Is this board anti-muslim?

Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 12:30 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
And I would like some to overcome the belief that deciding what is one way for them DOES NOT mean it is that way for someone else.

If religion is self-destructive for YOU, then don't involve yourself in it.http://www.smileys.ws/smls/yahoo/00000033.gif

What some of them rail against is the destructive effects that organized religion has had on society. Although an argument can be made that there has been good done by organized religion as well, that talking point of theirs cannot be disputed.
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 12:33 pm
Intrepid wrote:
How does Setanta know who is a fanatical Christian and who is not? Is he so self delusional that he thinks he is above everybody else?

Who is "above" or "below" anyone else is never a consideration with me. I came to the conclusion that you are religiously fanatical with your response to so many posts of mine which were not addressed to you. You have been obsessional, and have followed me around in your perferid desire to cast slurs at me.

Setanta is not satisfied to disagree with others. He feels that it is his duty to make claims that are untrue and downright silly. He feels that he must make derogatory comments to bolster his image that is only important in his own mind.

It is hilarious how "christian charity" in your case seems to be consistent with making slander which skates as close to the line of violation of TOS as possible. You can only consider it derogation to describe you as fanatically christian if you acknowledge that fanatical christianity is a bad thing--in which case you create a new problem for yourself.

I notice that he did not reply to an earlier post where I pointed out his feeble attempts to belittle people. He only responds to things that he thinks will make him look all knowing. He considers himself well informed. That he may be, but he is very ill mannered which negatives any knowledge that he may actually have. Knowledgeable people can debate the facts, not find fault with the debater.

Some things never change.

I wasn't debating anything with you, and wouldn't waste my time. I was simply explaining to Steve why christians of your ilk attempt to minimize the significance of the old testament--when we all know that it is basic to your credo. You are, however, so eager to belittle me, that you peddle lies, just as you have accused me of doing. I was debating nothing with you.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 12:38 pm
Lies? Mr. Setanta, you have YET TO ADDRESS THESE LIES!

You have said I WOULD STEAL AND KILL FOR JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please either retract these lies or back them up. I can forgive you very easily if you apologize and retract them. I can even forgive you if you won't retract them. But, I believe that you have said many times someone should back up their assertions.

So, does that only mean other people have to do it but you are exempt?
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 12:41 pm

Snood Wrote:

[quote]What some of them rail against is the destructive effects that organized religion has had on society. Although an argument can be made that there has been good done by organized religion as well, that talking point of theirs cannot be disputed.[/quote]


No problem with that. It would just be nice to have a bit of balance coming from those that hold that view is all. The scales seem heavily weighed in favor of the religion = self-destructive statements.
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 12:42 pm
You need to watch your blood pressure, MOAN, you're gonna pop a blood vessel there . . .
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 12:47 pm
Intrepid wrote:
If Setanta spent more time keeping with the topics of the threads and less time finding fault with individual posters, he might be more productive. A look through almost any thread that he posts on will find him throwing barbs at anyone that he does not agree with. Not just those who consider themselves Christians either. Anybody is fair game for Setanta's childish rants. However, he particularly likes to find any fault he can with Christians. His diatribes against Muslims, however, have not gone unnoticed either.

Setanta seems to consider himself the resident expert and the only one whose opinion counts. Anyone who uses the word pathetic so often is very close to the word. When anyone, who has made known that they are a Christian, retorts in any manner whatsoever, Setanta uses his "you call yourself a Christian" card with great amusement. He then proceeds to call it self righteous whining etc. In fact, the whining comes from the other side, but we we do not mention that...until now.

Most people are able to converse in a rational and intelligent manner. Whatever someone's religion or ethnic background is is not an issue. With Setanta it is always an issue. Perhaps someone could explain what "There are literally thousands of christians at this site who get through every day without the spew which typifies your contributions" means. Perhaps Setanta has had a change of heart and does not dislike all Christians. It is now only Momma Angel and me. No problem.

Hopefully, this means that the rest of you, of any religion, can expect to be treated with some respect in the future. Setanta will use Momma Angel and I for his whipping boy. That is ok because I have come to discard much of what Setanta has to say. He just goes on and on like a spoiled child. It is time to grow up and act like an adult, Setanta.

If his goal is to make us leave A2K, then his goal is futile. I, for one, will not let the local bully wear me down.

I hope that the Muslims on this board do not feel that they are alone if they are also treated in this manner. Most of the users are caring people who have better things to do than trash others. They are very nice people.

Nothing has changed my mind since this post.
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 12:49 pm
I am very happy that you are so pleased with your writing. Feel free to post it on every page, so everyone can see how proud you are.
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 12:51 pm
snood wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
Some things never change.

and yet how I wish they would, I think it would be ever so nice in the "civilized" world became civilized and overcame the self-destructive nature of religion.

...and of the self-righteous non-religious...

Don't forget the self-righteous religious...There's lots of that in this world too...

Just a thought...
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 01:27 pm
hephzibah wrote:
snood wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
Some things never change.

and yet how I wish they would, I think it would be ever so nice in the "civilized" world became civilized and overcame the self-destructive nature of religion.

...and of the self-righteous non-religious...

Don't forget the self-righteous religious...There's lots of that in this world too...

Just a thought...

Sure, but I thought that would've been redundant, considering what I was replying to. I thought that was sort of understood. Those that profess no faith seem to have no problem holding forth in their own ways about what is "good" and "bad" - and that fact sort of flies below the radar, IMO.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 01:38 pm

So, uh, this means? You're not going to answer me? You're going to deflect away from your statements? You are going to ignore the fact that I am asking you to back up your assertions, as you say we all must do (not an exact quote)? So, you are in essence, just hoping this will fly right by and no one notices that you are unwilling to put your money where your mouth is? I, at one time, had a great deal of respect for you because you DID seem to stand behind what you asserted. However, that no longer seems to be the case. Not that you care whether I respect you or not. I highly doubt I am the only one that seems you are not only evading the subject.

I have the courage of my convictions to stand up and admit my wrongdoings, Setanta! Why don't you seem to?
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 01:38 pm
Snood wrote:

Sure, but I thought that would've been redundant, considering what I was replying to. I thought that was sort of understood. Those that profess no faith seem to have no problem holding forth in their own ways about what is "good" and "bad" - and that fact sort of flies below the radar, IMO.

Yeah I can see how that could happen. It is just interesting to me to watch people interact with each other. I think if all of us could step outside of ourselves for just a second and take a good look at what we are saying as well as what others are saying, things would probably look a lot different.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 01:41 pm
seems you are not only evading the subject.

Dang it Heph! You're quick. That should read ARE EVADING the subject and not not only evading the subject. Geesh.
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 01:46 pm
LOL sorry about that. 70-80 wpm! whooooooooo! Can't tell I'm on the computer a lot can ya? Razz
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 01:51 pm
Oh, and let me say Hephzibah that I think you deserve a gold-plated award for patience for some of your exchanges on another thread...
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 02:01 pm
Thanks snood. It's really not so much patience as it is wanting to understand the perspective that is in direct opposition to mine. I think that everyone deserves that kind of respect though regardless of if they agree or disagree with my opinion. However... try as I might I still get wound up sometimes and say things I probably shouldn't. I just can't seem to help myself. LOL *shrugs*
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 07:21 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Why does it matter if you are referring to Muslims, Sikhs or anybody else with the word towelhead. It doesn't make it any better using this term with ANYBODY. Hoever, it seems that the term has been used specifically with Muslims on these threads.

If the term isn't a direct insult to a specific group, then, Intrepid, what is wrong with using it?? This is what I don't understand. Who has the right to say what anyone means by the word when they say it??

And, do understand, I am not defending myself--I am trying to get to the bottom of this word in specific and censured terms in general.
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 07:41 pm
nimh wrote:
Lash wrote:
nimh wrote:
Lash wrote:
Muslims haven't cornered the market on large, towel-looking headwear.

That might have been a reasonable argument if the word "towelhead" was indeed ever used to describe other people with towel-like gear on their head as well. As it stands, however, it is a label pretty much exclusively used to describe Muslims, and pejoratively so.

WRONG, as you show yourself with the Wiki definition. You thought you knew what I was thinking when I said it--You were incorrect.
Lots of people in the ME wear that headgear, who aren't Muslim. All Arabs aren't Muslims, and all people wearing towelly headed accutriments aren't even necessarily Arab.

Yup, there's non-Muslim, non-Arab people with towel-like gear on their head as well. But they're not the ones that the word "towelhead" is generally used against.

If a word is mostly used as a pejorative description of a certain, specific group, then that becomes the "load" it carries, even if its literal meaning could hypothetically also apply to other people.

Eg, it'd be hard to argue that "trailer trash" doesnt necessarily imply a putdown against poor, lower-class folks because you know, there's some rich people who own a trailer too (for daytrips or something).

Mind you, I give you this much: "towelhead" doesnt necessarily imply a religious slur (against Muslims), it could also be an ethnic slur (against Arabs/Middle Easterners). Dont think that helps the defence much tho ;-)

(U.S.) anyone who wears a head turban. Derisively applied towards Middle Easterners and Muslims, but rarely applied against people who wear other types of turbans.
(Australia) wearers of religious headdress, particularly Sikhs.

Nimh-- C'mon. You don't get to define that word for other people. You know you're wrong. You brought the evidence.

You are basing a HUGE argument on "pretty much exclusively"...That might have been a reasonable argument if the word "towelhead" was indeed ever used to describe... You are trying to cram your perceptions and feelings into that word. Its a false stretch.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 08:03 pm

I am curious as to why you seem to be ignoring this part of the definition of Towelhead:

(U.S.) anyone who wears a head turban. Derisively applied towards Middle Easterners and Muslims, but rarely applied against people who wear other types of turbans.
(Australia) wearers of religious headdress, particularly Sikhs.

Am I reading this wrong in that it seems to be stating that it rather common knowledge that it is a term at the very least described as derisive?

I am really trying to understand your rationale, Lash so I'm asking you directly and honestly because I'm confused.
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 08:48 pm
If there is anyone who'd like to address this portion of the definition:

"Derisively applied towards Middle Easterners and Muslims, but rarely applied against people who wear other types of turbans."

I'll gladly answer you. However, I'm sure most of you can see what my answer is by reading it.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 09:03 pm

I honestly am confused. I am not trying to start anything with you. I am obviously reading this statement differently than you are and I am asking you where I am differing from you.

If anyone could explain it to me I would greatly appreciate it. Lash obviously believes she is not being offensive with this word and if she really believes that then I need to try to understand, as I feel this way about something else and I know how it feels for someone not to understand my view.

It doesn't mean I will agree with her or not agree with her, but at least I can understand where she's coming from.

Help? Anyone?
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