Stuffed legs tip -- (I'm in the process of making a doll for sozlet):
Instead of just stuffing the pantyhose like you would a pillow -- grab a handful, shove it in, grab another -- wrap it up like a um yule log. It might be trickier because of how big it'll have to be (the doll is only 18 inches tall, and I only did this for the head), but I was impressed by the non-lumpiness of this technique.
Basically you'd start with a long thin tube of stuffing, ideally probably starting with the length of a foot. Then tear off flat pieces of stuffing and wrap it around until it's the right width, pulling hard. You can also bind it with string to get the right shape.
Probably 4 sections total -- foot, shin, knee (round ball), and thigh (hardest).
Also, maybe get a kid's size or an extra small so you can go ahead and stuff it to capacity.
Might be easier if you cut out the shape in cardboard first and then filled it out with stuffing.
Hmm, the challenges of a dissertation are nothing next to figuring out how to make a life-like panty-hosed leg.
OH! I just saw a mannequin for sale on craigslist the other day -- now THAT would be easy...
Checked Boston, this might be promising: