Liberalism is Not Conducive to Happiness

Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 11:38 pm
Dont Tread on Me, I apologize if I offended you. You said that folks in Tennessee shouldn't care as much or know as much about terrorism because they live in an area of lesser risk. I simply make the point that it shouldn't matter where we live; we should all care and be aware of the risks, and I think we are, contrary to what I took your statement to mean.

I admit I think the movie industry sort of lives in the make believe and the imaginary world. Thats what movies are, somebody's imagination of the real or imaginary. Most people would agree that Hollywood has made a name for itself in regard to furthering sort of a utopian view of the world that war is unnecessary, and just perhaps we could all live in perfect harmony if we only would, so lets just quit making weapons, and make love instead of war. I happen to think that is tremendously naive, and if tried, we would be subject to the worst kind of tyranny. History has proven this over and over again. I thus conclude that some people do not face reality and live in a state of denial.

So it seems to me the "Hollywood Leftists" have earned their reputation fair and square. It does not mean other people hate or dislike them, we simply disagree very strongly with what you apparently believe. I think you are wrong on some of these issues and am expressing my opinion. You can call me a hayseed if you want, I'll call you a Hollywood leftist, is that fair. You can continue as you've done already, insinuate that alot of us out here are ignorant, stupid, and whatever else.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 07:09 am
okie wrote:
I thus conclude that some people do not face reality and live in a state of denial.

And that ,of course, would be everyone who disagrees with your Bush Cultist distorted views.

Like the trailer park mentality that people who create art are living in an imaginary world.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 07:30 am
such happy people the liberals are. I think I am going to start culling posts from here and there as demonstrations of how happy and loving our A2K liberals are. This one caught my eye and I thought it quite defining of the poster.

Anon-Voter wrote:
We should take the people like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and the whole bloody bunch of them and start peeling the skin off these f*ckers. I mean it, there isn't anything evil enough that can be done to them for doing this to the American people ...the bastards!!


Please feel free to share your quotes from liberals around the board demonstrating what happy people they are...

I am sure the happy left will cry foul and plaster this thread with quotes from various conservatives demonstrating whatever it is they wish, but in doing so, they will only be proving Will's hypothesis correct.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 08:12 am
Of course, you prove nothing, anger over perceived wrongdoings of the Bush Crime Family does not equate to happiness or unhappiness.

I shed a tear every week when the number of dead soldiers is announced on This Week. That doesn't make me an unhappy person. It makes me a human being with NORMAL human compassion, something that the narcissistic Bush Cultists lack.

You guys know that you suffer from a deep emotional void that does not permit you to be a complete human being. You constantly and feebly attempt to project your deep dissatisfaction with the way you are to us.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 11:34 am
Roxxxanne, what is this quote about:
"Well I hate America Louis. I hate this country. It's just big ideas and stories and people dying, and people like you. The white cracker who wrote the national anthem knew what he was doing. He set the word free to a note so high nobody can reach it."

Why do you show it? Is it a statement of your philosophy or what?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 12:10 pm
okie wrote:

Why do you show it? Is it a statement of your philosophy or what?

I suppose, some have interests in others than conservatism, others don't:

Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes is a play in two parts by American playwright Tony Kushner. It has been made into a television miniseries and an opera. The play is written for eight actors to perform, with all of them playing two or more roles.
source: Wikipedia

And since it got the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, it's even part of 'culture' - a common foreign word for some.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 12:18 pm
okie wrote:

By the way, if Clinton thought OBL was the biggest threat, how come he didn't accept his capture when Sudan offered him up, as Clinton indicated happened?


Fairy tales from the right. Go read the 9/11 report. No such thing occurred. Newsmax is riddled with lies like that, left there for poor hapless fools to accept as fact.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 12:26 pm
McGentrix wrote:
such happy people the liberals are. I think I am going to start culling posts from here and there as demonstrations of how happy and loving our A2K liberals are. This one caught my eye and I thought it quite defining of the poster.

Anon-Voter wrote:
We should take the people like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and the whole bloody bunch of them and start peeling the skin off these f*ckers. I mean it, there isn't anything evil enough that can be done to them for doing this to the American people ...the bastards!!


Please feel free to share your quotes from liberals around the board demonstrating what happy people they are...

I am sure the happy left will cry foul and plaster this thread with quotes from various conservatives demonstrating whatever it is they wish, but in doing so, they will only be proving Will's hypothesis correct.

yes... the unhappy liberals make hateful statements about pulling the skin off scoundrels... the conservatives on the other hand by deed and by support of deeds, drop bombs on civilians, children in hospitals, schoolyards, any old place really, pass laws to take away benefits from those who desperately need them, place profit and profiteering above the people they were elected to serve and manage to keep their sunny dispositions . You guys really are an admirable bunch.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 12:28 pm
parados wrote:
okie wrote:

By the way, if Clinton thought OBL was the biggest threat, how come he didn't accept his capture when Sudan offered him up, as Clinton indicated happened?


Fairy tales from the right. Go read the 9/11 report. No such thing occurred. Newsmax is riddled with lies like that, left there for poor hapless fools to accept as fact.

Denial doesn't make the truth go away.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 12:28 pm
okie wrote:
From what some of you have said, apparently some of you only are concerned whether you personally are in danger, but some of us care when we watch New Yorkers die needlessly or Californians, or wherever it might be next. You are correct, many of us do not live in what we would consider high risk areas, but is it every man for himself now according to some of you?

It's every man for himself according to the GOP congressional delegations that have packed tons of pork into Homeland Security for items that will never be required in Montana, Wyoming and other places that are at low risks of terrorism..
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 12:43 pm
McGentrix wrote:
parados wrote:
okie wrote:

By the way, if Clinton thought OBL was the biggest threat, how come he didn't accept his capture when Sudan offered him up, as Clinton indicated happened?


Fairy tales from the right. Go read the 9/11 report. No such thing occurred. Newsmax is riddled with lies like that, left there for poor hapless fools to accept as fact.

Denial doesn't make the truth go away.

Reposting old lies don't make them true, McG.

Date of your editorial that never investigated but only used published sources.. 17 April, 2002

Date of 9/11 report that investigated, actually questioned the people involved and found no offer to Clinton by Sudan.. July 22, 2004.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 12:45 pm
parados wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
parados wrote:
okie wrote:

By the way, if Clinton thought OBL was the biggest threat, how come he didn't accept his capture when Sudan offered him up, as Clinton indicated happened?


Fairy tales from the right. Go read the 9/11 report. No such thing occurred. Newsmax is riddled with lies like that, left there for poor hapless fools to accept as fact.

Denial doesn't make the truth go away.

Reposting old lies don't make them true, McG.

Date of your editorial that never investigated but only used published sources.. 17 April, 2002

Date of 9/11 report that investigated, actually questioned the people involved and found no offer to Clinton by Sudan.. July 22, 2004.

My source is better than yours. Show me where the 9/11 report stated your assertion.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 12:50 pm
Former Sudanese officials claim that Sudan offered to expel Bin Ladin to the United States. Clinton administration officials deny ever receiving such an offer. We have not found any reliable evidence to support the Sudanese claim.4
Sudan did offer to expel Bin Ladin to Saudi Arabia and asked the Saudis to pardon him. U.S. officials became aware of these secret discussions, certainly by March 1996. The evidence suggests that the Saudi government wanted Bin Ladin expelled from Sudan, but would not agree to pardon him. The Saudis did not want Bin Ladin back in their country at all.


A little sunlight for the murky beliefs of the conservatives...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 12:56 pm
I recall Clinton himself said OBL was offered, or some such words. He claimed the U.S. had no grounds to hold him or something so he called the Saudis in an effort to convince them to take him. Can you believe Clinton? You tell us. Maybe its another "Clinton fairytale?" Listen to Hannity and he will play the Clinton tape for you.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 01:08 pm
okie wrote:
I recall Clinton himself said OBL was offered, or some such words. He claimed the U.S. had no grounds to hold him or something so he called the Saudis in an effort to convince them to take him. Can you believe Clinton? You tell us. Maybe its another "Clinton fairytale?" Listen to Hannity and he will play the Clinton tape for you.

Hannity repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie and repeats the lie................................

There are many places on the web that point to the error in Hannity's claim. Hannity claims something that when you actually listen to the tape is never said. Here's one

Clinton says almost exactly what the 9/11 commission says.

CLINTON: So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [Al Qaeda]. We got -- well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we'd been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. So I pleaded with the Saudis to take him, 'cause they could have. But they thought it was a hot potato and they didn't and that's how he wound up in Afghanistan.

See the 9/11 staff report excerpt above to compare.

Sudan offered to send Bin Laden to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis refused to take him. Clinton claims to have pleaded with them to take him.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 01:22 pm
okie wrote:
Dont Tread on Me, I apologize if I offended you.

accepted. but we'll get into the whys farther down the road.

okie wrote:
You said that folks in Tennessee shouldn't care as much or know as much about terrorism because they live in an area of lesser risk. I simply make the point that it shouldn't matter where we live; we should all care and be aware of the risks, and I think we are, contrary to what I took your statement to mean.

again, you've misquoted me. here is what i did say...

[quote="DontTreadOnMe"]jeez, tell me about it. downtown l.a. is over the hill and about 3 miles from my house as the crow flys. hollywood is about 5 miles to the west through the los feliz pass. not to mention that it's far more likely that the entire west coast could be on the receiving end of a big, nukey love kiss from l'il kim than most anywhere else in the u.s.

but somehow, my folks in east tennessee seem to think that they have the real grasp on terrorism.[/quote]

where in that quote do i say that you should not care or know anything?

okie wrote:
I admit I think the movie industry sort of lives in the make believe and the imaginary world. Thats what movies are, somebody's imagination of the real or imaginary. Most people would agree that Hollywood has made a name for itself in regard to furthering sort of a utopian view of the world that war is unnecessary,

of course movies, in general, are make believe. it's called storytelling. which is why i'm baffled by the dislike that some are always trying to foster against the entertainment industry.

"war is unnecessary" ? that's news to me. Private Ryan ? Band of Brothers ? Air Force One ? Munich ? The Green Berets? Under Seige ? The Lord of The Rings ? Harry Potter ? Narnia ?

war is not always necessary. but sometimes it is. that sure as hell doesn't mean that anyone should think it's a good thing or something that you should want to happen.

okie wrote:
and just perhaps we could all live in perfect harmony....I thus conclude that some people do not face reality and live in a state of denial.

i think you have hollywood confused with the bible, dude...

and i guess the only people you think live in denial are "lefties" ?

okie wrote:
So it seems to me the "Hollywood Leftists" have earned their reputation fair and square.

only if you believe that everyone in hollywood and nyc is a raging liberal and conversely that everyone in middle america is a "dumb redneck". for myself, i know better on all counts.

okie wrote:
You can call me a hayseed if you want,

to do so, i'd have to call myself, my family and a lot of people that i care about that name. or even worse, hillbilly. i grew up mostly in kentucky, but also spent a couple of years in ohio and indiana. my family now lives in east tennessee in a town the size of a postage stamp. i've also lived as an adult in new york city and tucson, arizona.
i'd have to say that i have a fairly good grip on how people in middle america are.

see, here's what a lot of people don't get. the vast majority of people that work in the movie, television and music industry are from someplace other than california. just like me. we come here because this is where the business is. and if you do stage arts, you go to new york.

okie wrote:
I'll call you a Hollywood leftist, is that fair. You can continue as you've done already, insinuate that alot of us out here are ignorant, stupid, and whatever else.

no, it's not fair. it's the same old crap. i wonder if you've ever been to "hollywood" or met a "hollywood lefty" ?

and i did not insinuate that you or anybody else was stupid. what i did say is that my family in east tennessee think that they, in the relative safety of their middle of no where town think that we, who live in l.a., an area that is ripe for terrorist mayhem, are absolutely clueless about what the threat of terrorism really means.

in fact, angelenos face the threat of terrorism every single day. what the hell do you think a drive by shooting is ?

so if it bothers some people that most of us here think securing the ports and the borders against people that would love to blow our **** up is higher up the priority list than screwing around in iraq, guess that's just too damn bad, as the saying goes.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 01:26 pm
parados wrote:
Sudan offered to send Bin Laden to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis refused to take him. Clinton claims to have pleaded with them to take him.

and tom keon, the REPUBLICAN chairman of the 9/11 commission reconfirmed all of this a few days ago on hannity & colmes. much to the visable irritation of ol' honest sean.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 01:28 pm
It's remarkable what administrations can't remember isn't it?

But, if you are willing to allow the 9/11 commission report to be the final word, then so am I.
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 01:51 pm
McGentrix wrote:
It's remarkable what administrations can't remember isn't it?

But, if you are willing to allow the 9/11 commission report to be the final word, then so am I.

i certainly take the commission more seriously than the murderous thugs in the sudan government. you should too.

and btw, wasn't it reagan who used to keep saying "i don't recall" during the iran-contra hearings ?
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 02:57 pm
Frankly, I think the title is wrong. It should read Debating politics is not conducive to happiness, because I don't see either side being very happy right about now.
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