xingu wrote:
Some excerpts from Juan Coles Feb. 29 blog

Juan Cole is not objective.
xingu wrote:
So what's with McCain and prescription drugs? He doesn't want to help seniors who can't pay for medication they can't afford?
I don't know what McCain wants and does not want, but I do know what I want and do not want.
want to help seniors, "who can't pay for medication they can't afford," pay for medication they can't afford.
want to help private charities help seniors, "who can't pay for medication they can't afford," pay for medication they can't afford.
do not want the federal government to help seniors, "who can't pay for medication they can't afford," pay for medication they can't afford.
do not want the federal government to violate the US Constitution by taking money from people who have more and giving it to people who have less. That is the kind of government corruption that corrupts republics into dictatorships.