Mufti met with Hitler. Although he continued to be involved in politics, al-Husseini's influence gradually declined after the defeat of the Arab armies in 1948.

The Hatred of Husseini
- toi qui prétend que les musulmans sont des terroristes, qu'est ce qu'a fais les états unis en afghanistan sous le pretexte que ben laden et pourquoi il ont laissé l'afghanistan sans aide après l'avoir quitté hein.
- qui est en train de mourir en iraq sous les mains des états unis sous le pretexte qu'il y a des armes de destruction massive.
- et après tout ça tu appelle les gens qui ne font que se défendre des terroristes.
- j'aurai aimer te voir a leur place en train de voir toute ta famille mourir devant tes yeux alors que tu ne peut rien faire.
- ah oui j'ai oublié, et qui condamne à la chaise électrique, les terroristes peut-être.
- si j'étais à ta place j'aurai honte de mettre le drapeau des états unis comme avatar mon petit gateau.

For a person who cannot simply renounce the abomination of killing innocents, this is a little of the pot calling the kettle black. Non?
You just can't do it, can you?

Joe Blow: "Look, medhi, just renounce Death Cultism..."
mehdi: "You are the killers! You are the violent ones! You make my balls ache!"
Joe: "Uhh, mehdi, just say 'I don't believe in murdering people.'"
mehdi: "Je suis un musulman paisible. Vous êtes les porcs violents! Je crache sur vous! Je souhaite découper votre tête ! Je souhaite découper la tête de votre soeur! Je souhaite découper la tête de votre chien malpropre! Votre violence me dégoûte."
Joe: "Uhhh, mehdi, no one can understand you when you froth like that...."
mehdi: "Chien D'Infidèle De Mort!"
Joe: "Okaaayyy, now.... well, this doesn't seem to be very productive...."
P.S : i repeat to everyone who search for the truth, don't see what people do in the name of islam, go and learn what is islam, that's about what you will be asked the day of the judgment, you will never be asked about what other people did.

for more clarifications, thanks to view my messages on this topic :

And i ask allah guidance for friend Brahmin and friend Moishe3rd.
Sans rancunes j'espère

I would hope so too.
But... I suspect not.
It really is quite simple, oh deluded one, just stop cutting people's heads off. Please.

(Ah, et condescendre juste: Vous écrivez le français comme une vache espagnole)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Mar, 2006 12:43 pm
in the name of allah

see, all that i wrote is true, you are a television swallower, and you don't even know how to reply, and you refer your ideas to a zionist journal plus |o|, you have a lot of things to learn then... friend.

but well, this will be at least a trace for people who want to know the truth.

oh i forgot also to mention the attack of oklahoma city, tell the people the religion of the guys who did it Mr USA.

ah so speaking in tongues is a christian thing, so you're christian ??? how could you refer to a zionist journal then, ah ah, don't defend yourself, or you're gonna be a terrorist. but still you have to learn arabic grammar don't you ?!!!!!!!! :wink:

ah i forgot Mr speaking tongues, in french we don't say "vous écrivez le français", we say "vous écrivez en français"

thank you friend but i don't like to waste time with people like you, you know i have a christian women in my familly and she is christian but she is not like this, strange, you are from the haters side i guess.

keep going like this friend, i'll keep going on my religion, and if you will be from the people of hell then when allah will order you to hell, defend yourself, or uhh i forgot, it's a terrorist act to defend ourselves, or maybe you will tell him "you don't have the right to send me to hell, this is terrorism"

So leave ME to deal with those who reject this word of Ours. WE shall draw them near to destruction step by step whence they know not. [quran 68:44]

see you after life
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Mar, 2006 03:31 pm
mehdi wrote:
in the name of allah

see, all that i wrote is true, you are a television swallower, and you don't even know how to reply, and you refer your ideas to a zionist journal plus |o|, you have a lot of things to learn then... friend.

but well, this will be at least a trace for people who want to know the truth.

oh i forgot also to mention the attack of oklahoma city, tell the people the religion of the guys who did it Mr USA.

ah so speaking in tongues is a christian thing, so you're christian ??? how could you refer to a zionist journal then, ah ah, don't defend yourself, or you're gonna be a terrorist. but still you have to learn arabic grammar don't you ?!!!!!!!! :wink:

ah i forgot Mr speaking tongues, in french we don't say "vous écrivez le français", we say "vous écrivez en français"

thank you friend but i don't like to waste time with people like you, you know i have a christian women in my familly and she is christian but she is not like this, strange, you are from the haters side i guess.

keep going like this friend, i'll keep going on my religion, and if you will be from the people of hell then when allah will order you to hell, defend yourself, or uhh i forgot, it's a terrorist act to defend ourselves, or maybe you will tell him "you don't have the right to send me to hell, this is terrorism"

So leave ME to deal with those who reject this word of Ours. WE shall draw them near to destruction step by step whence they know not. [quran 68:44]

see you after life

You do make me laugh. And, that's sad... Confused
The Grand MuftiThe Grand Mufti AgainHow 'bout that Grand Mufti, eh?
So, meddy, why don't you give us your version of history?
Not ready to take the vow yet, eh?
Well, work on that tongue thing. It's a good act.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Mar, 2006 05:01 am
in the name of allah

"All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman. (From the NIV Bible, 2 Chronicles 15:13)"

Jihad (Fighting for the Cause of GOD Almighty) started with the Bible!

The sections of this article are:

1- Jihad in the Bible.
2- Inhumane slavery as a direct result of the Bible's Jihad.
3- Conclusion.


1- Jihad in the Bible:

Christians often refer to Islam as a terrorist religion, and they abuse the Arabic word "Jihad" and portray it as a reference to terrorism. We must not forget that JIHAD began in the Bible, where GOD Almighty Commanded His followers to fight for His Holy Cause. Let us look at what the Bible says about Jihad:

GOD Almighty Chose the land of Palestine to be the Jews' "Promise Land", and thus, ordered them to go into it and fight the pagans there so they can have possession over it:

Numbers 13:26-28
26 They came back to Moses and Aaron and the whole Israelite community at Kadesh in the Desert of Paran. There they reported to them and to the whole assembly and showed them the fruit of the land.
27 They gave Moses this account: "We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit.
28 But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there.

One simple Question: Did the disbelievers in the land of Palestine during the times of Moses start any war with the Hebrews who ORIGINALLY came from Egypt?? Absolutely Not!

Later on, the Hebrews or the "Israelites" or the "Jews" (call them as you wish) have committed Pedophilia, Murders and Terrorism against those disbelievers:

"Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. (Numbers 31:17-18)"

Now what crime did the innocent children and non-virgin women commit in order for them to get killed?

It's odd how one of the 10 Commandments says "Thou shalt not kill (or murder). (Exodus 20:13)", and yet, the bible ordered the killing of innocent children and non-virgin girls by the mass!

Also, according to the Talmud's historical elaborations on Numbers 31:17-18 above, Moses gave direct orders for his men to have SEXUAL INTERCOURSE with every VIRGIN GIRLS who was AT LEAST 3 YEARS OLD:

"....The Tannaïtic Midrash Sifre to Numbers in §157 comments on the above quoted commandment of MOSES to kill the Midianite women as well as the male children...."

"....According to the Tannaïte Rabbis, MOSES therefore had ordered the Israelites to kill all women older than three years and a day, because they were "suitable for having sexual relations." [138]...

"Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse....."

"A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. "A girl three years old may be betrothed through an act of sexual intercourse," the words of R. Meir. And sages say, "Three years and one day old."....."

The detailed quotes, elaborations and bibliography are all listed at : 3-year old girls were forced into sex in the Bible!

2- Inhumane slavery as a direct result of the Bible's Jihad:

After the pagans had been defeated and taken as slaves, the Jews had all of them under their possessions:

From :

Leviticus 25:44-46 "Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly."

What kind of a human value does the Bible give to slaves? If slaves and their children must be inherited and passed down to newer generations as slaves, then how in the world will they ever gain their freedom? Does the Bible believe in Freedom? Does the Bible believe in liberating human beings from slavery? Apparently it does not.

Let's compare this with the Noble Quran:

Noble Verse 24:33 "Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste, until God gives them means out of His grace. And if any of your slaves ask for a deed in writing (to enable them to earn their freedom for a certain sum), give them such a deed if ye know any good in them: yea, give them something yourselves out of the means which God has given to you. But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity, in order that ye may make a gain in the goods of this life. But if anyone compels them, yet, after such compulsion, is God, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (to them),"

In this Noble Verse, we see that if a slave requests his freedom from his Muslim master, then his master not only must help him earn his freedom if there is good in the slave, but also pay him money so the slave can have a good start in his free life. We also see in this Noble Verse that slaves are not to be forced into prostitution in anyway.

Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran Commands the Muslims to free their slaves if the slaves want to be free, and to pay them money too so they can have a good jump start in life. In the Bible on the other hand, we see slaves not being allowed to be freed at all, and on the contrary, they and their children must be inherited forever.

Please visit: Human equalityand freedom in Islam Vs the Bible.

3- Conclusion:

Due to the ridiculous and constant attacks that the Christian and Western media bring on Islam, it is time to shed the Light of Truth! Jihad is a Biblical practice before it is Islamic. In Islam, we are Commanded to fight evil where ever it is and by all means! It doesn't always have to be through swords and blood shed. GOD Almighty Commanded the Muslims to fight hard using the Divine Truth of the Noble Quran:

"Therefore listen not to the Unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness, with the (Quran). (The Noble Quran, 25:52)"

"Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: For thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. (The Noble Quran, 16:125)"

The Bible as shown above is responsible for so much blood shed, pedophilia, murders and terrorism. Yet, we don't see any Christian minister (who is very knowledgeable about the book) say anything about it. But when Muslims do commit killing, such as what happened on 9/11, then Hell breaks loose and everyone becomes peaceful and a preacher, and Islam is the only evil thing out there, even though Islam is truly the BEST Peaceful and Just Divine Religion out there if it's practiced right. Such hypocrisy, lies and deceptions by the ministers and other Islamphobics only survives with the "dumb, deaf and blind (2:18)" as Allah Almighty called them in the Noble Quran. But to the reasonable and just people, the Truth is always realized, whether it is sooner or later.


link :
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 10:26 am
Religious tolerance, Islam style: "Thou shalt not build churches"

Official Saudi Fatwa of July 2000 Forbids Construction of Churches in Muslim Countries; Kuwaiti MP Concurs

The website posted a fatwa issued on July 3, 2000 by The Permanent Council for Scholarly Research and Religious Legal Judgment, an organ of the Saudi Ministry of Religious Endowments, forbidding the construction of non-Muslim houses of worship in Muslim countries. The fatwa stated that it is forbidden to allow non-Muslims to establish a foothold in the Arabian Peninsula, to receive Saudi citizenship, or to buy property there. In addition the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassa reported that Kuwaiti MP Walid Al-Tabatabai announced in statements earlier this winter that he was opposed to the establishment of houses of worship for non-Muslims in Muslim countries.

The following are excerpts from both sources:

All Religions Other Than Islam are Heresy

The Saudi fatwa reads as follows: "The Permanent Council for Scholarly Research and Religious Legal Judgment has studied the queries some individuals brought before the Chief Mufti… concerning the topic of the construction of houses of worship for unbelievers in the Arabian Peninsula, such as the construction of churches for Christians and houses of worship for Jews and for other unbelievers and [the question of] the owners of companies or organizations allotting a fixed place for their unbelieving workers to perform the rites of unbelief.

"After considering the queries the Council answered as follows:

"All religions other than Islam are heresy and error. Any place designated for worship other than [that of] Islam is a place of heresy and error, for it is forbidden to worship Allah in any way other than the way that Allah has prescribed in Islam. The law of Islam (shari'a) is the final and definitive religious law. It applies to all men and jinns and abrogates all that came before it. This is a matter about which there is consensus.

"Those who claim that there is truth in what the Jews say, or in what the Christians say - whether he is one of them or not - is denying the Koran and the Prophet Muhammad's sunna and the consensus of the Muslim nation… Allah said: 'The only reason I sent you was to bring good tidings and warnings to all [Koran 34:28]'; 'Oh people, I am Allah's Messenger to you all [Koran 7:158]'; 'Allah's religion is Islam [3:19]'; 'Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him [3:85]'; 'The unbelievers from among the people of the Book [i.e. Jews and Christians] and the polytheists are in hellfire and will be [there] forever. They are the worst of all creation… [98:6].'

"Therefore, religion necessitates the prohibition of unbelief, and this requires the prohibition of worshiping Allah in any way other than that of the Islamic shari'a. Included in this is the prohibition against building houses of worship according to the abrogated religious laws, Jewish or Christian or anything else, since these houses of worship - whether they be churches or other houses of worship - are considered heretical houses of worship, because the worship that is practiced in them is in violation of the Islamic shari'a, which abrogates all religious law that came before it. Allah says about the unbelievers and their deeds: 'I will turn to every deed they have done and I will make them into dust in the wind [Koran 25:23].'

"Thus the 'ulama agreed that it is forbidden to build heretical houses of worship - such as Christian churches - in a Muslim country, and that it is forbidden for there to be two directions of prayer coexisting in a Muslim country, and that there should be no symbol of unbelief, neither churches nor anything else. They agreed that it is obligatory to destroy any church or other heretical house of worship that was built after [the advent of] Islam, and it is forbidden to oppose the ruler in the matter of its destruction, and he must be obeyed.

"The 'ulama agreed that building heretical houses of worship, such as churches, in the Arabian Peninsula is the most weighty of sins and the worst of crimes, because there are reliable and explicit sayings of the Prophet [hadith] that prohibit the existence of two religions in the Arabian peninsula [i.e. another religion in addition to Islam], among them the Prophet's words that were related by [Imam] Malik and others and were recorded in the Sahihayn [the two most authoritative collections of hadith for Sunni Muslims compiled by Al-Bukhari and by Muslim]: 'There shall not be two religions together in the Arabian Peninsula.'

"The Arabian Peninsula is Islam's sanctuary and its basis. It is forbidden to allow or permit unbelievers to penetrate it or to receive citizenship there or to buy property, not to speak of building churches for the worshipers of the cross. There is no place in the Arabian Peninsula for two religions, but only for one - the religion of Islam, sent by Allah through Muhammad, His Prophet and Messenger. There will not be two directions of worship there, but just one single direction - the direction of the Muslims, towards the Ka'ba in Mecca. Praise Allah who enabled the rulers of these lands to ward off these heretical houses of worship from the pure Islamic land.

"[We turn to] Allah, to whom we complain about the heretical houses of worship that the enemies of Islam brought, like the churches and others, to many Muslim countries. We ask Him to protect Islam from their cunning and deceit.

"If one allows or consents to the establishment of heretical houses of worship, like churches, or if one allots a fixed place in a Muslim country [for them to worship] - this is the worst sort of aid to unbelief and of bringing their rites into the open, [in defiance of what is said in Koran 5:2] 'Help one another to good deeds and fear of Heaven, and don't help one another to sin and aggression. Fear Allah, for Allah punishes harshly.'

"Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya said: 'Whosoever thinks that churches are Allah's houses and serve as places for His worship, or whosoever thinks that the deeds of the Jews and the Christians are worship of Allah and obedience to His Prophet, and whosoever likes this and permits it or helps them [the unbelievers] to open [houses of worship] and to perform their religion and thinks this to be proximity or obedience [to Allah] - he is an unbeliever.'

"He also said: 'Whosoever thinks that visiting dhimmis [monotheist non-Muslims under Muslim rule] in their churches is proximity to Allah, he is an apostate. If he didn't know that this was forbidden, he should be so informed, and then if he persists, he is an apostate.'

"We find refuge in Allah in order not to backtrack from the right path… Those who turned back on their tracks after the right path was clear to them - Satan seduced them and filled their hearts with false hopes [Koran 47:25]'; 'They said to those who hated what Allah revealed: we will obey you in some matters, but Allah knows your secrets [Koran 47:26]'; 'How will it be when the angels take their souls and strike them on their faces and their backsides [Koran 47:27]'; 'This is because they followed that which angered Allah and they hated Allah's satisfaction, so he thwarts their actions [Koran 47:28]'.

Kuwaiti MP: It is Forbidden to Establish Houses of Worship for Non-Muslims in Muslim Countries

Walid Al-Tabatabai, a member of the Kuwaiti parliament's human rights committee, stated that "the establishment of houses of worship for non-Muslims in Kuwait is against Islamic law. This is forbidden by consensus [of the scholars], as was stated in the Ministry of Religious Endowment's fatwa... This does not mean that it is forbidden for non-Muslims to perform their religious obligations. On the contrary, they should be allowed to do so, but this needs to be in accordance with the law and with the norms."

He added that in Kuwait today there are 20 churches, "that is, a church for every five Kuwaiti Christians, as there aren't more than 100 of them," whereas visiting Christians are "temporary workers who will be going back to their countries."

Al-Tabatabai added that "the human rights committee has not discussed this issue, and therefore it has not ratified or agreed to it. If there is someone who has agreed to it, then that is their own personal position, and they have done so on their own authority." He emphasized that "freedom of worship and the performance of religious obligations is permitted to everyone in the world, but the issue of establishing houses of worship for other religions depends on shari'a law."
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Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 05:17 pm


Daniel Shayesteh was not long graduated from the University of Tehran when on Nov. 4, 1979, 500 students siezed the American embassy in the capital of Iran.

He sympathized with their cause and indirectly supported it, but refrained from bullying the Americans. Not because it was wrong, but because he felt that westerners needed to be kept unaware of the deep hatred Muslims held for them. Mr. Shayesteh, 50, grew up in northern Iran, along the coast of the Caspian Sea. Once a Qur'anic teacher and scholar, Mr. Shayesteh earned a doctorate in international business in Turkey.

Now a Christian, converting after he fled Iran, Mr. Shayesteh travels the world decrying what he considers the dangers of Islam. Last Sunday, he spoke at Westgate Chapel Christian and Missionary Alliance in Toledo.

"Committed Muslims want [westerners] not to have knowledge of Islam," he said in an interview. "Democracy is against the values of Islam. [Muslims] say that Allah is the ultimate value-maker; he already has a law and democratic law is not higher than Sharia, the law of Allah."

Through the last half of the 1970s and into the early 1980s, Mr. Shayesteh was a member of a group called the Free Islamic Revolutionary Movement. They set about helping to oust the Shah of Iran and install the Islamic mullahs.

Once they succeeded, however, the new regime under the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini turned and went after him.

Any Muslim who denies allegiance to Islam and its founder Mohammed can expect three outcomes: ostracism, imprisonment, or death, Mr. Shayesteh said.

"You do not have a right to reject Islam if you come from [an Islamic] family," he said.

By 1980, Khomeini sat at the pinnacle of power in Iran. Mr. Shayesteh became the chief executive officer of a government department.

In 1981, he ran for a seat in the interim government's Islamic Parliament.

That got him into hot water.

He won the election, but the clerics balked at giving the office to a secularist.

Three years later, he and four others were imprisoned and sentenced to death. Someone who worked in the high court office saw the order for Mr. Shayesteh's death and interceded, but his fellow detainees were hanged.

When he was freed in 1985, Mr. Shayesteh said he was a persona non grata in Iran. He could not work, and tried but failed to flee to Turkey.

In 1988, he again attempted to leave the country but was blacklisted and had to relinquish his passport.

Still, he made it to the Turkish border and tried to cross. The border guards called for soldiers to arrest him, but when they failed to come after nearly three hours, the guards let him pass.

Several months later his wife, Mary, and three daughters joined him in Istanbul.

Mr. Shayesteh decided to go to a local Christian church, where a former business partner once visited, trying to locate him. That decision started him toward a life-changing break with Islam and conversion to Chrisitianity. In 1991, he moved his family to Australia where his wife also became a Christian.

Mr. Shayesteh taught business at the University of Technology at Sydney for eight years. Recently, however, he was fired when someone complained about his fervent Christianity.

Ultimately, the loss became an opportunity to begin a mission: teaching westerners the truth about Islam.
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