24 hour insomnia can be an indicator that menopause is starting. I remember my mother doing what she called "24 hour wide awakes". She would still be up and doing things happily at 4am and not sleep until the next night. She said her mind was in full swing and it was like an adrenalin rush. She was in her early 50's.
I also think the idea that we need to sleep 7-8 hours all at once is a very modern idea. Margaret Meade wrote about tribal groups that slept at times during the day and were awake during the night without a real "bedtime". Humans started this early to bed, early to rise once they started to live by agricultural and business clocks.
Enjoy the extra time.
» Forum Index » Been Up for OVER 24 Hours - Can't Sleep
Green Witch & Momma Angel, it was not a physical situation which had my adrenalin charging, but as I mentioned, certain thoughts on some things I was having to work out in my mind.
On the other hand, although there are still a few situations I'm presently dealing with of a physical nature (as most people do), they are nevertheless, nothing that can't be fixed, which I'm in the process at this time of overcoming, at this time. I promise you, it is not a menopause.
Contrary to accepted, conventional belief, the power of the mind has control over the body and one's life experiences. I refuse to see myself or anyone else, for that matter, bound to misery of any kind.
Even though I don't ignore reality, I'm still a possibility thinker, the latter having authority to transmute the former. In other words, I don't think along the lines of what are considered average expectations of the human condition. This isn't to say that one can control the destiny of another, by any means. No, you don't have to ever worry about that, because you can't be made to do something that goes against your basic morals or heart. We all have free will, in this respect.
There is still much to learn, practice, and develop. They say the last frontier of exploration is the power of partnered mind and spirit. I say, it's the greatest.
Thank you so much for caring. You've touched my heart.
P. S. - I wasn't up for 24 hours, but 40 hours, total.
Been Up for OVER 24 Hours - Can't Sleep
Momma Angel wrote:40 hours!
Oh girl, I sincerely hope that you are right this minute curled up in a nice warm bed and dreaming some wonderful things. You must be exhausted!
Sweet dreams and let us know how you are doing when you wake up.

MA, I think you missed this:
(one of my previous posts)
Been Up for OVER 24 Hours - Can't Sleep
Momma Angel wrote:Well
, now I feel better! I'm so glad you got some rest!
Thank you.
Oh, and you do have a point about those storybook audios. The one's I've heard are so droning and monotonous, it wouldn't surprise me that you could use them for a "sleeping pill"!
Well, you need to listen to the ones that have the good readers. If you tell me what kind of books you like to read I can point you to the best readers. Anything George Guidall or Richard Ferrone reads are awesome!
Start with reading the driest book you can find, have sex for one hour, then close your eyes. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz