Lash wrote: He supports the death penalty.
My impression is that he respects the majority's support for the death penalty on a professional level, while not necessarily supporting it personally. That's close enough for me.
Lash wrote:He opposes equal rights for all Americans.
We've been around the block on this, and your narrow view of what constitutes equal rights for all Americans doesn't really constitute all Americans... only those who share your ideals.
Lash wrote:He supported the most notorious hoodlum in American politics.
That may be so, but I'm not going to get that deep in Chicago Politics to debate it. (But if the roads are any indication

) Frankly, I think both our current President and his predecessor are more notorious and have larger numbers who consider them hoodlums. Excluding the Presidency, Senator Kennedy comes immediately to mind.
Lash wrote:He deceptively voted "present" rather than do the job he is paid to do by his constituents to hide his views for political expediency.
This does suck. No way around it. The man should vote his conscience. On the other hand; I'll take an abstianer over a weathervane like John Kerry any day.
Lash wrote: No matter what language these facts are inserted into--they constitute significant evidence that Obama is just as shady as the rest of the pack.
Hardly. At most they show he isn't perfect. Watching his biggest competitors (both Hillary and Edwards), tell bald faced lies about their vividly clear answers from a few years ago puts them WAY out in front in the Shady Department.
Lash wrote:This isn't gotcha.
True, that.
Lash wrote: OCCOM BILL wrote:Seemed pretty obvious to me too, Lash. I read; really bad guy= Justified Death Penalty. I don't see him so much agreeing, necessarily, but fully recognizing the public's reasonable interest and demand for same. Close enough for me. Where do you see spin?
It depends on your own personal views, Bill.
No, it doesn't. I was addressing your allegation of spin and didn't see it. My own personal views have nothing to do with it.
Lash wrote:You may agree with him--if so, there's no problem.
However, when you have voters who have vilified Republicans for that same stance and suddenly appreciate the view or suddenly aren't so upset by Capital Punishment when it's uttered by a Democrat Presidential candidate, it chafes my ass, what can I say?
I do indeed support the Death Penalty. The question itself isn't of make-or-break proportion in determining who I'd seek to put in the Oval Office, however. Some compromise is inevitably required in assessing a Presidential Candidate if you want your vote to mean anything (writing in my own name isn't likely to sway the race :wink: ).
You make a solid case for demonstrating he isn't perfect. As shady as everyone else? No. Not proven.