Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 02:19 pm
With all the terrorism going on in the world, Islam seems to be dominating the news lately. However, from what I understand, there are three factions of Islam. If there are more, I am not aware of it.
Islam is confusing enough for me, as it is not common to areas I have lived in.
What I want to know, is, .....
What are the differences between Shiites, Suunis, and Kurds?
Are they all of Islamic faith?
Are there more branches of that faith?
Are any specific branches of Islam associated with the extremist terrorists?
As Americans, we should familiarize ourselves with the beliefs of these people.
I do hope I spelled them correctly.

Thank you, to anyone who can answer these

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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:22 pm
The split between Shi'ites and Sunnis happened after the death of Muhammad, and concerns who should have followed him as the leader of Islam.

Kurds are an ethnic group, many are muslims, bu not necessarily, they also have their own unique religion, which is very very secretive (because they had to live surrounded by muslims for soooooo long). The kurdish religion was very badly abused to an extent that other religions were not because of a very misfortunate linguistic coincidence. Kurdish is a language unrelated to arabic, and in kurdish, the name for the main deity of the Kurdish religion is Shaitan, which unfortunately in arabic means Satan. Thinking that they were devil worshippers, the muslims were particuarly cruel to the kurds. This is why the Kurds want to form their own country, toprotect themselves from the attacks of the muslims surrounding them.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 05:00 pm

As Americans, we should familiarize ourselves with the beliefs of these people.

Judaism, Islam, Christianity comparison -- Are there similarities in their prophets? All three religions acknowledge that Moses was a prophet of God. The prophets of Israel and Judah are one of the most amazing groups of individuals in all history. The Islamic faith eagerly awaits the return of the Prophet Jesus born by a miracle of God without a father. The Prophet Mohammed's words give an account of the signs that will precede the coming of Jesus. Through Christianity, the prophets confirmed that God is sovereign over history and is working out His purposes in accordance with an overall plan, sometimes indiscernible, but always in the hands of the Lord.

Judaism, Islam, Christianity comparison-- Are there similarities in their holy books? In Judaism, the people saw God's initiative at work in every step of their corporate existence. Yahweh (God) had called Abraham to father a chosen people of destiny. In Exodus, God used the Prophet Moses to affirm His power, goodness, and concern for history. The Ten Commandments established the moral foundations for human behavior. For traditional Jews, the commandments (mitzvoth) and Jewish law (halacha) are still binding. Judaism places the emphasis of serving God upon the Torah. In one sense, the oral Torah can never be regarded as completed, for with the changes in civilization there are always new situations to which it has to be applied. The Torah is generally considered to have received its definitive form in the Talmud and the Midrashim, the official, main devotional expositions of the Old Testament books.

If a Muslim were asked to summarize the way Islam counsels people to live, the answer might be: It teaches them to walk the straight path. God's revelation to humankind, they say, has proceeded through great stages: God revealed the truth of His oneness through the Prophet Abraham; God revealed the Ten Commandments through the Prophet Moses; God revealed the Golden Rule through the Prophet Jesus. The Books of God include the Jewish Torah, David's Psalms, the New Testament, and the Qur'an. All four are revelations from God, but each replaces the previous one. The Qur'an is the last, and therefore, the final and best word from God.
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Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 12:06 pm
Within Islam, there are different varieties.
The Shia / Sunni split occurred early when the Shia (Partisans of Ali) believed that their Caliph ought to be a direct descendant of Muhammad.
Ali was murdered (by another sect, the Kharjites) and the Shia refused to accepted the new Sunni (Sunna - the Way; Traditional; Orthodox) Caliph.
After the further murder of Ali's grandson, Husayn, the Shia / Sunni split widened. Over the centuries, Shia and Sunni developed different traditions. The Shia were always the minority religion.
At times, Sunni Muslims would persecute and attempt to destroy the Shia, and occaissionally, the opposite happened. Shia would try to persecute the Sunni (when they were strong enough, which was rare).
Shiism is a "messianic" religion in that they are waiting for the "Hidden Imam" to come and lead the world to redemption. Ali was an Imam as was Husayn. After the 12th Imam disappeared in the 11th (?) century, the Shia have been waiting for the Hidden Imam to appear.
Many offshoots of Shiism are the Ismailis; the Druze; the Allawites; the Assassins; and B'ahai.
Another, new, radical offshoot called Wilayat Al-Faqih, the Rule of the Jurist, was invented by the Ayatollah Khomeini and now rules Iran.
The Grand Ayatollah Sistani of Iraq, born in Iran and who studied with Khomeini, is the highest Shia authority currently alive. He believes in the "Quietist" tradition of Shia Islam which categorically forbids the Shia Mullahs to be the rulers in the government. It is an opposite tradition from Iran.
The Kurds in Iraq are Sunni Muslims.
Sunni Islam also has many traditions or schools.
Due to the wealth of Saudi Arabia, they have been exporting their particular fascist brand of Sunni Islam, Wahhabism, to the world for the last 50 to 100 years. The Taliban were Wahhabists; most of Pakistan; most of the Arab states; and well funded Saudia Arabian Wahhabist madrasses (schools) are in every country in the world. Osama bin Laden was a Wahhabist.
There are many other schools in Sunni Islam which are far less fanatical and intolerant than Wahhabi Islam.
The Kurds are not Wahhabist and most "moderate" Muslims do not accept the particular Wahhabi doctrine of fanatical Jihad and hatred of anyone who is not Wahhabist.
It is the Jihad fanaticism of Muslims who accept the Wahhabi doctrine that is responsible for most of the violence and murder in the Islamic world.
For instance - in Saudi Arabia, the official religious doctrine (Wahhabi) says that Shia Muslims were actually formed by a "Jewish conspiracy," and therefore Shia Muslims have no rights and are liable for death and murder, as are all non-Wahabbi Muslims and other non-Muslims.
This is the official religion of Saudi Arabia.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Mar, 2006 03:25 pm
can some one supply some data about the ammount of carnage, cruelty and suicide bombers each of these sects of the "religion of peace" begat??

i want to know which one is horse ****, which one is dog **** and so on.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Mar, 2006 04:02 pm
brahmin wrote:
can some one supply some data about the ammount of carnage, cruelty and suicide bombers each of these sects of the "religion of peace" begat??

i want to know which one is horse ****, which one is dog **** and so on.

IMHO - Saudi Arabia Sunni Wahhabi Islam - Evil. And, the most widespread. They finance everything.
Iranian Wilayat Al-Faqih, the Rule of the Jurist - Tyrannical Depostism. As Shiism is Messianic Islam, Ahmanutjob of Iran believes that he is the precursor to Armageddon, Islamic style. The mullahs in Iran are not as evil as Saudi Arabia, but they are more dangerous. They are happy to destroy the world...
Grand Ayatollah Sistani of Iraq - Good guy. He's trying to inject peace into Shia Islam.
al-Sadr of Iraq - Evil. He wants to rule.
Sunni Kurds in Iraq - Good guys. Modern. A little too fond of killing, but - hey, they're Kurds.
There are a lot more, but those the immediate news people....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Mar, 2006 04:08 pm

but thats the "latest news".

i would like to know what their historical track records are like, all these sects of the "religion of peace".

as for iran... why the children of cyrus should be islamic is beyond me. in india the most progressive, go getting people are the iranians (parsees - zoarastrian iranians who fled islam and settled down in india). and yet their blood brothers in iran, are the most nut job sort of islamics, bothered about a place (palestine) and a people (philistines - who are a sort of arabs or nearly so) whom they consider worse than scum (iranians HATE arabs).
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 03:54 am
Like being part of a caste system is much more civil and organized?

I wonder what would happen if you placed a piece of arsenic-laden food in the 'temple of the rat' in India; I bet a lot of of Indians would get pretty pissed off for killing their "relatives" - not to mention you might end up being a roach in your "next life".

How advanced of a "religion".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 06:51 am
ok fine. very primitive.

how does that get islam off the hook for all its genicides, crusades and suicide bombings?? is there something about islam that forces its followers to be born retarded??
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 10:16 am
Moishe3rd wrote:
brahmin wrote:
can some one supply some data about the ammount of carnage, cruelty and suicide bombers each of these sects of the "religion of peace" begat??

i want to know which one is horse ****, which one is dog **** and so on.

IMHO - Saudi Arabia Sunni Wahhabi Islam - Evil. And, the most widespread. They finance everything.
Iranian Wilayat Al-Faqih, the Rule of the Jurist - Tyrannical Depostism. As Shiism is Messianic Islam, Ahmanutjob of Iran believes that he is the precursor to Armageddon, Islamic style. The mullahs in Iran are not as evil as Saudi Arabia, but they are more dangerous. They are happy to destroy the world...
Grand Ayatollah Sistani of Iraq - Good guy. He's trying to inject peace into Shia Islam.
al-Sadr of Iraq - Evil. He wants to rule.
Sunni Kurds in Iraq - Good guys. Modern. A little too fond of killing, but - hey, they're Kurds.
There are a lot more, but those the immediate news people....

All these are not ISLAM, Do u want to know what is ISLAM, or where ISLAM came from?


Misconception against ISLAM

Christian crusades and ISLAM

Many non-Muslims are surprised to find out that according to Muslim belief, Jesus, the son of Mary, is one of the greatest messengers of God. Muslims are taught to love Jesus, and a person cannot be a Muslim without believing in the virgin birth and miracles of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.

Muslims believe these things about Jesus not because of the Bible or any other religion, but simply because the Holy Qur'an says these things about him. However, Muslims always emphasize that the miracles of Jesus, and all other prophets, were by "God's permission".

This having been said, many Christians feel to not believe that Jesus is the "Son of God", "God Incarnate" or the "Second Person" of the Trinity. This is because the Qur'an clearly says that Almighty God does not have a "Son" --- neither allegorically, physically, metaphorically or metaphysically.

The Pure Monotheism of Islam rejects the notion of "defining" God (which is basically what the "Doctrine of the Trinity" does), saying that someone is "like" God or equal to him, or praying to someone else besides God. Also, Islam teaches that titles such as "Lord" and "Savior" are due to God alone. In order to avoid misunderstanding, it should be clarified that when Muslims criticize the Bible or the teachings of Christianity, they are not attacking "God's Word" or Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.

From the Muslim point of view, they are defending Jesus and God's Word --- which they have in the form of the Qur'an. Muslim criticism is targeted at writings that some people claim are God's word, but Muslim's simply don't accept their claim that they are really God's word in toto. Additionally, Christian doctrines such as the Trinity and the Atonement are criticized by Muslims precisely because they did not originate from Jesus, peace be upon him. In this way, Muslims are the true followers of Jesus, peace be upon him, because they defend him from the exaggerations of the Christians and teach the Pure Monotheism that Jesus himself followed.

Find out why Islam spread is rising

Islam, the Fastest growing religion

and why all these women converted to Islam,

Anything about Islam
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 10:41 pm
dalahow2 wrote:
Moishe3rd wrote:
brahmin wrote:
can some one supply some data about the ammount of carnage, cruelty and suicide bombers each of these sects of the "religion of peace" begat??

i want to know which one is horse ****, which one is dog **** and so on.

IMHO - Saudi Arabia Sunni Wahhabi Islam - Evil. And, the most widespread. They finance everything.
Iranian Wilayat Al-Faqih, the Rule of the Jurist - Tyrannical Depostism. As Shiism is Messianic Islam, Ahmanutjob of Iran believes that he is the precursor to Armageddon, Islamic style. The mullahs in Iran are not as evil as Saudi Arabia, but they are more dangerous. They are happy to destroy the world...
Grand Ayatollah Sistani of Iraq - Good guy. He's trying to inject peace into Shia Islam.
al-Sadr of Iraq - Evil. He wants to rule.
Sunni Kurds in Iraq - Good guys. Modern. A little too fond of killing, but - hey, they're Kurds.
There are a lot more, but those the immediate news people....

All these are not ISLAM, Do u want to know what is ISLAM, or where ISLAM came from?


Misconception against ISLAM

Christian crusades and ISLAM

Many non-Muslims are surprised to find out that according to Muslim belief, Jesus, the son of Mary, is one of the greatest messengers of God. Muslims are taught to love Jesus, and a person cannot be a Muslim without believing in the virgin birth and miracles of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.

Muslims believe these things about Jesus not because of the Bible or any other religion, but simply because the Holy Qur'an says these things about him. However, Muslims always emphasize that the miracles of Jesus, and all other prophets, were by "God's permission".

This having been said, many Christians feel to not believe that Jesus is the "Son of God", "God Incarnate" or the "Second Person" of the Trinity. This is because the Qur'an clearly says that Almighty God does not have a "Son" --- neither allegorically, physically, metaphorically or metaphysically.

The Pure Monotheism of Islam rejects the notion of "defining" God (which is basically what the "Doctrine of the Trinity" does), saying that someone is "like" God or equal to him, or praying to someone else besides God. Also, Islam teaches that titles such as "Lord" and "Savior" are due to God alone. In order to avoid misunderstanding, it should be clarified that when Muslims criticize the Bible or the teachings of Christianity, they are not attacking "God's Word" or Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.

From the Muslim point of view, they are defending Jesus and God's Word --- which they have in the form of the Qur'an. Muslim criticism is targeted at writings that some people claim are God's word, but Muslim's simply don't accept their claim that they are really God's word in toto. Additionally, Christian doctrines such as the Trinity and the Atonement are criticized by Muslims precisely because they did not originate from Jesus, peace be upon him. In this way, Muslims are the true followers of Jesus, peace be upon him, because they defend him from the exaggerations of the Christians and teach the Pure Monotheism that Jesus himself followed.

Find out why Islam spread is rising

Islam, the Fastest growing religion

and why all these women converted to Islam,

Anything about Islam

Shia is not Islam?
Wahhabis are not Islam?
Kurds are not Islam?
Iranians are not Islam?
And Muslims are really Christians?
So, whaddya think about Danish Cartoons?
Are they Islamic?
Just curious, as you seem to have a different take that the other billion Muslims in the world on what constitutes Islam.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 12:05 am
Interesting site, if a bit frightening.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 07:59 am
neologist wrote:
Interesting site, if a bit frightening.

"You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your G-d: I am Hashem."
Leviticus 18:21

3,000 years ago, G-d tells Israel - don't be like the people who live in the Land of Canaan (the people who Israel is invading and kicking out of Canaan) because they worship the G-d of Death and sacrifice their children to It.
Apparently, G-d thinks its a bad thing to sacrifice children to Death.

3,000 years ago.

And, it's deja vu all over again....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 08:01 am
So if the so-called god of the Hebrews is telling them that the Canaanites worship the God of Death (obviously, a bigoted point of view), the Hebrews must have been polytheistic, eh? Recognizing the existence of more than one god?

All you religious types are hilarious, or would be, if you weren't so murderous by nature.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 08:08 am
Setanta wrote:
So if the so-called god of the Hebrews is telling them that the Canaanites worship the God of Death (obviously, a bigoted point of view), the Hebrews must have been polytheistic, eh? Recognizing the existence of more than one god?

All you religious types are hilarious, or would be, if you weren't so murderous by nature.

And dog killers are not murderous by nature?
Okay, mebbe not. But that itch certainly makes you nasty...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 08:10 am
You've got a gall to call anyone nasty. You cannot resist coming into threads to paint the Muslims in the most horrible tones possible, as though the Israelis weren't murderous dogs themselves--which the evidence clearly shows them to be . . .
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 08:37 am
Setanta wrote:
So if the so-called god of the Hebrews is telling them that the Canaanites worship the God of Death (obviously, a bigoted point of view), the Hebrews must have been polytheistic, eh? Recognizing the existence of more than one god?

All you religious types are hilarious, or would be, if you weren't so murderous by nature.
Yeah, but set, Exodus chapter 20 recognizes the existence of other gods; it just doesn't permit their worship.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2006 04:18 am
While there is so much propaganda against ISLAM, Everyone knows the truth that ISLAM is there and will be there.Figures and statistics suggest that ISLAM is the fastest growing religion in the world today.

Islam finds western Women more among it's new converts


Why we converted to islam

God Allah himself said in his HOLY BOOK revealed 1400years, that


Their(Non-Muslims) intention is to extinguish God's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But God will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).

Now that we know ISLAM is the fastest growing religion in the world today,
Many people from different parts of the world have joined ISLAM.

They have converted to ISLAM by devotion not by hatred and prejudices.They converted because they have read much about ISLAM unlike the propaganda against ISLAM in the world today.

ISLAM is against the following: (WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR HATE IT)

Terrorism, killing, murder, kidnapping, torturing, denying women rights, torturing women, adultery, nudity and stripping, illegal sex, swinging, wife swapping, group sex and threesomes, alcohol and wines, gambling and clubbing and host of other activities.

Islam is for the following (LIKE IT OR HATE IT)

Peace, freindliness, submission to God only, rights for women and men, Liberation for women and men, one God, kindness, paying of alms for the poor, is for the voiceless, families, spouses and couples, the general public and for God himself.

Anyone bypassing those PARAMETERS and details is neither a muslim and can't represent ISLAM.Whether they are IRA, basque rebels OR HAMAS or whatever.Even if they pray inside the HOLY MOSQUE of mecca.If he/she doesn't ascribe to those details and many more, then he/she ain't a muslim.

For more details Please request.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2006 11:30 am
your post must have set a new A2K record for the number of lies in one post.

dalahow2 wrote:

They have converted to ISLAM by devotion not by hatred and prejudices.They converted because they have read much about ISLAM unlike the propaganda against ISLAM in the world today.

read this book and also the 3 books by robert spencer listed below the rivew.

islam has always been and is still the most murderous religion (its not a religion actually - just a death cult drawing from camel jockey culture) of all times and 999/1000 people who have converted have done so by the sword.

islam's days are numbered. if islam continues to exist, then its bad news for the planet. since 1400 odd years is enough proof that islam has no interest in changing itself, we have come to an either-or situation with islam and global peace.

there will be more "iraq"s to follow, till there will be no more iraqs left.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2006 01:50 pm
brahmin wrote:
your post must have set a new A2K record for the number of lies in one post.


brahmin wrote:
since 1400 odd years is enough proof that islam has no interest in changing itself, we have come to an either-or situation with islam and global peace.

0 Replies

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