I wouldn't call slappys behavior gentlemanly. And, in this instance, although it doesn't appear he deliberately was trying to hurt her, he was neglectful, which is the backdoor entry to being deliberate. No, slappy is not a permanent cad, but in this case he was a cad.
My criteria:
She liked me, I didn't like her. I was going to her party to be nice. I wasn't nice but had no obligation to her (I didn't show up with her).
I wasn't even driving MYSELF home that night...I was in rough shape. And again, there was no "uncomfortable memory" for girl#1, because she didn't have a clue(I'm not saying that's justification, but...). So I still made sure she got home okay, and...nevermind, I'm done, I officially suck. I just have good time.
So, El Sucko, (hmm), what's the current state of affairs? How was your weekend?
Thanks for asking....my weekend was pretty fun. Affairs are good.
Hope your weekend was good time as well.
It was. Totally, totally PG-rated (no, G-rated. No, Y-rated) but fun.
Have you thought about trying out for a trashy reality series? You seem like a natural.
Hey, I'm still usually considered a "nice guy."
But you're right...I'd be a natural on a reality series.
Well you could be the nice guy on the reality series. You know, the one that starts out all innocent and is then debauched. That'd be fun. Right?
That would be a damn blast...
Being the "nice guy" gets you pretty far...riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Uncomfortable memory meaning: Having been so trashed... I'm sure she is unaware of your philandering. Although, you'd better hope dead rodents don't start showinng up on your doorstep and nasty things don't start happening to you now. she could be secretly in love with you and at this very moment she is plotting...
Dude, you are missing the golden opportunity to get both girls in the same room to discuss the events that have transpired. Have a sit down, provide lots of alcohol (since one obviously has a problem with it), dim lighting and Sinatra and hopefully a "spontaneous" three way will emerge from it.
And, no, I'm not stalking you, just noticed your name in here and had to add my two cents.
And, yes, you are most definitely a scum bag. No offense.
First off, get rid of that gay-ass picture before I smack you three time.
And that three way thing...you may not be that far off, my friend. Drunk girl has mentioned her curiosity concerning other naked females.
What's wrong with my high school graduation picture? Man, not only are you a scumbag, you're cruel, too.
Heyyy, what's this?
I thought you were a nice guy who liked "hugs"
But I have good time, no?
As a matter of principle, I did think we had banished that offensive bug-eyed baby avatar...
I believe it is Rosemary's baby - it has its father's eyes....
Somebody throw some Holy Water on that beach bum!
Maybe some Cuervo.
I was the first baby. (I believe.) Do I have to do some kind of penance?