okie wrote:anton wrote:
I am certainly not judging an entire country; I believe this evil was perpetrated at the behest of an out of control administration
ordinary decent American citizens are no different from the decent citizens of other societies. I know American's and I also know the many condemn this evil, sanctioned by the Bush administration, but I really do not believe they are being told the truth about the excesses of their government.
Prisoner abuse was never sanctioned by the Bush administration. In fact, the abuse was already being investigated by the military by the time it surfaced in the news, and the Bush administration was already setting in motion the fixing of the problem. The abuse involved a few out of control military personnel during a wartime situation. It was never sanctioned by Bush.
Nothing can be written that would excuse the barbarism of torture or torture resulting in death
nothing will change the fact that it is Torture, a practice that had been totally eradicated from psyche of Western civilization through the nineteenth century to the date the US Administration reintroduced it.
The US Government admits to the practice of "Extraordinary Rendition", the cowardly act of sending perceived enemies to foreign countries to be tortured, the reasoning behind this practice is to hide the fact that they are using torture.
If you use torture you are setting a precedence that tells your enemies they can use torture on US prisoners and we certainly do not want that!
On 24 February 06 the organization,
Human Rights First released a
Comprehensive Report on Detainee Deaths in U.S. Custody. This body is made up of United States Lawyers who are attempting to bring to justice all those guilty of authorizing or carrying out acts of Homicide and Torture; this report has been released around the world including the United States
I think you should read it, after all it is being alleged that this vile practice is being carried out at the behest of your government.
As an outsider I can tell you that this administration as done more to dishonor the reputation of your once respected nation than any previous United States Government and that is not good
it certainly saddens me!