CalamityJane wrote:Eva, I always take it in the morning, as I think it is most
effective then. Taken at night, it can lead to insomnia.
I don't follow the suggestions for brussel sprouts (yikes)
and cabages either, I do buy iodized sea salt though.
Insomnia? Hmm. I hadn't heard that. The only times I can't sleep are when I'm wound up about something (usually deadlines) and that's fairly rare. My doctor told me it didn't really matter when I took it as long as I was consistent...not morning one day, afternoon the next, y'know...try to space it about 24 hrs. apart but you don't have to watch the clock.
Iodized salt is probably a good idea for you and others needing supplemental thyroid hormone, CJ. However, thyroid tissue is the only thing in the body that can take up iodine, and since I haven't a single thyroid cell left, iodine is completely useless for me. But THANK YOU for reminding me about the calcium. I always forget that.